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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
  2. That is my goto rotisserie setup. Can't wait to see how it works with 2 birds in the basket.
  3. I'll have a crock pot chicken stock post coming soon. Probably this weekend. I actually did this cook last week and made a batch of stock. It was OK. Learned a bit. Next batch this weekend will be better. Doing a double rotisserie cook before then.
  4. Here is the chickens I've been buying for a while now. Really good chickens. The rub I use. Mixed with a little oil. I rinse and dry the bird and cutoff the wings. I then brush it down with this mixture and load it into the rotisserie basket. Once loaded I sprinkle on a little more rub. I did this bird at 500* for 1 hour 20 minutes. Bird was moist and tender. The problem with 500* is the rub started to burn fairly early in the cook. I have a double chicken rotisserie planned for later this week. Will bring it down to 450* and see how that does.
  5. Great article. Definitely learned something new this morning.
  6. Never made true homemade tomato soup. This recipe looks delicious. Need to try this one day.
  7. Nice roast. I like your screen for the job at hand. Next summer I really need to visit the farmers market more often and do more roasting and freezing.
  8. You must be right because he didn't want any of my bad breath - LOL
  9. I'm thinking that was a basic rib roast along the back including the upper back muscle(s). In the US that would already be trimmed down with the upper back meat turned into ground meat. This also makes sense of why it was pulled so early (temp wise) and still tender. What I've noticed is different butchers cut a hunk of meat and label it the way they want. I'll say it again - either way a fine looking cut of beef.
  10. I don't even know what to think about that. Tease us with an on grill picture and then no done and sliced picture? We're going to call an emergency meeting tonight to determine if we need to revoke your BBQ/Grill Master card or not.
  11. Can't wait to see the final bacon. We're about to redo our small pantry and turn it into a little bigger walk-in pantry. Once done maybe I'll get a slicer since I'll have a bit more storage space.
  12. Great cook. Looks delicious. Not sure about the bone in brisket part. Those look like rib bones. I thought the brisket was the front chest muscle. Of course I may not know what I'm talking about. Either way a gorgeous chunk of beef.
  13. Had a sweat bee buzzing around wanting to walk on me. Then it wanted in my mouth. I wasn't playing that game. Using my best ventriloquist voice "Take the picture, take the picture!"
  14. Only you (and probably Dee) can answer that question. Does it look like what you saw in real life?
  15. Nice money shot. A lot of work but it came out looking good.
  16. Great looking meal. Sweet potatoes and grilled corn make perfect chicken sides.
  17. Not all pizza doughs can go high heat. Sugar and oil in a pizza dough starts to burn above about 550*. All the high heat doughs are formulated with no sugar or oil and can cook at temps in the 700*+ range. Most dough recipes one can find on the Internet work good around 500*. Find a recipe and cook at the recommended temperature and see what happens. Tweak from there. Baking stone with no bottom deflector. Get everything nice and heat soaked for an hour or more.
  18. ckreef

    Taco Ring

    Congratulations Mrs skreef who won the September Guru challenge with this cook.
  19. As Aussie said it's called a cotter pin. Home Depot, Lowes or just about any hardware store will have them. Exact size isn't really important but it does need to be able to go into the hole at the bottom of top vent threads.
  20. Looks really good. Can't wait to see the money shot. With Tofu - when in doubt, cook the hell out of it - might actually be able to cook the nasty texture out of it - LOL
  21. Sounds delicious. I'm sure you'll pull it off so Dee wants seconds. Tofu is one of those no flavor items. It's all what you make of it. The biggest (only) obstacle is getting the texture right.
  22. That roast looks perfect. But I'm going to be a little honest here - sort of a let down. The way you played it up you should have thrown a KK grate on the campfire and cooked it on that. Just sayin.
  23. If you notice the /5000 is part of the label but somebody sat down with a pen and numbered them 1 to 5000 times 2 different rubs. Sure glad that wasn't my job.
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