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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. LOL - I figured that was coming. It's 7 am, I got to sleep in today I am starting to get my brain in gear. It only takes an hour or so to come to temp so I got some time still. We are definitely a go, coming soon.
  2. Slowly but surely we're getting there. The is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Initial install of the pavers is complete. I do think I want to dig up and redo my back left step. It's supposed to rain on Tuesday and Wednesday, we'll see what we end up with after that before I do any tweaking. 
  4. Really great looking pizzas everyone. Definitely getting me pumped up for my upcoming pizza cook.
  5. For some reason I can no longer get on my Instagram account and have not been successful recovering my account. Besides I don't have a proper web cam. Maybe I'll work on that idea in the future. For now I'll try and take a bunch of pictures.
  6. I do know how to stretch a thread out, don't I? Seriously though I have to let the dough rise through it's different phases. I could probably do Saturday night but have flat iron steak and crab cakes for that dinner. BTW - nope not feeling any pressure at all - LOL - sure hope I don't screw this up to bad on Sunday.
  7. GIMETAL stuff is high quality but definitely not cheap. What you see was $200.
  8. My new pizza tools showed up today from GIMETAL USA. We're going to have pizza for Sunday lunch. Dough is in autolyze stage as I type this. Interesting customer service story. They actually sent me the wrong brush head. I ordered the rectangular 8" head. They sent me the more expensive horse shoe head. Called them up this afternoon. They said they would send the correct head and a return shipping label to send back the horse shoe head. But how am I going to do a pizza cook this weekend as I need an oven brush? My suggestion was sell me the correct head at a reduced price (with free shipping) and I'll keep both heads so I can use the horse shoe head this weekend. They were kewl with that idea so in the end I got both heads and handle. After all was said and done I paid for the horse shoe brush and got a free rectangular head. 
  9. That's funny. Freezer communist dictator being over thrown by the people he tried to control - LOL Seriously I tried that freezer list idea. Didn't last long for me either.
  10. Not sure how I missed this thread before. I assume these are the 3 hot sauces you sent me a sample of? You are correct about the red being very mild. I started by tasting the red. Basically fooled me into thinking the other 2 wouldn't be that hot. Yea I was wrong about that. Very tasty.
  11. I'm a six months in advance pizza person - LOL I started my dough process last night to have pizza for Saturday or most likely Sunday lunch.
  12. Went back and reread this thread. I thought you had decent responses and conversation about the subject and pictures. It did wander off topic but it gradually got there. There was no deliberate and abrupt high jacking of the thread. Best thing to do is post some more pictures or talk more about it to get the thread back on topic. A lot of my threads go off topic for a bit. I always felt as long as people were talking it didn't matter to me what they were talking about and if my thread got that off topic conversation going - yay me. Compared to other forums the KK forum only has limited participation, any participation is better than no participation.
  13. Burn number 5 (final burn in) happening tonight. Will probably do one more tomorrow night going up to 750*-800* just to play at full temperature. Also a couple of nights ago I started a new Neopolitan dough recipe to test out tonight (form pizza doughs). I used my live starter instead of dry yeast. Was easy to work with. Stretched good, didn't tear. Transfered to the peel without issue and slid around the peel no problem. Should be able to easily hand launch this recipe. Also have a couple of oven/pizza tools on the way. Shipping notification says Friday delivery. We might actually try a pizza cook this weekend
  14. Soon. Tonight was burn 4 of 5. A test run of my new pizza dough recipe is doing a 24 fermentation tonight. We'll see how it stretches tomorrow (I want everything just right for the initial pizza cook). Also on order is a few tools (oven brush, long handled peel etc.....). Not sure if I want to even try before the brush arrives (probably next week, unfortunately).
  15. We've already picked out the building and accessories. Basically $10k. Maybe next year unless the money fairy (a.k.a. Lottery) visits the Bistro - LOL
  16. If all you can have is one tool than a KK is the tool to have. It does a reasonably decent job at everything and excels in certain areas. If you have the space and money there are other tools that do a better job for their specific task. Some of the appeal for my other tools is the learning curve to master temperature control and cooking technique. Every time I walk past the BBQ section in any store I turn to Mrs skreef, "oooh grillllsssss". She gives me that cockeyed look. I think she would kill me if I brought home another grill right now. Of course a true and proper outdoor kitchen now that's another story. I think she's sold on that idea.
  17. Great looking pies. We use the term junk pie when you throw anything and everything on a pizza.
  18. I actually bought these shells off the internet. This about their 10th use. I mainly use them for my stuffed scallop recipe.
  19. Interesting recipe/technique for cooking Scallops on the Konro grill. I have 6 of these shells so we cooked 2 at a time.  Sauted some finely chopped onion and garlic in ghee for about 30 seconds.  Add your Scallops.  Turn after a minute or two. Add a little sake and mirin. Finally a touch of soy sauce then pull and serve. Caution the shell is really hot. Tasted fantastic. The sweet sake and mirin with the salty soy worked well together. 
  20. Great looking pies. Will have to give it a try one day.
  21. Looks fun. I've never tried using an offset.
  22. TY Grant. I'm excited to go through the live fire learning curve. Awesome cooks (and I'm sure some duds) coming soon.
  23. Here you go. Kiln dried mini splits of oak. On the right, 2 bins fit perfectly. It was like they were made for my setup. One bin to hold small items (gloves, hatchet, infrared gun etc......). The other bin filled with Kindling from the backyard woods.
  24. Got a few cooks other than pizza planned. Should be fun.
  25. This thread is getting better by the day. Glad you are enjoying it.
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