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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Re: Got my KK - ready to cook - questions Doc, is the need to reduce surface contact due to being unable to clean the mating surfaces adequately? Grease laden? Or are you leaning toward a heat/cool expansion/contraction problem? I find your case interesting as "typically" if sticking damper is not a overtightening problem (which you've identified you're not doing), a high temp cook/good cleaning normally resolves the problem.
  2. Re: McKiney, Tx Well heck. I thought Okay, reading between the lines that was actually an invite over for ribs........ until I got to the part "I will let you guys know how they come out in a couple of hours". There's something there I'm not getting; maybe I need to be from Dallas. Ha!
  3. Re: McKiney, Tx Txbigguy, If you're uncomfortable posting; don't be! We all started where you are.
  4. Re: New mold finished for a NEW 17" KK Baking Stone Thanks for clarifying!! I thought upper grill meant main grill.
  5. Re: New mold finished for a NEW 17" KK Baking Stone I like the size but am trying to figure out the air/heat circulation with a stone that goes from handle to handle. I guess it works because the stone is round and the cooker is oval.
  6. Re: Rough draft of the Roti Drip pan FWIW, I too am not a fan of the drip tube (for reasons already mentioned). FM, bucket suspended via bail/hooks is one heck of an idea!! Bucket would be installed/removed independant of the rotisserie/hunk of meat; correct? It could also be engineered with something to adjust the height.
  7. Re: New to forum from AU Welcome to the forum Frans!!! Beautiful cooker you have there!! Congratulations. Neat big deck too I might add; I love all the wood (or what appears to be wood.)
  8. Re: Rookie about to be called up Sorry Teddysurf. Don't ask me how I misread your post so bad; mixed up little boy with Fatman but I did! Dang it!
  9. Re: Cookie's Monster Arrives In Singapore If you can't get it past your nose how the heck do you eat it? maybe it's the "why" I need to ask about? Hehehe
  10. Re: Hi to all Congrats txbigguy!!! I don't know what you did to win but what ever it was good for you!! You've won the best grill in the world. Are you new to charcoal grilling? The forum welcomes your questions, and are happy to give all the advice we can, and even a little ribbing! pun intended. Welcome aboard!
  11. Re: Cookie's Monster Arrives In Singapore Welcome aboard Brian. Boy that Bronze tile sure looks great; it really "pops" in the beautiful setting you have there. Nice job.
  12. Re: Rookie about to be called up Very nice Teddysurf!!! I didn't know 19.5 had side table option. Beautiful cooker!! And, more importantly...... how were the ribs??? tomorrow was a long time ago.... hehehe
  13. Re: Does anyone weigh their charcoal? Where's Syzgies??? I can't figure out for the life of me what the point is; but I'll jump in anyway! Ha! Okay, so lets add humidity do to the equation? The charcoal/lump mass is the same, but depending on humidity could weigh more or less at any given time. And when there's additional moisture in the lump how much less efficient is it to burn, or is it??? whoo-whee..... hehe Of course I'm a believer in keeping the charcoal basket full at all times, burn what you need, shut her down, and re-light what's left over next time. Can you tell I've calculated 5 lbs and needed 5.25 lbs before? Ha!
  14. Re: Sanny Hey Fetz!!! Johnnyboy still around!!! I missed you too!!! Looks like visiting is possible now with this new website!!! It allows me in from work! shhhh don't tell anyone. For the longest time the site was blocked but no one could figure out why or fix it. What's your excuse Sanny? I missed you too! hehehe Gosh, lots to catch up on!!! Cheers! Johnnyboy
  15. Thanks for your interest in a custom Sunbrella cover for your KK. Please shoot an email to me (John Edwards) at [email protected]. Thanks much for the recommendations!! John
  16. Thanks for suggesting/confirming the venting idea FM!!! I've been suggesting that to customers but haven't been able to prove it. I'm still worried about the honorable folks in the North, especially in Oregon/Wa areas where they're essentially venting saturated air. Their air can go months without ever drying!! Does anyone know if stagnent wet air promotes mold growth over recirculating wet air?
  17. Well, I evened the score, voted for 12-6; but only because that's the configuration I've used on square grills for so long. It's just engrained in me. Burgers definitely.
  18. I actually enjoy reading your points of view Doc!!! You have one hullofva educational background to back it up as well. Scientific approach, sterilized, no bacteria load to start with; got it dude. Wait, sterilized.... I never thought of meat being sterilized, but why not, love it, perfect sense. That's what I call thinking outside the box!!!!
  19. I know I'm a little late but; WOW! Those are absolutly great looking tables, Dennis. Nice job, I too love the stone insert. Coverset in the hopper so thought I better come take a look; again, Wow! Dennis, can I get a paper tracing of the tops, and height(s)? Thx JB
  20. Primeats, shoot me an email, [email protected] I'm on a touch screen phone, screen dying, replaceme nt arrives today. Thx John
  21. Point taken. With the new KK table design storing the tables hanging inverted will help ease the cover installation.
  22. Thanks Hephaestus!!! Glad you're happy. It'll provide your KK years and years of great service. Smokeylips, yes, if you can measure I can build. send me an email [email protected]
  23. Re: carnivorous beauties Is Doc saying you were in the cross-hairs??? Yikes!!!
  24. BWAAAHAAAA Well played sir! Ditto! RFLMAO with ya!!!
  25. Nice one Chris!! I was wondering where those Kingsford KK's were going to end up. Beautiful cooker!!! Glad to see you received one. Those are really classic!! You should contact me for a matching sunbrella cover. I'd love to do a two tone cover to match Kingsford, and I know a guy who has an embroidery shop. email me at [email protected]
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