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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2019 in all areas

  1. And it gives you geeky folks lots to talk about, eh? Here still suffering from jetlag from trip to the US. Our first stop was Portland and I can't tell you how many coffee shops this non-coffee drinker had to go into. Some served alchohol so all was not lost. There was one coffee shop with a long bar and about ten coffee making thingies all along the bar. We hadn't seen that many in busy Italian cafes and could not work out the logic. Husband thought they might each be set up for different blends. Boy, did he ever underestimate a place. Main reason for the multiple heads was to be able to make the coffee directly in front of each customer. And then each one had three pre-sets for different requirements and more if you wanted. All accessible by whacking a lever to the left. I know more than I need to. Like I said, good thing there was alchohol and that they were willing to serve it to me first thing in the morning. I think our obsessions keep us off the street and places like this forum help us maintain a facade of normality to the rest of the world.
    5 points
  2. I like to think of it not as being anal, but putting your geek credentials on display for all to see. I mean...coffee waveforms...how Geeky Cool is that? I can design my own flow profiles and test the results in the cup. The recovering fluid dynamicist in me is downright giddy.
    4 points
  3. Now c'mon, y'all. BBQ () and coffee go together like bread and butter. Y'all have gone the extra mile to own the finest of grills (some of you crazies own MORE than one KK...guilty as charged!). Why would you settle for swill () in your cup?? Just sayin'...
    3 points
  4. I refuse to go on-line and look up any of this stuff...............I'm with tekobo and Tony!!!!!! On second thought.........maybe I'm with ckreef.................Jameson or Baileys sounds good to me!!!
    3 points
  5. I feel so inadequate with my $150 espresso machine especially after checking the price of the DE1PRO..... Eeeekkk......... But that's okay after I add a shot of Jameson, Kahlua and Baileys who can tell the difference anyway. Besides how else does one drink espresso?
    3 points
  6. Pequod and Tekobo i got the book Tartine arriving any hour so I can start trying to bake some bread. If it’s not bbq, pizza, coffee, etc...it’ll be something else. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. This is so funny. I am not sure whether it would be a good or a bad idea to show The Husband this thread. When the commercial coffee man came to plumb in my husband's coffee set up, they got into a conversation about extraction rates. Apparently, when they started discussing fractions of seconds my husband said "I'm not anal about it or anything". The coffee man looked at husband, looked at kit and said, "that ship has sailed". I don't know what will happen if I show him this thread. He might be happy to find someone more obsessed than him or, oh no, he may try to fit even more kit into his coffee corner!!
    2 points
  8. I am waiting for the Profitec Pro 700 to land in Canada. That's another machine I had my eye on.
    1 point
  9. Outback in Aussie Mac. Huge road trains alright. Muz
    1 point
  10. Once you start milling your own flour and have bought a proofing box, you’ll have officially gone off the deep end.
    1 point
  11. I'm glad that I'm not that into high end coffee making. Don't think the bank account could take on another expensive hobby!
    1 point
  12. NO! No hopper. Keep your beans fresh until ready to use.
    1 point
  13. Jon, forget that diet Pepsi, it's not good for your health whereas coffee is good for your health. Make the move, be brave.
    1 point
  14. Yes, very!!!!! After seeing this post...................I'm glad I don't drink coffee/espresso!!!!!! I might even have to buy the extended warranty for that machine!!! Off to get a Diet Pepsi out the the vending machine
    1 point
  15. Who’s the girl? She was inside the box the grill was sitting on in the shipping crate.
    1 point
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