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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. THE MAN speaks! (2) BBQ with Franklin: Brisket Wrap Test - YouTube A couple of other side-by-side cooks from some folks that know a thing or two about Q: (2) Brisket Wrap Test | Foil, Butcher Paper, Naked | BBQ Champion Harry Soo SlapYoDaddyBBQ.com - YouTube (2) Butcher Paper vs. Foil for Barbecue - YouTube (2) Smoking Brisket wrapped in Foil vs Butcher Paper - Brisket Series part 1 of 3 - YouTube
  2. I'd stick with the butcher paper. I'm not a fan of wrapping in AL foil, as it softens the bark too much - IMHO.
  3. I'd rather drink the Bourbon! 🤣
  4. Broke out the EZKabob yesterday - beef & lamb kabobs with serious garlic and onions. Corn was a must. (No phallic ones this time - ha, ha! I just did a baby kabob with the leftover bits.) Plated with orzo sauced with Boursin and Parm cheeses, basil and cherry tomatoes from the garden and a bit of parsley. Too damned hot/muggy to eat outside last night!
  5. That's interesting @tekobo - I've never heard of using Saltpeter in cooking either, just for making gunpowder! For preserving meat to prevent spoilage or worse - botulism, one normally uses Sodium Nitrate. So, NO, you cannot replace Pink Salt #1, (Sodium Nitrate) or Saltpeter with kosher salt. How to Use Pink Salt for Curing Meat (thespruceeats.com)
  6. Contrary to @MacKenzie - we usually tell newbies to just go out and buy the bigger belt size now - you're going to need it sooner than you think! 🤣
  7. tony b

    Chimichurri Brisket

    I usually rub briskets and butts with CYM (classic yellow mustard) to make my "paste." Works well. I usually don't wear gloves for it though. @tekobo off to a great start! If not too late, put some of that cut fat into a pan to collect the rendering and let it absorb smoke. Baste it onto the brisket just before you wrap it in the pink butcher paper. I'm liking this new twist on the standard Franklin brisket.
  8. I'm similar. Gloves in the kitchen only when chopping a bunch of chili peppers or mixing up that crazy staining annatto paste. For everything else, I have a big bottle of hand sanitizer (thanks to COVID) after washing my hands after handling raw meat and a spray bottle of StarSan for the knives/tongs/scissors, countertops, and cutting boards. I have insulated gloves for handling the grates and meats on the grill.
  9. Dennis is probably the only one who can tell us the key differences between models. He's constantly improving/upgrading the design, often without changing the model #, so it's hard for me to say.
  10. I have the cheaper plastic version. It works just fine. A bit of a PITA to clean, but I see your kit came with a nice brush, so hopefully that will make clean up go easier.
  11. Close enough for Government work! Don't sweat being off a little and definitely don't "chase the temperature" by constantly fiddling with the top vent.
  12. A Happy Ending to this initially sad tale!
  13. Everyone has their own style! It's what makes this so much fun! Many of us use Syz's smoker pot and are very happy with it. YMMV A good source for wood chunks is Fruita Woods. Lots of variety in both types of wood and sizes of chunks. My "go to." One thing about your method that will change with your KK - dump the water pan - won't need it. The KK is so efficient in airflow that your foods don't dry out. If you still like to spritz your ribs/butts/briskets, etc., you can, just to impart some flavor and get a bit more smoky flavor, but you won't need it to keep the meat moist.
  14. So tonight's dinner has cooking pics, for the skeptical among you! 😝 Smoked wings, with another ear of corn for elotes, and a nice slab of grilling cheese for an app! And because it was National French Fry day (I bet you didn't know that?), I did a nice batch in the air fryer, with a nice side of jalapeno mayo. Beer is from a local brewery run by one of my homebrewing club buddies.
  15. Yeah, what @Jadeite said!
  16. Looks like they came out just fine. As we've all learned on our BBQ journey, there's more than one way to smoke a cat! LOL!
  17. Pics of the pizza look good. My only thought was to 2nd what you said about making sure the stone is well heated before you cook. Do you have an IR thermometer? It's a great way to check the stone's temperature.
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