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Everything posted by Fetzervalve

  1. Next time try it, at least throw on a couple extras without the foil, I think you'll like it. Sorry to have hijacked your thread.
  2. Nice Smoky, now get the foil off those potatoes......
  3. That's the ticket Now you are talking, that's exactly what I had in mind. Taters and chicken at the same time. That's why I need one of those grills... Dennis are you cranking these out yet?
  4. We have had the french door, freezer on the bottom model for about a year now. Overall we don't really like it. I doesn't have ice in the door, cause that took too much space out of the refer, but the biggest PIA is getting the ice out of the freezer and the 'full bin' wire rakes ice out of the bin and dumps into the bottom of the freezer when you pull out the slider to access the ice!! Bad design, yours will be better in that regard. Good luck with the 'remodel'!
  5. Yup, that's broken, but I'd still use it, perhaps not for a low and slow, but you could do some damage to a pizza, steaks, burgers, etc. till the fix is in place. It's summer, no time to waste on thickening the waist.
  6. Maybe even a picture... Maybe even a picture... my first cooker was dropped from an airplane, well, that's what the crate looked like anyway (I guess the second wasn't a whole let better). I may have some experience here. FWIW don't lose any sleep, you will get what you paid for (at least, perhaps more)
  7. Probably a dumbo question but what do you measure? Once you have one you measure everything for a while. In this case I was referring to measuring the temp of the pizza stone.
  8. Let us know how it goes, no doubt it will not allow for a very high temp, likely only a couple hundred degrees at best. It will need develop a convection current inside to stay burning, hot air rising, cooler air descending and pulling in oxygen for the burn. I'm thinking it may work wide open on the bottom, but when you start closing it down, I predict frustration.
  9. It's an Infrared thermometer. I have this one. Make sure you get one for high temps!
  10. Pizza mungeti, I use the deflector on the lump basket and the pizza stone on the upper grill sitting on the main grill (as high in the dome as possible). Preheat to 500 - 700 for at least 1/2 hour or longer if possible. I usually see 450+ temps on the stone (IR thermometer) Make sure your lump basket is sitting flat, if the heat deflector is not flat you will get a hot side on your pizza. Check and turn (if necessary) after 3-4 mins. Total time, from 5 to 10 mins depending on lots of factors. Use parchment paper under your pizza to make foolproof transfers from your peel (or lip-less cookie sheet) to the stone, after 1 or 2 minutes, pull the parchment paper out. If the stone is not hot enough the top will finish before the bottom. Give it a try, it's one of our favorites on the KK!
  11. Re: A few parts question It's real purpose is to stop small pieces of lump from rolling out the draft door during high temp cooks (when you have the draft door pulled out from the cooker) and burning your deck, or feet! If you are on a non flammable surface and watch your feet, it's expendable.
  12. JJ, Have you tried a dwell with your steak? Get your fire roaring and do the sear on each side, then shut it all down (all dampers closed) and let it sit for a few minutes (5 - 10) till done. You can open and use an instant read (Thermapen or equiv) to measure temp (or if you are not me, you can use your experience with the feel). Just be careful when opening during the dwell - FLASHBACK is possible!
  13. Do you still have some of the 03 batch? Or are you just kick'n ash?
  14. 19.5 hours - for an 11 pounder!! http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=899 19.5 hours - for an 11 pounder
  15. What do you have for thermometers? If you only have one, I would get a second wired Polder or whatever and probe a Chuckroll and a butt. Monitor them and when they get close, you can check the others. I have done similar and I check the others with the Thermapen when the probed piece indicates it's done. You can then move your probe to what is left on the grill if they finish at different times. Put your monitor probe in the smallest hunk of each type of meat.
  16. Do you check the box 'remember me' - or whatever is says when you sign in? I haven't had to log in for months.
  17. Not having the rod/bracket assembly will make the grill easy to store/ship also. Does Dennis yet realize he has a new part?
  18. I was thinking that Dennis would need to modify the mold for the notch, the ol' Dremel had slipped my mind. I was initially thinking you could have a piece of rod that bent or was welded perpendicular to the perimeter rod (down). However, just adding a piece on the bottom side would probably be easier - especially since you have already made the perimeter piece. But yes, divot/notch in the grill ledge, not in the cooker side.
  19. JB, It's not that far down "in the hole". Not really a problem, and kinda fun - play'n with fire. The fire ring in a KK is an additional layer of material between the hot lump and the side of the grill. [i will try to find a picture] If you simply raised the "hot stuff", you would have radiant heat direct to the side of the grill - could cause problems with temp differential. One of the lump basket iterations hung below the fire ring and actually did affect the wooden adjustment knob. I believe Dennis has changed the basket design (he certainly replaced the damaged knobs - NO CHARGE!) DJ - beat me with the pic link - thanks!
  20. In Iowa ...... I started without a guru and because of my ignorance, I had a BUNCH of trouble with my first overnight cook (read; practically no sleep because the Maverick was alarming me all night long) I chased the temp and actually had the fire go out. I ordered a Guru the next day and have no desire to spend a night like that again. I will say that I have gotten much better - that was 1.5 years ago. I did a 5 hour rib cook over the weekend and controlled it manually with no problems. But, I have no intention of starting a 12 hour+ cook without my autopilot! I always run my lower wheel full open* and control the temp with the dome. (*pizza and steaks require also pulling out the lower door an inch or so) One piece of advice, if you try a long cook without a controller, start it in the morning and you will have all day to get it right, I started mine @ 7:30 pm and it was not fun. You can read about the fun here; viewtopic.php?t=748
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