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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. All around it was OK. We ate it so I guess it was a winner.
  2. Nice potatoes. Our potatoe plants were duds. Then again I have a black thumb so by me just looking at them probably did them in LOL.
  3. This was my "Chopped" challenge on Guru. The 4 must use ingredients were Tofu, Apples, Corn and Sriracha sauce. A non traditional Wellington made with Tofu and served with Bourbon Apples. The different ingredients. Through a strange set of circumstances the tofu got marinated in the refrigerator for 32 hours. Didn't seem to hurt it. CI seared the outside at 450*. Allowed to cool. A layer of Prosciutto and corn paste. Rolled it up in saran wrap then in the freezer for a few minutes. While in the freezer I started on the Bourbon Apples. Roll it up in puff pastry then grill at 400* until golden brown. Dinner is served - I guess. The Bourbon Apples were a big hit and I'll come up with a recipe for that soon. The Wellington was edible. If tofu was the only protein left on earth I could make it work.
  4. Isn't brisket the breast muscle of a cow. With that, what bone would you get? Some type of breast plate? I'm no butcher and don't know a lot about cow anatomy so I'm asking.
  5. What a tease. No forgiveness next time
  6. I don't know about that statement. After me and Mrs skreef both did a test tofu cook last night I'll take the pork belly hands down any day. Not even close to the same thing IMHO.
  7. ckreef

    pork loin

    If nothing else get one of those 10' offset umbrellas. Less than $300 and you won't get soaked working the KK.
  8. I've never heard of a bone in brisket. That is a monster cut of beef. I'll be following along to see how this ends.
  9. That looks really good.
  10. Great looking pork belly - can we "Trade Places"? - not too disappointed - LOL
  11. That is a really great looking piece of pork. Nice cook all around.
  12. That is a stunning looking combination. Really like the drawer underneath the grill. I assume you could get the table top going out towards the left so you still have access to the rotisserie port?
  13. Really nice. That should be a great replacement/upgrade for table top setups that currently house one of the big ceramics.
  14. More power to him if he can get the big bucks. Sell now cause somebody is going to tweak the idea just enough so it skirts his patent. I don't think I would ever eat one but interesting idea.
  15. Sriracha Sauce is a good sauce for heat. A little gives a little heat. The more Sriracha the more heat. It's not super intense so you can use a bit. Anytime I want heat in a homemade sauce I add a good squirt or 3.
  16. October guru challenge is using tofu as a protein. Any thoughts or tips on grilling tofu? Firm or extra firm? There's a few of us who are trying to figure out this tofu challenge.
  17. Great looking pizza. You always got awesome toppings. I always go for standard pizza toppings. I think I need to mix it up a bit in the future.
  18. Just think instead of smoking pot now we can smoke a pipe. Maybe we should put the pot in the pipe before smoking - just sayin .......
  19. Nice. The one quart is a little awkward in the 19". I'll give you a week to see if you start posting incoherent stuff or not before I make one.
  20. Is it really that malicious when the only code you're changing is the raw code for that one particular post. A malicious link can easily be inserted and masked as a legitimate link in the WYSIWYG editor. Nobody else seems to be able to come up with a solution to remove unwanted pictures or bad links in a post. Maybe that option can be turned on for moderators and administrators only.
  21. There is an option in this software to allow you to switch between WYSIWYG editor and code editor mode. Once enabled there is a little "source" button in the upper left corner in edit mode next to "B" (bold). Clicking that switches between the two modes. I believe if that option was enabled you could go into your post and remove the code that is pulling up those extra pictures that don't want to go away. @churchi maybe you can look into enabling that option. Kamado Guru (running this software) has that option enabled. I've used it recently over there to fix a trouble some post that had a funky link that couldn't be removed in the WYSIWYG editor.
  22. Although this challenge series is over after next month we'll still try and have some sort of monthly challange. Also trying to line up prizes for challenges. I agree the challenges push me to try things I wouldn't normally chance dinner on.
  23. I love Pinwheels. Never tried with shrimp but I will next time. Great cook.
  24. ckreef

    A sneak peak

    Great cook. I can never find short ribs that look like those.
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