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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. ckreef

    Spun a Chook

    Great chicken cook. Rotisserie chicken is the only way I cook whole chicken now.
  2. I have a 1 quart smoke pot for the 19". After drilling the holes I removed the top knob. It fits but a tight fit height wise. Also if you split your smoking wood up into smaller pieces you can fit more in the pot.
  3. 1) as the wood Smokes the smoke is forced out the bottom holes and into hot coals. The bad volitoles get burned off so what you get is nice thin blue smoke. 2) no volitoles left in the smoke means no chance of an acrid smoke taste going on your meat. 3) not really. Just have to setup your lump so the pot can sit down in the coals. 4) ensures all smoke from the wood gets forced down and out the bottom holes. Use foil or a flour paste.
  4. ckreef

    Taco Ring

    This was a really tasty cook. I just couldn't stop eating it. Nice thing about this technique you could stuff it with anything. On the way to the grocery store Mrs skreef gave us a choice, Mexican or Italian. My son chose Mexican and there we have it.
  5. I guess I just don't see a need for a controller with a KK. I get plenty of piece of mind with the KK alone. Just did a long low-n-slow with Prometheus (16.5"). For 15 hours it stayed rock steady at around 230* and that was with me opening the dome once an hour for about 30 seconds. Never touched the vents once. After 15 hours I started tweaking the vents open to slowly raise the temperature in an attempt to finish the cook and eat dinner at a resonable time.
  6. Don't sell yourself or your picture skills short - that is definitely challenge worthy material. With some of the challenges a simpler cook wins. Next month in the chop challenge I'm going to try for the least amount of ingredients and simplest cook I can do. - figure last cook of the series and I need to go all out - LOL
  7. Basically yes. We stayed up until about 4 am. After that I set a 60 minute timer and took a series of hour naps. We were sort of useless Sunday but we really didn't have anything to do anyway.
  8. Longest butt I've ever done. I never thought it would finish.
  9. Probably one of them I just tweaked it a little.
  10. TY MacKenzie, I've never had one take this long. Makes you start questioning everything especially your thermometers.
  11. TY Bruce, we're getting close on the yam recipe.
  12. This is a loose interpretation of Jack Mixon's technique. I figured if Myron can learn from his father than maybe I can too. 2 oz of a 50/50 mix, course ground black pepper and kosher salt. I also made a 1/2 gallon of a vinegar pit mop liquid. The idea is to mop the meat every hour. It sort of builds a bark as we go. (yea this method is a little bit of work) Got the butt rubbed down and Prometheus (16.5" KK) cruising along at 230*. Put it on at 11 pm Saturday night. Here it is at the 10 hour mark. Temp holding steady even though I've been opening the dome hourly. This was a really stubborn butt. I had to foil it and bump the temp up to 300* so I could actually eat dinner Sunday evening. It took a total of 18 1/2 hours before it finally probed tender with an IT of 203* Made candied sweet potatoes while the butt was resting. Dinner is finally ready. Lesson I learned, never cook a butt at 225*. Takes forever and no real advantage. 250*-300* from now on but I knew this already. The best butts (including this one) was done without any real dry rub. They were done with some kind of wet marinade. I think I'll stick to that from now on just need to perfect my technique so it doesn't need tending every hour.
  13. Now that everyone mentioned it that does have guru challenge written all over it. Really great looking cook.
  14. I'm not scared of tofu and yours looks awesome. I think it's time for you to get a cold smoker. I'm confident you could do one justice. Supposedly a few members have one but I've yet to see a cold smoke posted. Everyone seems hung up on the air pump when less than $10 at Walmart or a local aquarium store would have solved that problem.
  15. Old Bay in moderation is a good seasoning for a lot of things. Of course on steamed shrimp or blue crabs make sure you throw moderation out the window.
  16. TY Bill for the reply. I think we all realize you had good intentions with this thread it just got a little skewed. Currently working on homemade BBQ sauces and will keep tweaking until I get them right at which time I'll post them in the recipe section. May I suggest if you have a particularly good homemade rub recipe please post it in the recipe section. I'm more than willing to try it out.
  17. I basically disagree with these 2 quotes especially the second quote. The second quote is somewhat implying that people using store bought rubs is not serious about BBQ. I would say anyone who spends thousands of dollars on a KK or two is way more serious than most people. As for the filthy rich aspect that is just plain ludacris. I probably have the lowest household income of all KK owners worldwide and I still buy store bought rubs and sauces. There is a lot more to the world of BBQ and grilling then just ribs, butts and brisket. Note: I wasn't going to respond to this post again (other than my first post) but I received a few private messages from members who felt somewhat insulted by this thread. And yes we all realize that wasn't the original intention.
  18. I agree with you in principle. Convenience is a big factor. When I do a long involved cook I will make my own rub or sauce but for limited time weeknight cooks I'm all for the store bought. Personally I like almost everything McCormick and it's reasonably priced compared to other brands. Store bought sauces are much easier for the weeknight cook. Unless you get into the whole home canning thing (which I do from time to time) sauces have a limited shelf life in the fridge. Bottled sauce lasts a long time until you open it.
  19. I buy rabbit at a local butcher. Cleaned and ready to cook $8 - $10 per rabbit. I have a hard enough time taking care of myself let alone a bunch of rabbits - LOL
  20. I'm curious - how many pounds can you put on a pallet and then what would the final shipping weight be? 700 lbs or less to where I work is $208. 500 lbs or less is $180
  21. I totally agree with McKenzie, go with chicken parts until you get a chance to play around with the vents. Leg quarters are especially forgiving. Ribs and butts are very forgiving but the vent settings for low-n-slow is so minute best to play with those low vent settings before putting dinner on the line.
  22. The best example of the image problem is my Steak Firecrackers post. There are two extra pictures at the end of post #1 that can't be deleted. If I go into my account and look at my attachments they are in there and are duplicate uploads.
  23. Going into my moderatorCP section there is a way unhide posts that were hidden but it appears delete is a hard delete.
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