Don't wait! I am a big proponent of deep fat frying. Having the oil at the right temperature means you get the good crunch with (a little) less fat and maximum pleasure.
I too love my French fry press. Here are some photos I took last year. The easiest, and tastiest, way to process my excess of home grown potatoes was to chip them with the manual press (my Kenwood attachment didn't do anything like as good a job as doing it the old fashioned way). I then did double frying the easy way. Did the first low temp fry, laid the chips out on a tray to freeze them and then vac packed them loosely in bags so they were available for the second fry whenever I was ready. I was so ready that they are all gone now!
Nothing beats home made double fried chips. And yes, I am mixing terminology - you say fries and I say chips.
Table mounted fry press.
This year's planned over supply of chips, sorry potato seeds, going in last weekend.