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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2018 in all areas

  1. I like this method of doing scallops, soak in salt/sugar(4:1) brine for 10 mins. then rinse and put the scallops in the SV bag with a little olive oil. Cook for 30 mins at 128F.
    3 points
  2. It is a beautiful dry day here so decided to take advantage of the situation and dry some herbs and pepper today. I have several of these still on the plants, they look so beautiful. They are a good 10 inches long. Decided to cut it into 1/4 inch strips and dehydrate it. This is the result, tasty. That went so well that I picked some rosemary and thyme to dry. I already have a small bottle of thyme but one can always use more thyme.
    3 points
  3. Hi folks. I am planning an Italian Christmas feast and one suggestion is that I make porchetta. The plan is to roll a pork belly around a loin and cook on the rotisserie. The only problem with that is that I have not had good success with getting pork skin crisp in my KK. I have no trouble in my indoor oven - cook at high temp (220C) for up to half an hour and then lower temp to about 170C for the rest of the cook. Reducing the temperature rapidly in the KK doesn't seem like a practical option and I suspect the fact that KKs keep meat most might be acting against me here. Grateful for any advice. Planning on a trial with a de-boned pork leg later today. I cooked the below pork joint a few weeks ago: Looked good but just didn't manage to get the skin as crispy as I would like.
    2 points
  4. I just went for it. Cooked the pork at about 225C with no water in the drip tray for the first half an hour. It was really really smoky. Swapped out the fatty drip tray once the crackling was nice and crunchy and put in pan with a bit of water to keep the smoke down. Came out really nice. We have munched up a fair bit of the crackling and the meat is now resting. Will have some corn while we are waiting and will accompany the pork with some beetroot, currently lurking in foil on the OK. The crackling turned out OK but I am not sure if I really want that much smoke in my life. I suspect the KK is not the best tool for cooking fatty pork at high temperatures...
    2 points
  5. I attempted porchetta once. I did it in the rotisserie basket over a drip pan. But, like you, my skin didn't crisp up. It was like gummi bears. Might have gotten better results without the drop pan, but I was concerned with all the dripping fat creating bad smoke. Good luck. Hopefully you can teach me how to do it.
    2 points
  6. There is a new 63mm conical burr coffee grinder on the Indiegogo. It a single dose, much like my Monolith Titan Flat with almost zero retained grind. Big difference is it's a fraction of the price at about $588 Niche Zero on indiegogo.com BTW I love my Monolith Titan 75mm Flat Burr Grinder but just saw they have a new model with 98mm burrs. I won't be upgrading but will be fantasizing..
    1 point
  7. Thought I would spin a trip tip for a burger .gave the tip some rub..and skewered it ..on it goes with a bit of cherry..looking good ..got some buns toasting away.....yum.. Decided to prep some ribs for tomorrow purple Crack and cherry....vacuum sealed them...and put in the fridge . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Tekobo, I don’t know if anybody’s ever tried it but maybe you could Crispus going up by using a propane torch like they do when they want to put a finish on those fluffy white stuff they put on some Recipes. I don’t know if that would work but if you have a torch you might want to give it a try
    1 point
  10. That looks great Aussie
    1 point
  11. telobo, that pork roast you did on the rotisserie certainly looks extra delicious.
    1 point
  12. Great description, gummy bears. I don't want upside down smiley faces at dinner today so I may just do this first trial on my indoor oven rotisserie. Will do a KK practice with a smaller, more receptive audience (=bribed with drink) at a later date. Thanks Bruce, it was v tasty but was lacking that crunch that we all look forward to in a pork roast.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Tekobo, crisp or not that stilllooks yummy
    1 point
  15. Looking good Aussie.
    1 point
  16. Interesting looking good rub or sauce or both. Or spares lol Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  17. A few more pieces to the puzzle and we got a splendid rub. I'm sure that's not your direction, a side road at the most yet, a little a this and that and maybe we could be calling ketchup by a new name. Your efforts are always forward and the results without tasting always look fantastic.
    1 point
  18. The magic of salt - The excess water is being drawn out and soon I'll cook it in the mustard sauce.
    1 point
  19. You should smell my dehydration room, Fabreze has nothing on this.
    1 point
  20. Thanks mate, I’m still amazed every time I cook on it! Absolutely sensational Kamado! Everyone that’s seen it absolutely loves it. We had a couple of guys come round to quote on some shutters last week, when one of them spotted it he couldn’t believe it, couldn’t stop talking about it, I heard him say to the other guy he was with “I’m gonna tell Matty I’ve seen one in the flesh, he’ll be spewing” haha
    1 point
  21. I picked my first regular sized tomato today and thought it would be great on a burger, a portabella mushroom burger with smoked Gouda cheese. First I needed to make some buns. Loading the bun.
    1 point
  22. Spun a chook in the rig lookout ..looking good..ready to go .. Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  23. Thanks Steve! Just posted a video up, they were certainly tender
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I’ve just put some beef ribs on for dinner tonight. Rubbed with Oakridge black ops brisket and smoked using oak wine barrel chunks, the smell of the red wine coming from them is incredible!
    1 point
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