It finally happened to my POSK. from Richard Johnson NOT a KOMODO KAMADO. Except this was Not an OVERTIGHTENED stuck damper, this was GUNKED UP THREADS stuck damper. I could clearly see daylight between the mating surfaces. But, as I was opening/unscrewing the damper/hat it became harder and harder to unscrew, feeling as though threads had crossthreaded themselves, trying both directions just got harder and harder, finally coming to a dead halt. I couldn't budge it. I had thought about this idea many times reading about stuck dampers, torches, high temp cooks, etc., but I never had a reason to try it. All it took was a 24" 2"X4" board, 5' of 1" strapping, and a saw. It's all about leverage. I hope the pictures speak for themselves. It really worked great.