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Mediocre pork cook

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So there were a couple of reasons that I failed at this pork cook. One was that I bought it thinking it was one piece. When I got it home the pork butt was actually cut into 4 pieces barely held together like a fan. It weight about 8 lbs. so I figured I'd finish splitting up the pieces and then account for a 2 lb pork butt cook time and put it on for about 5 hours or so. 2e138ef6534f9a85c3b414cbb08edbe2.jpg a couple hours in and I could tell they weren't cooking fast enough so I moved them closer to the dome by placing them on the upper rack and put some neck bones I had picked up under them (these were small pieces)a806037e24598de826b49465de26ced8.jpg
Over all it turned out ok (I'm so not used to this but that's what happens when you think you've got something down)394ae82a95019b9dd405f83e88a65b53.jpg
I think the neck meat was a little intense on its own. My husband preferred it in sandwich form. 58a5286f10a2bc52688c79b54a73c07d.jpg
I will be sticking to butts. I feel like I have to redeem myself and I feel like a large piece definitely results in more moist meat. dffec7df0195c83d679ac2db180d5e5c.jpg

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  On 3/13/2017 at 1:21 AM, ckreef said:
Still looks good to me. 
They look more like monster thick cut pork steaks. 

It was pretty alright. I'm a big fan of pulled pork these days so I am used to it turning out significantly better. The packaging was deceptive. They were not all the way cut apart (maybe like 3/4ths). I've done sections from this same cut before but it was twice the weight (4 lbs). I will not be buying from the prepackaged section at that store again (there was an insane line at the meat counter). Ah well, you live you learn.
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Count me in on one of those sammies! Looks great from here.

Here's an interesting thought - try another one of those, but don't separate the sections. Just put lots of rub in the slices, then tie the whole thing back up with some butchers twine or one of those mesh socks. 

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Yep, looked pretty good to me. If its got enough smoke on it, i'll eat it . That's not a bad cut, just not what you were expecting. Maybe wrap the small ones after they have enough smoke on them, keep em moister. 

20-20  right? ;-)


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