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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Wagu ribs Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  2. Our mutual friend Debi used to call me Bill, because as the song says: Met him on a Monday and my heart stood still Da doo ron ron ron Da doo ron ron Somebody told me that his name was Bill Da doo ron ron ron Da doo ron ron
    4 points
  3. Aussie, the rib king! I thought about it briefly, but didn't want to hassle with it. You shucked them, blanch briefly in boiling water, then shock them in an ice bath. Then, put them up in Foodsaver bags to freeze. It's good, but not much better than what you can buy in the Freezer section of the supermarket. Sausage layout was based more on the cooking area than artful presentation! The knackwurst, being the fatties, I placed near the back with the corn, where the fire was hotter. Similar with the others, fire was a tad lower on the left, so that's where I put the weisswurt (veal), which has less fat and the wieners, which are fattier, on the right. As you can see, I did move them around a bit during the cooking process. (Hurray, my internet service is behaving today and I can upload pics again!) Plated, with airfryer fries, and an assortment of mustards. We're still seeing the residuals from the CA wildfire smoke here. Makes for nice sunsets!
    3 points
  4. Works for me @tekobo I didn't really understand what I was doing when I signed up - so now I am "Sir Bill"
    3 points
  5. That's now stuck in my head. Da do ron-ron-ron....😅
    3 points
  6. I'm learning loads on this forum ! 😀
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Spraying works wonders with apple vinegar soy and pineapple juice. Used a little spray margerine on top too. Doing these now for a quick freeze to use later, using one of my other grills to stay sharp
    2 points
  9. Didn't think you were a softie, I'm just used to the 'extreme BBQ' posts on the forum. There is a picture here of someone's cook in Minnesota or Russia, I can't remember which but they had to dig out their KK and clear a path to it. That's commitment! Has anyone told you about the free goat you get if you order a 42KK? I think my defiance of the British weather and commitment to BBQ will beat the worst of the English weather. Although with 60MPH winds on Saturday, I did open the patio doors and realised it was pretty inclement when even the dog wouldn't come out to supervise me! As someone who has been forcibly committed to yoga (it's a long story), you can sell Mrs RD on the concept as 'Tree' but with shade (the umbrella). The only time you're actually exposed to the elements is when you're setting the fire, adjusting the flue and putting the meat on. Probably about 15 - 20 mins. It's a lot less appealing grilling in awful weather but having said that, I did put on a waterproof this morning and got a distinct waft of Peri Peri Chicken and one of our umbrellas drops the scent of pork butt and brisket on you when you open it. 😁 Oh to have been a fly on the wall. 😀 I can confirm that 'Funky Cow' is very good. I spoke to him a couple of days ago on WhatsApp so he is around but insanely busy. He appears to never sleep as I think it was gone 4am (his time) when he called me. Drop him a WhatsApp for a good time to catch him - he's always been good at getting back to me.
    2 points
  10. @Ron Hixon I only found out we had a mutual friend because you used your real name on the forum. I think you have now fashioned your self a new moniker. Arise, Sir Bill.
    2 points
  11. I myself prefer medium-rare, a little on the rare side. This is easy when I am cooking two separate steaks (mine goes on first). In this case, where I am cooking one piece of meat, sliced and served for both of us, I fall back on that old Louisiana saying: "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
    2 points
  12. Someone has ruined their grill by cooking fish on it.
    2 points
  13. I laughed at the "Baby Eating Dingos!" OK, I bit! Despite having a pantry full of sauces and rubs, I broke down and order 3 bottles - regular, STB & Black. I think that I need to enter a 13 step program - ha, ha!
    1 point
  14. Hi @RokDok your KK will come with a small box of tools and spares that include a gasket. I have rarely had to open the box in over two years of ownership but it gives you good back up. I have also had orders for new stuff like the new design for the bracket for the hot-cold smoker arrive in the post from Indonesia super quick anyway.
    1 point
  15. Hi RD. I have not replaced any silicon seal as far as I can remember. Is there a particular post that you are referring to? He is busy selling KKs faster than he can answer the phone I think. You just need to make contact again if you want to make changes. Worth writing to the nice people in his office - Mimi and Dewi - and copying him in.
    1 point
  16. Da do ron-ron-ron, da do ron-ron.... 😀
    1 point
  17. I think their map of 'Straya is hilarious.
    1 point
  18. The leapfrog plywood method is a good one but having used a telehandler myself which put the crate in exactly the right spot, I just had to wheel it 2 metres and it was in place. I think I exerted more effort taking the wheelie bin out that week. It would be remiss of me not to share the experience which compensated for the utter ball ache which was getting the 19KK through the house in London. 😀 You don't cook when it's cold and drizzly? You gotta fix that. In the UK, that only gives you about 2 months. To be honest, grilling in the rain isn't a huge amount of fun unless someone has you covered with an umbrella but doing a low and slow brisket or some ribs in all weathers is part of the KK magic. I did a cook on the weekend - a brisket and some ribs, once I had the KK at temperature (just over 100), it stayed like that for 30 hours.
    1 point
  19. I meant to respond to @tony b's load up with char comment. We have the same problem in the UK as you had in the US. Dennis needs to ship a whole container of char in one go and has to pass all sorts of requirements to get the load onto a ship. I am hoping that we will one day have the critical mass in the UK to make it worth Dennis' while to go to the hassle of shipping a whole container of char to us. Having said that, we are able to source coconut briquettes in the UK and I find they work really well in KKs. I too am interested in Dennis' legendary coffee char that seems to get everyone weak in the knees. I feel your pain Ron. (Sorry, I keep wanting to say doRonRonRon Ron). You cannot predict how much or how little you will end up wanting to use your KK. For my part I can confirm that the ease of lighting and use and the sheer versatility made my KKs my go-to choice for cooking meat in the winter and the summer. They were superb this summer, allowing me to cook for friends in the great outdoors while we socially distanced to avoid catching the lurgy that shall be named. YMMV. Maybe your wife will want to cook on your KK too?
    1 point
  20. That should have been a interesting taste treat with the different meats.
    1 point
  21. Last visit to the "Corn Lady" yesterday until next year! 😢 Here's the reason to own the half grate if you have a 23" KK. Corn on the half grate and then toss the steak (Flat Iron in this case) onto the sear grate down below. Sides of sautéed mushrooms and melting potatoes. Homemade chimichurri sauce. Steak was a bit too close to "Black & Blue" for me, but was still a tasty cut of meat.
    1 point
  22. @tony b Thanks, I'd forgotten that, I will do. Keen to experiment with the coffee wood. I haven't done much smoking - looking forward to it. Was thinking of you when I cracked the first bottle of Munich Malt and Sauvin / Hallertauer last night - nicely biscuity and not a million miles away from Munich Helles.I wondered what you might be drinking. @Braai-Q - That is a good idea - although I would then have to get it across the lawn - at least the path around the house is tarmac / stone / brick - although I would still probably use the leapfrog plywood method. I can drum up plenty of labour - I have plenty of beer in the garage. I'll try that first , although I have a couple of farmer friends in the village and I know at least one has got one as a fall back. Forks =/- cradle - as @tekobo and you say storage of extras is a point to consider - I think they'd probably have to go down the "summer house". It's a rustic space - the irons and peels for the WFO are kept there. I've never used a spit before - I have gone for the heavy duty motor as it is waterproof. I do bone and roll quite a bit though - the jury is still out - but I said that about the tables..... @Ron Hixon I built a WFO too, a lot of joy in the building and we use it about 4-5 times a year. I enjoy the lighting bit - sit looking at the fire with a beer or two - you can use pallet - these days it is heat treated the pallet stamp tells you that, origin etc. Do you use your barbecue much ? I cook as often as I can, but when the weather gets cold and drizzly that won't be possible - but you can still use a KK- that was my initial rationale for considering a kamado, but I now see it opens up a huge vista of cooking opportunity. As for "discussion" I found that after looking at some new sofas Mrs RD was in total agreement about the foolhardiness of not getting a KK. Best RD
    1 point
  23. I’ve been wanting to cook a brisket but now with all the smoke from the forest fires don’t think it’s a good idea.
    1 point
  24. Pic from work the day after the lightning storm that started the fires near me.
    1 point
  25. Once a year I like to have a batch of nachos. This time I started at the beginning and made the corn tortillas, cut them, fried them up into nachos. Veggies are from the garden. Served with spiced up sour cream. Sorry Tony no broccoli.
    1 point
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