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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: I have to thank Fetzervalve. Yup, that sort of thing happens a lot around here. Now, go find Johnnyboy's covers ([email protected]) and order yourself some jammies for your new cooker. They're amaaazing. You can see pictures of them here on the boards, if you do a search.
  2. Re: That would be me. Oh my! I hate you (in a good way)!! But you have faaaabulous taste. That was my choice, too. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy "my" cooker!
  3. Yup, it happened! You didn't imagine it. Welcome to the new bundle of joy!
  4. Dub, I like your post. It's properly emotated. Can't say I'll roast jalepenos, but I like lookin at the pictures.
  5. In the interest of overkill.... ACACIA - these trees are in the same family as mesquite. When burned in a smoker, acacia has a flavor similar to mesquite but not quite as heavy. A very hot burning wood. ALDER - Very delicate with a hint of sweetness. Good with fish, pork, poultry, and light-meat game birds. ALMOND - A sweet smoke flavor, light ash. Good with all meats. APPLE - Very mild with a subtle fruity flavor, slightly sweet. Good with poultry (turns skin dark brown) and pork. ASH - Fast burner, light but distinctive flavor. Good with fish and red meats. BIRCH - Medium-hard wood with a flavor similar to maple. Good with pork and poultry. CHERRY - Mild and fruity. Good with poultry, pork and beef. Some List members say the cherry wood is the best wood for smoking. Wood from chokecherry trees may produce a bitter flavor. COTTONWOOD - It is a softer wood than alder and very subtle in flavor. Use it for fuel but use some chunks of other woods (hickory, oak, pecan) for more flavor. Don't use green cottonwood for smoking. CRABAPPLE - Similar to apple wood. GRAPEVINES - Tart. Provides a lot of smoke. Rich and fruity. Good with poultry, red meats, game and lamb. HICKORY - Most commonly used wood for smoking--the King of smoking woods. Sweet to strong, heavy bacon flavor. Good with pork, ham and beef. LILAC - Very light, subtle with a hint of floral. Good with seafood and lamb. MAPLE - Smoky, mellow and slightly sweet. Good with pork, poultry, cheese, and small game birds. MESQUITE - Strong earthy flavor. Good with beef, fish, chicken, and game. One of the hottest burning. MULBERRY - The smell is sweet and reminds one of apple. OAK - Heavy smoke flavor--the Queen of smoking wood. RED OAK is good on ribs, WHITE OAK makes the best coals for longer burning. All oak varieties reported as suitable for smoking. Good with red meat, pork, fish and heavy game. ORANGE, LEMON and GRAPEFRUIT - Produces a nice mild smoky flavor. Excellent with beef, pork, fish and poultry. PEAR - A nice subtle smoke flavor. Much like apple. Excellent with chicken and pork. PECAN - Sweet and mild with a flavor similar to hickory. Tasty with a subtle character. Good with poultry, beef, pork and cheese. Pecan is an all-around superior smoking wood. SWEET FRUIT WOODS - APRICOT, PLUM, PEACH, NECTARINE - Great on most white or pink meats, including chicken, turkey, pork and fish. The flavor is milder and sweeter than hickory. WALNUT - ENGLISH and BLACK - Very heavy smoke flavor, usually mixed with lighter woods like almond, pear or apple. Can be bitter if used alone. Good with red meats and game. BBQ List members report that wood from the following trees is suitable for smoking: BAY, CARROTWOOD, KIAWE, MADRONE, MANZANITA, GUAVA and OLIVE. The ornamental varieties of fruit trees (i. e. pear and cherry) are also suitable for smoking. Other Internet sources list the wood from the following trees as suitable for smoking: BEECH, BUTTERNUT, FIG, GUM, CHESTNUT, HACKBERRY, PIMIENTO, PERSIMMON, and WILLOW.
  6. from the vast internet wasteland... (YMMV) (this is from http://www.askthemeatman.com) 1. Alder's natural sweetness is especially suited with pork. 2. Apple's natural sweetness is good for any type of meat. It's great in combination with other woods. 3. Cherry is especially good with beef and pork. It has a tendency to turn meat a rich mahogany color. It's best to balance Cherry wood with Hickory, Alder, Oak or Pecan. 4. Hickory is the all-time favorite of many Midwest and southern state barbecue cooking teams. Too much hickory smoke can turn meat bitter. 5. Maple is quite similar to Alder wood. Maple is sweet and also darkens the color of meat. Balance it with Alder, Apple or Oak. Sugar Maple wood is the sweetest. 6. Some say to use only Honey Mesquite wood. The Wesatch variety of Mesquite "pops" embers. Mesquite is oily in nature, so it burns hot and fast. 7. Oak. Red Oak is the best variety for smoking. 8. Pear, Peach and Plum. These woods require a certain level of expertise in their use. Peach and Plum woods tend to lose their flavor shortly after being cut. For the best results, make sure you the fruit bearing kind of Plum. 9. Pecan is a member of the hickory family, and becoming more popular for smoking. This is a pungent wood, which should be used sparingly. 10. Dogwood is quite similar to Oak in its smoke flavor. 11. Grapevine cuttings add a nice flavor to fish, poultry and beef. You could achieve the same effect by soaking wood chips in an inexpensive wine before throwing the wood on the coals. 12. Herb woods, such as Basil, Thyme and Rosemary are usually used in combination with other woods. A good combination would be Alder with Basil, and Maple with Rosemary http://www.smokinlicious.com says that he/she won a grand championship using wild cherry to smoke chicken and ribs. Guess it's ok to use, unless he or she won by killing the competition (and judges).
  7. smoooch, Trish! You count. Just your delivery time will skew the curve. Or I thought it would. Turns out, only a little!
  8. Sanny

    Lamb Kabobs

    Yup, emotionally scarred for life...
  9. There you go. Voice of experience. Next we need to hear from someone who ordered from the factory (not on the water). (Trish doesn't count, because she ordered custom spectaculous tile, and that took longer.)
  10. oooh, someone bought my favorite one - the blue mixture. Sigh. I guess Dennis will have to make me another one someday. Whoever it is must have exquisite taste!
  11. Depends if you order from stock (some on each coast) or from Indonesia. If from USA stock, it's a matter of days. If from the factory, then it takes a bit longer. Did you look at the inventory here in USA? http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1158 Also, take a look at what's on the water coming into USA. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1869&highlight=
  12. Sanny

    Lamb Kabobs

    Re: She asked for it... Yup, even ogres are pushovers for little daughter kids. It's a curse. I was bad once when I was little, and my daddy had to give me a spanking. We both cried.
  13. Sanny

    Lamb Kabobs

    EEK!!! Tentacles!! She's going to become a Squid Kid! Her fingers will grow long and suctiony! And she'll start squirting ink when she gets ticked off!! They look pretty good though, in a squidly sort of way. Dad used to do squid on the stove when I was a kid. Can't say that it ever became a fave. But the chewy rubberband things in lots of breading, and marinara! Those are ok! Of course, they chef could be using real rubber bands, for all I know. What with all the breading, who's to say? (cute little Peruvian People dress on the Squid Kid! )
  14. Wow, Saucy! That's a purty crate! Could almost leave it just like that and enjoy it, huh? Maybe don't uncrate it, and just admire it for a while.
  15. Sanny

    First Butts

    How many people did you have there to eat two butts? Obviously, a group with exquisite taste.
  16. It also stands for Olways Biting Tongue...
  17. Only the best On the barbie Off to bed On to beyond Oval topped bbq Oh! Too beautiful!
  18. The deep teal/green one behind and to the left of the dark terra with charcoal grout is a lovely color! Very pretty! You tickled my heartstrings with that new blue mix though. Sigh. drool...
  19. Sanny


    Curly, you are one handsome fella. And a beautiful family, besides. Well, most of a family - 3 cats are missing! Maybe more, for all I know... :kitty: Did The Lovely Mrs. Curly like the Kioti? Or is she still holdin out for somethin sparkly?
  20. Yah, break a tooth on one of those and THEN see how happy you are! lol OUCH!
  21. Ooooh! It's like they can read your MIND! (or, at least your posts )
  22. Take it out, and put chocolate chips in the cake instead. Works great!
  23. Violated canine It's easy to let the temp get away, Bobkat. Show of hands... who's done it? Yup. There was The Recent Incident, of course (hairs missing, etc.). But there was also the "WTF?" incident. That was an effort to do just what you were trying to do - get the temp up hot and hold. But elves must have gotten in and done evil. One minute it was 400, 5 mins later I came out to a blasting 700+ temp. HUH? I didn't peg the thermometer, the way you did (I caught it in time and shut every possible air source). It happens. Live and learn. Now you know that a little air flow will do just fine. If your thermometer is twinked, the BGE supply places probably have one that will do fine.
  24. And those who were previously NOT diabetic became so just on reading the recipe.
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