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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. I'm on my PC, so at the top of the box where you type your messages, you'll see a menu bar for things like changing the font style (Bold, Italics, etc.) One of the buttons has a smiley face emoji on it. You hit that and it opens the menu with the emojis. You'll see a short list of them. But, there's a "Categories" down arrow in the top right corner. Hit the down arrow to open the entire collection. Others will have to guide you if you're using TapaTalk on your smart phone, as I don't post here that way.
  2. Their jerk seasoning isn't as hot as what I use, but it does have some kick. Do a taste test out of the jar before seasoning any proteins with it to see how it rates on your personal "spicy" scale. My scale is much higher than most folks, so just sayin'. More "heads up" if you don't like hot/spicy - both IPA and Swamp Venom definitely have a kick. I've only used the Peruvian-ish once, but it's supposed to have aji pepper in it, so it might be a tad hot, too. The Bayou-ish has a great Cajun flavor - spicy, but not necessarily hot. Makes a nice blackened pork chop or chicken breast! And, the Bombay is straight up curry. Good on lots of proteins, especially lamb and shrimp.
  3. Congrats on both decisions - the wife and the KK! Now, go off and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!
  4. Excellent! Can't wait to see those ribs on the grill!!
  5. You faked me out at first with that sliced shot, MacKenzie! I thought that you had some glutinous blobs in the bread and it had turned out as a disaster. Closer inspection revealed you'd buttered it already for snaking!
  6. And it works for me, too. Not a valid excuse Bruce, get out there and show us your stuff!! And for all things pork, you can't go wrong with Dizzy Dust. If you want to get OTB, then go Jamaican Jerk on it!! But, it gonna be straight up spicy - Rah-stah, mon!
  7. You are right, you are definitely set for quite a while! Get to cooking!!!
  8. Awesome looking bacon, MacKenzie! I'm out of homemade myself.
  9. WOW! Guy is very talented. But, one has to wonder how many wipeouts, or at least twisted ankles, has he had trying to do some of those stunts??
  10. Picture me with my fingers in my ears, going "la, la, la, la, la!!"
  11. I have 2 and a third one on order - the next gen Anova. I use my original Anova in my brewing room for heating my strike water to the exact temperature that I need and can use the circulator with the heater turned off (set the temp really low) as my whirlpool for late hop additions and to help the chiller cool down the wort for pitching the yeast. @Shuley - I won't cook fried chicken any other way now. Best of both worlds - cook the chicken pieces until done in the SV, then batter and fry the chicken until nice and brown/crunchy in the cast iron skillet. Perfect! No more underdone chicken trying not to burn the crust or vice versa.
  12. I skinned that cat a different way. I built a sieve to screen my charcoal out of the bag, so the dust and tiny bits fall through and the usable pieces stay on top. I used 1/2" wire fabric.
  13. I bought the Peking one for doing duck, but have found other uses for it as well.
  14. NOOOOO! Don't get rid of the sous vide!! I don't see it as competition for the KK, but a companion. Plus, there's lots of great things you can do SV that just aren't possible on a KK - completely different cooking techniques.
  15. Nice job, as usual, MacKenzie! Good trick using the smoking gun.
  16. Excellent. Can't wait to see you fire that puppy up! Noticed the notation on the crating - Downers Grove. Is that where you live? I have a very good friend that lives there and visit periodically. Been trying for years to get him to buy a KK, but he's "happy" with his pellet smoker and classic Weber kettle.
  17. Interesting video, but was a bit disappointed that the one they showed being built didn't have the nice stone work that yours has.
  18. While I like just about all of them, and love a few, there are a couple that I think are just "meh." The Crossroads did do much for me as a "classic BBQ rub." And, I have much better stuff to do Jamaican jerk than their rub. Haven't made up my mind yet on the Peruvian-ish, but I've only used it once so far. Jury is still out on that one. YMMV
  19. The splitter for my 23" came with a half-moon grate that can be used to further split the basket into a quarter size. I have to admit that I've never used it to date.
  20. I usually don't use mine except on rotisserie cooks, which are never more than a couple of hours, so not a big deal for me. The app runs in the background, so you can use the phone/tablet to do other things, it just anchors you physically to staying close to the probe. I can sit at my dining room table and use the phone while running Meater on the KK on the deck. YMMV
  21. I hear yah! This was yesterday here! If we're lucky and the Weatherman is correct, we might see temps in the 70s in a few days. Just a teaser though, as we might get more snow on Sunday!
  22. I can't resist a Sale, so a lot of what's stashed in there are duplicates. Even if I have a bottle of something already, if I can get another one for 25% off - SOLD!! The solution to my problem might have to be my next box of goodies to Aussie and You!
  23. That's OK as long as he still has the "triplets."
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