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Komodo Kamado get's Patent Pending Status..

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All along we've known you created a unique and wonderful product' date=' and now you have PROOF!! :contract: [/quote']

as they say, that is the bottom line. naysayers can line up all they want, call names, grumble, whatever. when you can show somebody a patent, you have been LEGALLY acknowledged as an innovator!

knew it was only a matter of time. once the pat pend stuff goes thru dennis, how many patents will you hold?

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I wonder why Richard didn't get a patent ???

I believe the patents are for all of the unique parts of Dennis' cookers. A traditional round kamado has been around for thousands of years so the concept of a "ceramic cooker" is too broad to be patentable, but Dennis' teardrop shape and off-center damper are innovative and worthy of patent.

Interesting side note, the primary purpose of a patent is not to protect the patent holder from unauthorized use but to spur innovation by publishing the patentable inventions and processes such that when the patent expires others can use and improve on the designs. The protection a patent offers is mostly there to encourage people to file patents. In 20 years or so everyone will have a teardrop cooker but by then Dennis will probably have a 9th dimensional model that can cook 100lbs of ribs in something that fits in a desk drawer ;)

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So I got 4, going for 7.

These are the designs that were issued Patent Pending Status

OTB's unique body shape with rear chimney with straps and hinge built into the body.

Two layer construction.

Komodo sandwich construction of a dense refractory inner layer with a lightweight outer layer of insulation.

Two Piece Firebox

The user adjustable spring powered rear hinge.

I have three other features/designs that are still being searched.

We needed to revise the description a bit.

So I got 4, going for 7.


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Re: So I got 4, going for 7.

These are the designs that were issued Patent Pending Status

OTB's unique body shape with rear chimney with straps and hinge built into the body.

Two layer construction.Komodo sandwich construction of a dense refractory inner layer with a lightweight outer layer of insulation.

Two Piece Firebox

The user adjustable spring powered rear hinge.

I have three other features/designs that are still being searched.

We needed to revise the description a bit.

So I got 4, going for 7.


Can Richard and Topo still legally duplicate this design....or are the patent laws not applicable there. I realize if a patent has expired they can copy whatever they like, but these were just obtained.

I guess people can get the knockoff from the guy with terrible customer service!

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Re: Komodo Kamado get's Patent Pending Status..

For those interested, Richard Johnson's patent was only a design patent that protected the appearance of his cooker. Sort of like patenting the shape of a coke bottle. You haven't patented the concept of a bottle, just one particular shape of a bottle. Farhad Sazegar held the original utility patent on the cooker itself. More details here: http://www.nakedwhiz.com/ceramicinvent.htm

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Dennis, I'm no intellectual property attorney, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Please tell me your patent attorneys have examined the air control manifold on the KK BB 32 for possible patents. I'm telling you that thing is is most innovative air control feature I've seen on a kamado. It's shear genius and you should be able to protect that thing, or so it would seem in my poor pumpkin head.

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