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First roti chicken cook-Questions

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How do you all balance your basket? I did 2 chickens on the weekend and thought i had it balanced, but it had a bit of a jump in the rotation. Do you guys use a counter weight?

on my big purpose built spit, i have a huge counter weight should i require it.

Im thinking i will need a weight on my 32" basket as the jump will just ware the motor out quite quickly.

What motor are you using. You need a motor with anti-backlash gears. That will keep the food from jumping (flopping then stalling). No counter weight would be required.

At first I used a cheep rotisserie motor from my Blackstone Pizza Oven. Although it had plenty of power it didn't have anti-backlash gears so it would flop and stall. Once I got the right motor that problem went away.

Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT

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Right i see what you mean. Im not sure they sell those kind of motors over here. I just got one from the spit place. It wasnt cheap so i will be annoyed if i got the wrong one. Would you mind giving me an example of a motor that has those gears? ill then ask the mob i got my motor off.

If all else fails i guess i need to get a counter weight for the basket?



The motor is from OneGrill model 4pm05. It's rated for something like 50 lbs balanced or 35 lbs unbalanced. Nor all the motors One Grill sells have anti-backlash gears but model 4pm05 does.


Here is a link to it



They also have a 220 volt Euro model with anti-backlash gears if that helps any.


Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT

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The secret with spinning anything is to center the meat on the basket's axis.. This way the motor does not have to work. The cradle reducers center different size pieces of meat and the cradle's now have multiple shaft points to give you more options too..  

Imagine spinning a bike wheel, then tie a shirt to the outside of the wheel and spin it.. you would get the big wobble.. That's what you want to avoid..

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