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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2018 in all areas

  1. I agree, having two KKs is the perfect situation. Well maybe 3 would be better LOL not sure.
    2 points
  2. We hosted a cookout at our house this past Saturday with forty guests. The menu consisted of pulled pork, brisket, ribs, jalapeno poppers, smoked mac and cheese (no pics) and smoked baked beans. We smoked the mac and cheese and baked beans on Thursday and reheated them in the oven for the dinner. The three pork shoulders and 16lb brisket went on at 9:00pm on Friday. These were both done and pulled at 11:00am and six racks of ribs took their place. I used pecan pellets for the butts and brisket in the cold smoker and went with apple wood for the ribs. Everything turned out great! Pork butts are on. The brisket is added to the top grate. These are done and ready to come off. The ribs go on. We cooked fifty poppers in the vision grill while the ribs were finishing up. Unfortunately with the amount of work we had to do, I did not get any additional photos. The food was a huge hit and I now know the limits that my 22" can do at a given time.
    1 point
  3. I own 4 different brands of kamado's including a KJ. Each has a different purpose and I enjoy cooking on all of them. That being said.......I did not enjoy being a member of the KJ Forum and the administration of it. Left them over a year ago and never looked back. I do know some of our KK forum members enjoy the site and the cooking challenges. Like ToastedMorsel....it was not for me.
    1 point
  4. Remember those spices I received yesterday? You just know I'm dying to put them on anything so why not turmeric on my cucumber sandwich and some of the Zanzibar pepper. Just look at that colour. In a million years I would not have guessed that it had turmeric on it. This was the best cucumber sandwich I've had this year. It was to die for.
    1 point
  5. Lots of snark to spread around.
    1 point
  6. Tee hee, I have to say that I agree with @Tyrus. Where IS the beef @MacKenzie? Tyrus, thanks for asking after me. I have spent the summer doing a little consultancy work but am now about to start more full time work again. First day back in an office turns out to be in the week leading up to a party where we will be feeding 100+ people. Lots of planning and procuring to do. Am finding time to grill and eat but no time left to post!!!
    1 point
  7. I hear you about the pickle salt. I did some tater tots in the air fryer and hit them with the chicken salt. Sorry, it didn't do a lot for me. I don't like a lot of salt on my food, so to get enough on the tots to taste the "chicken," it was too salty for me. I might try it on some corn on the cob for grins!
    1 point
  8. You are really going to love the BB32. It is so versatile.
    1 point
  9. Yep, I share your garden! It works because they don't allow deer to shop there...
    1 point
  10. I need some of these lol.. . . . . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  11. @kjs - hope things go well for you, Ken!
    1 point
  12. I've taste tested the chicken salt and tried it on a couple of things, just not fries yet. I typically don't make a lot of "chips." So, I broke out the plum hot sauce today. I did a batch of spring rolls in the air fryer and used it for dipping sauce. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!! I should have read the label first before I dunked a roll in it. It's made with scorpion peppers - 2nd only in heat to ghost peppers, and just barely. Within a minute, my nose was running and the top of my head began to sweat. If there's plum in this stuff, you sure don't taste it because of the heat! I mixed it with some of the Kakadu plum sauce to knock it down to bearable. That was an hour ago and I can still taste some of it lingering in my mouth. My tongue still hasn't forgiven me yet!
    1 point
  13. The ribs look awesome.
    1 point
  14. As soon as she started eating solids I varied her diet. I fed her stuff like tongue, snails, spicy foods, and anything else we ate. I’m hoping it sticks and she becomes an adventurous eater like her dad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. I hope you are having some success.
    1 point
  16. Thanks for asking, I have been busy trying to replace my largest client.
    1 point
  17. Did a fresh clam pizza with arugula and a simple anchovy pie. My biggest fan preferred the anchovy pie. Me too.
    1 point
  18. Made a chicken casserole today, just winging it- the chicken was previously roast on the KK.
    1 point
  19. mk1, I know it was a scary thought I had but the devil made me do it.
    1 point
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