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  1. It's crossed my mind. Have been searching my memory for any brisket pranks I may have played in my past. Clear so far...
    2 points
  2. Reminds me of Ken and BJ, the enormous pigs they had at South Farms at the University of Illinois when I was a grad student there. From a distance they looked like normal size squeakers, but then a bicyclist would ride by them to provide scale. Mercy! HUGE! Made other pigs look like pork chops. They became porcine rock stars, with a big story in the Daily Illini telling all about them and their particular...function. One of my fellow grad students was finishing her thesis and receiving LOTS of phone calls from prospective employers, but she was NEVER there so I took the calls and left her handwritten messages (this is before voicemail). I got tired of playing secretary, so one day I left her a note to call Ken and BJ with the number for South Farms. I was bad. I miss pork...
    2 points
  3. ROFLMAO @ tekobo. The other night I stared dreaming about next year's garden and then I realize it was NOV. [emoji33]
    2 points
  4. I don't think there's any way I could do away with pork permanently. If I can eliminate the persistent problem which I believe to be due to oats (Instant Pot Oatmeal! Easy and delicious! Heart healthy too...when they aren't trying to KILL YOU), then I can tolerate the occasional pork-induced flair up.
    2 points
  5. @MacKenzie you get so much more winter than most. Not sure that I could handle that much dreaming time!
    2 points
  6. Imagine the rump caps off this fella....or the ribs
    1 point
  7. Beautiful looking rolls Mac, I can almost smell them fresh out of the oven! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Thanks, Steve. Since the Parker House Rolls have a pat of butter put in the pocket before cooking I just went with Cherry Jam and some cheese for the taste test.
    1 point
  9. Sounds like a load of bull to me
    1 point
  10. Wow! Huge cow, when I looked at the picture on the video I thought all those other cows were calves LOL.
    1 point
  11. Cheers Bruce Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  12. Oats. Trying to kill you. Who'd have thunk it?? Good that you are homing in on the causes. Good luck and here's hoping you'll be back into pork soon.
    1 point
  13. Hang in there, man! We're all pulling for you out here!
    1 point
  14. Hey man, sounds serious if pork avoidance genuinely has to be part of your long term future. Good luck with trying to rule it out or limit the types of cooking/treatment that most aggravate your allergy. I know from previous posts that you are not a fan of cats and couldn't resist teasing when I found that they are associated with pork allergies (according to mr google and uncorroborated by any other method).
    1 point
  15. Ooooh. I did a quick google search @Pequod and t'interweb says that pork allergies are caused by an allergy to cats. Stay away from cool cats and you'll be fine.
    1 point
  16. Aussie another great looking meal,making my mouth water just looking at the pictures. Can only imagine how good it tastes. Nice cook
    1 point
  17. Been going through a series of weird, never before experienced dermatological issues for the last year, with strange, unexplained flair-ups even whilst on medication that is supposed to address such things. Most likely cause is allergies...but to what? I managed to deduce oats as a primary actor on my own. First round of allergy tests confirmed oats, but added crab and pork to the list. Have never previously had issues with any of these. Current course of action is total avoidance until fully cleared up, then will add pork back in to see what happens. The pulled pork pictured above on Saturday resulted in a flair up on Sunday, so that seems to be for real...for now. I had 53 good years. Time to pay the man... Tofu. Chickpeas. Kale. That's my fate. Hate cats. HATE 'em! And haven't been near any in a looong time. Yeah!
    0 points
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