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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Today, I first noticed that when I entered a reply to a Forum post, it entered it when I hit the Submit button, but when the screen refreshed, I had a duplicate text box entry with an error message to wait at least 4 seconds before posting again. It did it almost every time I replied. If I just left the thread, usually by just hitting the Unread Content button at the bottom, it didn't actually submit the duplicate. Don't know if they are related, but I also notice a black dot just to the left of the Submit button, which I don't recall seeing before?
  2. Very nice cook. Break a leg, kid, in the Challenge! Here's my ready-made go-to Jerk marinade. http://www.vernonsjerksauce.com/jerk.html Also another fav https://smile.amazon.com/Walkerswood-Traditional-Spicy-Jamaican-Jerky/dp/B0007OCIRC
  3. Happy that you've found a nice source for good meats!
  4. Nice ribs, but I'm generally not a fan of the 3-2-1 foil method on ribs. Just sayin'
  5. I think that CocoChar is a pretty good substitute for binchotan, but that's a bit speculative, seeing as I've never cooked with binchotan in my yakitori grill. Fingers crossed that Dennis solves the shipping problem, as I've been seriously hoarding my last few boxes of CocoChar.
  6. Nice duck! Yeah, they don't have a lot of meat on them.
  7. tony b

    Road Kill

    About the same as Sriracha sauce in the bottle, which I think is "medium" hot.
  8. tony b

    Pork Chop

    These guys make a nice cherry rub and sauce. https://shop.billybonesbbq.com/main.sc
  9. Dennis doesn't recommend all wood fires in the KK, too much creosote build up. ckreef was just using some peach chunks for smoke flavor, with regular lump charcoal.
  10. Back in the day, we gave Bosco such a hard time about his shipment/delivery. He found a website where he could track the ship that they were on and agonized as it bounced between ports in Asia before heading across the Pacific. We were merciless, because we knew how eager he was to get his grills - all 3 of them, with tables!!!
  11. Interesting. Reminded me of the Forestlumps charcoal from Bosnia that I scored a number of years ago on the cheap. Don't think you can get it anymore??
  12. Yeah, 515F is a bit high for chicken, especially direct on the main grate. Next time, use the upper grate and keep the dome temp/MEATER in the 425F range.
  13. A fun idea. Most likely the lack of complete rotation is due to a weight imbalance.
  14. tony b

    Road Kill

    Can't wait to see how it turns out for you, Bruce!
  15. With Dizzy Pig Pineapple Head, finished with a big scoop of home made vanilla ice cream - one of the best desserts - EVER!
  16. tony b

    Road Kill

    Do you have a cast iron skillet or griddle? Put that on the sear grate on the handles of the charcoal basket. Crank the heat to over 500F dome (will be about 800F in the pan). Let the pan get smoking hot, then drop the steak in (heavily rubbed with Bayou-ish). Use a steak that's at least 1 1/2" thick. Stand back as it will smoke profusely and be pungent! After about 30 - 45 seconds, flip the steak over (be very careful, use the longest tongs that you have!!) and go another 30 - 45 seconds. Remove the steak. Unless you have a serious pair of high temperature gloves, leave the pan alone! Check steak temp for desired doneness. If it needs more cooking time, put your lower grate in and roast the steak there (or if you're using the basket splitter, slide the pan off the direct heat. Be mindful, if you over do the blackening crust, it will get very bitter. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes then hit it with a serious knob of butter. If you want, you can mix in a tiny bit of the Bayou-ish rub into the butter for a little extra kick. Go easy on it - you want to be able to taste the meat - LOL! Here's some pics from a blackened porkchop dinner that I did some time ago.
  17. tony b

    Road Kill

    2 down, only a dozen more to go! I want to see you do some serious blackened ribeye steaks with the Bayou-ish!
  18. tony b

    Road Kill

    Says the guy who just bought the entire set of Dizzy Pig rubs and is struggling to find ways to try them all!!
  19. Did you notice that we have a dedicated thread in this Forum for Sous Vide cooking? Lots of good stuff posted over there. In particular, several "experimentation" threads where we played around with some stuff - some worked, some didn't, but they were fun adventures, nonetheless. I like to do my shrimp to what the book calls "sushi medium rare." Not totally raw, but just set in the center - 122F (50.0 C) 15 - 35 mins. I generally go for 20 mins for large sized shrimp, and bump it up 5 minutes if they are jumbo size. If you want them slight more done, "regular medium rare" is 132F (55.6 C) for the same time.
  20. tony b

    Road Kill

    Yep. I backed them as a Kickstarter. They have both Sriracha based ones and "regular" seasoning ones. I have all their flavors (of course, right?) and I gave away bottles of them to friends/family as Xmas presents. While they have their own tool for helping to insert them into foods, (I gave those as presents with the Stix, too.), I use the large injector needle from a marinating syringe that I already had and use a wooden skewer to push them through. Easy, peasy! My fav flavor of the Sriracha one is Blend X and I really liked the Holiday Blend in the regular line. But, I've tried them all. I almost always inject them into chicken that's going on the KK (I even mix flavors), have stuck them into briskets and pork butts, and very often inject steaks with them. The slight problem with steaks is that the melting temp for the Stix is 140F, so a medium steak @ 130F doesn't melt them completely - they just get soft and kinda ooze out when you cut into the steak, but it still works to flavor the meat. Just got an email from the this afternoon promoting a big sale on amazon: Selected Sriracha and Seasoning Stix Flavors for $4.99! Hi Everyone! We are having a special spring promotion for selected flavors on Amazon. Blend X, Classic Garlic, Citrus Garlic, and Holiday Blend are all 50%! Take advantage of this offer soon since the promotion lasts until 4/22 11:59PM PDT. Link to the our Amazon's product page below. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_dp_s_web_0?ie=UTF8&search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Seasoning+Stix The promo gets deducted when you put them in your cart. You don't see the 50% off price on the main Amazon page.
  21. Google must think that I am a big fan of beets now, because I keep getting articles pop up about them! So, for all you TRUE beet lovers out there - https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/21-healthy-and-surprising-ways-to-eat-beets/ss-BBJqfze?ocid=spartandhp
  22. Yeah, of everything that I've done SV so far, I've found that seafood is the most time sensitive of anything, except maybe poached eggs. But, I think it's the best way that I've ever found to cook shrimp - just stay on top of the cooking time and they are fabulous!
  23. I saw this article and had to laugh after all my comments about beets. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/nutrition/7-things-that-happen-to-your-body-when-you-eat-beets/ss-AAtXqjy?ocid=spartandhp#image=1
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