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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Chicken yesterday so steak today, reverse seared. Cooked at 245 until at IT of 112, it carried over to 122. Then seared 😁 I too was too busy eating to take a plated pic lol @tekobo
    7 points
  2. pastrami in about an hour ago. barely fit the grate..
    4 points
  3. Taco party yesterday. We make too much food, and it all went. This is what was left of carnitas from two kilos of pork butt. Carnitas is typically a stovetop pork butt braise. However, it just felt wrong not involving the KK and smoke somehow, and one of my guests always want ribs. This could have been the best version I've ever made; I started by smoking 1 1/2" slices for several hours in a cazuela, using apple wood in a one quart smoke pot. The meat was easily trimmed of excess fat at this point, and the cazuela drippings replaced the recipe lard. Proceed as normal from here, stovetop recipe.
    4 points
  4. Mother-in-laws old arbor swing was falling apart. purchased a new Cypress bench and built a pressure treated Arbor frame. whole thing came in under $700 cost. new pre-built arbor frames were over $1,110 by them selves with 2x4 construction no less..
    3 points
  5. Well one easy way to fix that, a KK with bigger grates lol
    3 points
  6. I am not keen on lean meat and could never see the point of rabbit until we had a wonderful meal at Filippo's in Piedmont, Italy way back in 2017. It included rabbit, cooked slowly over fire right beside you in the dining room. It was a memorable experience. I don't have Filippo's experience or skill but my 32 Big Bad gave me a leg up in the tools department. Here is Filippos set up: Here is my husband's job of getting the rabbit attached to my KK spit. Here is the rabbit, cooked at 150C in the KK. Took under an hour and I took it off at about 70C. My father-in-law had fond memories of eating rabbit in post-war England - a source of protein when meat was still heavily rationed - and came round specially to try some. It didn't disappoint. Nice, moist and tasty. Served here with fennel forward sides. Eating the front leg was not dissimilar to eating a chicken wing.
    2 points
  7. Schrimp on the Barbie with taeta tots and grilled smoked veggies finished with a good Kolsch (Fruh) and a Calif pinot noir Line 39.
    2 points
  8. Lovely looking cooks all. Veal steaks for lunch. Indirect most of the way with a quick sear at the end. One was thicker than the other so I was able to cook them in the same time frame with one rarer than the other. Turned out really well with home made fries, mayonnaise, peas and hot sauce. No plated pics, was too busy eating.
    2 points
  9. I ordered side tables for my 23 Ultimate and they arrived today. Thank you to @Komodo_Kamado_UK for the home delivery service. @MacKenzie was more impatient that me and sent me a message to check if I had opened the boxes after waiting patiently for precisely 3 hours and 8 minutes for an update. So, I opened the boxes. Meat hanger for the 32 Big Bad and side tables for the 23 Ultimate. I was worried when I approached the 23 Ultimate. I have the grate hanger permanently attached on the left and the rotisserie motor bracket on the right. Was I going to need to take both off because they would not fit with the side tables in place? Happily the answer was no. On the right hand side we fitted the rotisserie motor bracket over the top of the side table bracket. I texted Dennis a photo while I was doing this and he suggested the rotisserie motor bracket should go under the side table bracket. Wouldn't work for me because of the small vertical screws on the rotisserie motor bracket that you can see in the right hand side picture. I will see how things work but I may need to size and cut a new shaft to go between the rotisserie motor and the KK to take account of the extra depth introduced by the new side table bracket. I took off the old accessory hanger on the left hand side and installed the new one under the side table here: So, I get to keep all the functionality that I used to have AND I have new side tables. Very happy. Looking at the time stamps on the photos, we went from unwrapped table tops at 18:10 to fitted tables at 18:40. Not bad. How do I know that Dennis is NOT going to insert a post telling me that I have the tables the wrong way round? Because I already got that from him on WhatsApp and fixed it before posting. So there.
    1 point
  10. i will keep some and give the rest away. its tasty but i don't really have the appetite for it these days..
    1 point
  11. I just wanted to refer to the post above. I ditched these extra bolts.
    1 point
  12. A friend of mine grew up on a sheep farm and one of his "rites of passage" was when he was old enough that his Dad let him go out and pick a nice fat lamb to butcher for Easter dinner. He had no qualms about it at all.
    1 point
  13. My grand parents had a swing like that hanging from the ceiling in a screen in porch. As a kid I loved to sit there with them and swing. Fantastic memories. Tucker, you've done a wonderful job and it looks solid.
    1 point
  14. Thanks @Tyrus. The rabbit came from our butcher in Italy. I brought it back frozen and only just had the courage to cook it. Difficult to buy rabbit in towns in the UK. @C6Bill, I guess I am not as sentimental as you. My very first pet was a white rabbit with pink eyes called Jane. We didn't eat her but I did keep chickens that we eventually ate. A funny feeling I will have to admit.
    1 point
  15. I had a couple as pets growing up so I’ll pass, but that does look yummy lol
    1 point
  16. I have too say there's nothing like watching your dinner turn before you in a stone forge fire while sipping on a bottle of Italian red. You have me there, but your husband had that rabbit wrangled quite nicely and I wouldn't trade off either as the better experience. Judging by the size of your bunny it appears he was quite large as bunnies go, did he come from a nearby farm?
    1 point
  17. @Tekobo, looks delicious and it sure is a lot larger than the wild rabbits we have around here. I had that same experience in Spain, just north of Javea, it was a farmhouse way out in the boonies. We had beef steak. They showed us the steak before putting in the fireplace to cook. I remember thinking, didn't say it, "I wouldn't even buy that steak if I saw it in the store. How wrong I was, it was awesome and I have never forgotten that meal.
    1 point
  18. My thought would be to paint the other one bronze.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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