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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Love all the pictures and detailed post. Looks delicious. @tinyfish I think everyone is waiting for it to be over. Only chopped after this one. As much as I want it to be over I'll miss it when it's gone. Hopefully we can come up with some decent one off challenges.
  2. Chowder looks great. So does the crackers.
  3. @HalfSmoke great looking buns. Like MacKenzie said - I need to up my game on making buns. The muffin top pan I have is so shallow not sure it would work for buns like that. I do have mini spring form pans that would do the trick. Now you got me thinking.
  4. Looks delicious. I've never cooked fish like that before.
  5. I really wanted to do this cook so I could try out my new muffin top pan. I always save enough pulled pork from my butt cooks to make Brunswick Stew. Cornbread and Brunswick Stew are a winning combination. I really love my muffin top pan. Makes perfectly sized little Cornbread cakes.
  6. Looks delicious. Nice to see a brisket cook that's more than the same old, same old.
  7. Looks tasty. Hard to tell in the pictures - what was it stuffed with?
  8. Well this is going to be a different kind of brisket cook. Can't wait to see the progress.
  9. LOL - that's actually a sort of funny map in a twisted kind of way.
  10. Great looking Beef Ribs. Sounds like the lid of the smoke pot was leaking so the smoke didn't go down into the fire.
  11. Great setup. I have a 19" TT and a 16.5" TT. If you have any questions I'm more than willing to help. I
  12. Yea what @bosco said. Install it so the flat rectangular side is down. The curved edge up and towards the outside. Installs on the lower vent tubes of the KK. If you must tweak it to fit be gentle. Put a long handled screw driver through those tubes and carefully bend to a snug fit.
  13. Nice looking ribs. I think ribs is one of those cuts that can't really have a standard time applied to them. Lots of people want to do some version of 3-2-1 when they really need to go by how thick they are. Thinner ribs would just take less time. My last 2 rib cooks were loin back ribs that were very thick and meaty for ribs and took 6 hours without foil. Your ribs look a bit thinner so maybe only 4 hours would have worked. No matter they look delicious. I would have torn into them.
  14. You know what they say about volunteering someone else - you're really volunteering yourself. LOL
  15. BTW I'll raise my hand but I wanted one before this cook. This cook might just make it happen a little sooner.
  16. I think for true cold smoking (no lit coals) above the firebox would work fine but......... In this hot smoking application you really want it coming in below the coals. The hot coals are pulling air (the smoke) up through themselves. This allows the hot coals to burn off the volatiles creating thin blue smoke. Above the firebox in this application might just produce white smoke. Just a thought.
  17. ckreef

    Fireplace Cook

    Nice little piggy.
  18. Now that is my kind of meal. Looks fantastic.
  19. Great looking rib cook. That many ribs would last my family a year - LOL - seriously I doubt I cook that many ribs in a year.
  20. Wow really great cook and test of the cold smoker. TY for trying my theory - I can now scrap that idea. I like the smoke generator idea better than the smoke pot. Having the 19" I just don't have as much room down in there compared to a 23" What about using pellets? Might last longer than chips. I really need to get one of these.
  21. I will add my seasoning had no paprika in it. The color is just the oil and chicken grease/skin caramelizing?
  22. What if found with chicken in a KK is if you take the breast to just done status the thighs (dark meat) won't be done enough and might be down right smushy and gross. KK chickens are so moist you can cook until the breast temperature is a good bit higher and it's still tender and moist. Doing that and the thighs get to an acceptable level of doneness.
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