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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Per their website: Ingredients: maple sugar, sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, salt, black pepper. When the first 2 ingredients are sugar - yeah, it's gonna be sweet!
  2. You're welcome. They've only been on the open market for a short time. They were over 2 years in development on Kickstarter/IndieGoGo.
  3. I know that it's too late for you Bruce, but for others that want to try Dizzy Pig rubs, they do sell sampler packs! https://dizzypigbbq.com/product/complete-sampler/ I just checked the Works line up - good news is that you get the IPA rub - quickly becoming one of my favs from them!
  4. Dah-ham! And I thought that I had a spice/rub addiction!!
  5. Which is??? Coq au vin, Cassoulet, Bouillabaisse, Pot au Feu, Boeuf Bourguignon??
  6. I've done these several times and they are outstanding, if you can't score any locally. http://www.dartagnan.com/veal-milanese-chops/product/FVEFR002-1.html?cgid=veal&dwvar_FVEFR002-1_freshFrozenWeight=fresh-FVEFR002#start=2 Looks like they do tomahawks, too. http://www.dartagnan.com/veal-long-bone-rib-chops/product/VEAABF021-1.html?cgid=veal&dwvar_VEAABF021-1_freshFrozenWeight=fresh-VEAABF021#start=5
  7. Welcome to the Obsession! You're in good company! Can't wait to see the great reveal and those all important pics of the virgin cook!
  8. As others have attested, the MEATER works well and is the only way to constantly monitor a rotisserie cook, which is why I jumped on it as a Kickstarter (crowd funding). I have intermittent problems with the signal dropping out, but it kicks back in right away without any significant loss of data. Worst case of this was actually cooking a prime rib roast for Christmas dinner at my SIL's house in her regular oven. It just struggled to stay connected and my phone was only 6 ft away. I've never had that bad of a problem with using it in the KK. Go figure?? They've had several setbacks in getting the Block version into production, but hopefully they have most of those sorted out and will be beta testing shortly and going into actual production this summer.
  9. NOPE. I would have been disappointed in you Bruce, if you hadn't gone in whole hog!!
  10. He's got it all figured out - gets the girl, gets to eat FIL's tasty food, and one day gets the KK, too! WINNER!
  11. Yeah, given them a second try and if you still aren't happy, go to CostCo. I just scored 2 more packs of rib caps. They are already trimmed and tied up. And, at $17/lb, a better deal than you got by far!
  12. tony b

    23 or 21

    Used to be a standard in most Pale Ales and IPAs (note: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - a classic!), but with the advent of all the new wacky strains coming from New Zealand and elsewhere, they've kinda gotten shoved to the back of the shelf in recent years. Cascade does well here. I tried growing Willamette, too, but they died after the 2nd winter and I didn't try again. We actually have a startup hop farm about 30 miles from here. They are growing a decent variety - a dozen or so.
  13. Never heard of them, but if Amazing Ribs (Meathead) gives them a Gold Medal, then it must be good stuff. I was a bit shocked at the price, given that the blower and connection are "add ons" to the basic controller. I have a Guru Digi-Q-II that I've owned for almost a decade. Also have the MEATER wireless probe and a couple of standard dual-probe Mavericks.
  14. @ckreef - AWESOME!! I know all kinds of sick pies will be coming out of that baby as soon as it's broken in!! Add this one to your arsenal, tekobo: https://www.cooksillustrated.com/articles/614-one-hour-pizza?incode=MCSCD00L0&ref=new_search_experience_2
  15. With any luck @sfdrew28, you'll outgrow them, as I did. I haven't had one in many, many years.
  16. @Aussie Ora - guess will still be sending them to you from the States for the foreseeable future. @alimac23 - big fan of the Dizzy Pig line. Dizzy Dust is one of my staples. But all their stuff is very good. I've tried almost all of them. Oakridge BBQ and Lanes BBQ both make good stuff, too. Plowboys Yardbird is my standard for chicken.
  17. tony b

    23 or 21

    @TomC - at least you could use a CC. Back in the day, we had to pay with direct money transfers, which meant actually going down to the main branch of the bank to sign paperwork that confirmed I REALLY DID WANT TO SEND THIS MONEY OVERSEAS! @Paul Those are Cascade hops. That plant is going on about 8 years now. I harvest about 2 lbs of dried cones every year and just give away the rest as I struggle to use them up. @amusedtodeath Those are actually lamb ribs in that shot. They are called Denver ribs and are from the belly side of the lamb.
  18. tony b

    23 or 21

    Part of my intro into Kamado style cooking (back on the old POSK forum), was ABTs and the Baconator (aka Fatty). I was hooked and never looked back. Two styles of ABTs - vertical (core out the pepper from the top and leave whole) and horizontal (boat - cut in half lenghtwise and seed. Each has their place depending the filling you're using. The down side of vertical is that you need the special rack to hold them upright.
  19. Listening to the wind howl all morning makes me think that we're still at the end of March and it's trying to go out like a lion!
  20. What did you cook it on? I can tell from the glimpse of the grates and your talking about "felt line," that it's not a KK. The nice thing about pizza cooks on the KK, is that you can put the stone on the upper grate, closer to the top walls, so the top of the pizza cooks along with the crust bottom on the stone.
  21. My dogs try to catch flies in mid-air, but rarely succeed. But, it's funny as hell watching them leap about and snap at them!
  22. tony b

    23 or 21

    Fortunately, when I pulled the trigger, there were only 2 sizes of KK - the OTB 23" and the baby one (19.5"), or I'd have been in the same dilemma as you folks. Like others have said, get the biggest size that will fit your budget. But, don't dally too long making the decision, as you will be wasting precious cooking time otherwise!
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