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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Re: Smoked Pork Belly Peppered Bacon I've had maple syrup glazed bacon - killer! Cook the bacon (however you like to cook your bacon) until almost crisp. Degrease with paper towels. Dunk the bacon in real maple syrup. Place on a wire rack on a sheet pan. Place in a 350F preheated oven until crispy and the syrup has carmelized. AWESOME! A variation is to take your peppermill on medium grind and sprinkle black pepper on the maple syrup coating before going into the oven. Another WINNER!
  2. Re: First cook! - Lamb Shoulder Up here in the States too! I just did a couple of lamb sirloin chops for dinner tonight, except not low/slow, but a nice hot (500F) sear on the lower grill. Dry rubbed with Ras El Hanout (Moroccan spice blend). Yummy!
  3. Re: How did you find Komodo Kamado Owned a POSK for about 8 years before it started to crack and shed tiles. Stumbled upon the Kamado Fraud forum and lurked about there for a couple of years, picking up repair tips. That's where I learned about Dennis and the KK. Scoped out the Forum here and lusted over the KK for about a year. When the POSK was finally on its last legs, I took the plunge and replace it with my gorgeous KK (Dark Autumn Nebula!) Couldn't be happier!!
  4. Re: Beer Can Chicken Anxiety I am a firm believer that the ceramics (even my old POSK) do chicken better than anything else. A good high quality metal smoker can turn out as good a brisket or pork butt, but not chicken, it comes out too dry. Learned about spatchcocking chicken on the old K forum (back in the day when it was fun and helpful) and I still prefer it to beer can, even before reading these posts about bad side effects. If I don't spatchcock it, I have a vertical roasting stand that works well (spanek). n67340
  5. Re: Bourbon-brined, Maple Smoked Turkey Yes, there is enough residual heat if you wrap it up right away, that the temperature of the meat should go up another 5 - 10F. This is generally true for any meat, so always factor that in if you plan to do this. For example, I take my pork butts off the grill @ 190F, wrap in HD foil, beach towel and place in the cooler for a couple of hours. When I take it out to pull it, it will still almost burn your hands when you first start, it's still that warm!
  6. Re: Today's Brisket Cook Yes, you make burnt ends from the point, but don't chop it up like that. You cut it into cubes (1 inch), put on some nice rub on all the newly exposed surfaces and throw back on the grill for an hour or so. Then, toss in your favorite sauce, back onto the smoker for 30 minutes. So each little nugget has 6 sides of yummy bark and nice juicy meaty interior. Like I said Meat Candy!! Made famous at Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City. Google it and you'll find lots of info/recipes, etc.
  7. Re: The Kraken in Manhattan Beach, CA Good one Firemonkey! Maybe they should rename them "CrackHead Kamados"!!!
  8. Re: Today's Brisket Cook Have you ever taken the point and made Burnt Ends? Try it sometime, they are Meat Candy!!
  9. Re: Birds crapping on my KK I couldn't even get a bird to sh!t on my old POSK!
  10. Re: Hello from Manhattan Beach, CA Nice porn! Just finished off a nice T-bone on the KK for dinner, along with a 1995 Pine Ridge Cab. So, count me in on the wine and meat snobbery!
  11. tony b

    Crispy Skin

    Re: Crispy Skin I have to admit that I'm hit or miss when it comes to crispy skin on whole birds. My best results are when I brush them with olive oil, spatchcocked with skin side down (unless on the upright stand), and be patient (this is the part that I have the most trouble with!) Don't worry, with the KK, you won't dry out the meat cooking it long enough to get the skin crispy. When doing thighs only, I let them cook until almost done at like 375F, then do like a reverse sear on a steak and crank up the temps to about 450F, skin side down to do a final crisp on the skin.
  12. Re: HAPPY HAPPY CUSTOMER Food Porn, please! Show us the "virgin cook." Then, we'll know that you are truly a new member of this cult!
  13. tony b

    New Owner

    Re: New Owner A late Congrats on the new KK. You'll be like a kid in a candy store for a while, cooking everything you can think of on this new toy. I cooked something different on mine every night for a week! The beauty is, the "new toy" feeling never gets old. You'll enjoy cooking on this grill so much, you'll never tire of it!!
  14. Re: KK Stability When I had my deck re-built a few years back, I had them use Iron Wood on a 4' x 4' corner, where the K goes. A couple of minor scortch marks, but no worries about burning down the deck. I worry more about the dog grabbing a hot coal, as he likes to eat charcoal! I guess sticks are sticks, even if carbonized.
  15. Re: Pork Rillettes Pulled pork meets duck confit!
  16. Re: Murry's Beeswax No, just that they kinda sneak that "petroleum products" in, so people should be aware to wait, as you suggested, before beginning their cooks.
  17. Re: Murry's Beeswax I'd be a bit cautious about the "petroleum products" mixed in with the Austraulian bees wax.
  18. Re: Temperature for Grilling Salmon Also by forming a pelicule on the surface (air drying after brining), you will get less spooge. It also helps impart more smokiness in the fish.
  19. Re: Smoking question I have one of those also for the small chips. It's a Bobby Flay model from Kohls. It's held up surprisingly well for being about $20. An earlier one by another company didn't last very long - rusted out.
  20. Re: What should I sell this for? I gave my old POSK up for adoption (i.e. free) to a member of my homebrew club that helped moved the KK onto my deck (up 8 stairs!). He got 3 cooks out of it and went to move it into the garage and the neck crumbled into pieces. Fortunately, the top hat didn't break. I had shown him the cracks at the 3 spider legs and warned him. He'd actually ordered the new collar piece when it happened. No hard feelings. He went into it eyes wide open. He's a handy sort and I'm sure he'll have it patched up and running again as soon as his collar arrives. If yours is in better shape than mine was, a couple hundred bucks would be a fair price.
  21. tony b


    Re: Baconnaise REALLY!!! I, too, thought - woo,hoo - bacon mayonaisse. That is until I tried it - AWFUL, NASTY, YUCK. Seriously artificial flavors - mostly smoky. It wasn't even good mayonaisse. Then, you read the lable and find out - it's KOSHER - no actual bacon in the product! Talk about misleading advertising! My advice, pass this one by!
  22. Re: Brining before Marinating ? Awesome, I just did some Cornell chicken, too. I use Steven Raichlen's recipe, which is a marinade. However, given how much salt goes into it, it's pretty close to being a brine. I like to let it marinate overnight. I also baste it a couple of times during the cook with marinade that was separated out from the batch used on the chicken. With all the vinegar and salt in it, it probably wouldn't allow much to grow in it, but why take the chance on re-using the marinade. Never too careful. I did play around with the recipe this last time. I added some Korean chili paste (gochujang/kochujang/gogujang) to a bit of marinate, for a "one off" experiment. Will keep practicing with the amount, as it gave it a nice mahogany color, but not much heat. But, the paste found at my local asian market is only 3 Stars hot, not the 5 Stars I was looking for.
  23. Re: Perfect Grill Dennis was able to stack 15 boxes on top of the pallet when they shipped my grill. I think that's about the most they can do. It doesn't add very much to the shipping cost, as opposed to ordering 1/2 or full pallets. It should last me quite a while, as I only use it on the really long cooks, like butts and briskets.
  24. Re: Mambafeller Oysters Check it out They are awesome, as the title of the show says - The Best Thing That I Ever Ate!
  25. Re: Mambafeller Oysters All I can say is one word - DRAGO's!
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