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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I'm not a big cake fan but that looks really good. I think that video made it look to easy.
  2. That was strange. Not sure what happened to the pictures. Anyway edited the post and reloaded the pictures. Can you see them now?
  3. Me and Mrs skreef went out to Mexican for lunch today. I love enchiladas and ordered some. Yours looks much better.
  4. I love the purple flecked cheese and the purple streaks in the piping bag - LOL
  5. Basic idea off the Internet with a huge Bistro twist. Was off work today due to rain so we headed to Publix. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. A fantastic meal that was a bit easier to prepare than I thought it would be. The 2:1 mixture of ricotta:goat cheese was really good and will use that in the future for lasagna. I've made about 5 or 6 different versions of marinara sauce over the last month or two. I though I had it spot on the money. Dang this was far better than all the rest. Chef's notes: 1) Buy the fattest Rigatoni you can find for easy piping. I used No. 24. It was a bit fatter than std No. 31's. 2) I hate dried out baked pasta dishes. Add 1/2 cup water in the bottom of the dish to keep it nice and moist. Side story - Free Basil: So we went shopping at Publix today. At checkout this is how the conversation went with the checkout lady: Did you find everything you were looking for? No, there was no fresh basil! That's strange. That's what I thought. Did you ask anybody back there to see if there was any in the back stockroom? No, that's OK, I'll go across the street to Kroger. KROGER?!! Let me get you some. She called out to the customer service lady to find some basil and bring it up front. Just give me a minute I'll get you some frsh basil. I won't charge you for it. Okay. She finished checking me out and I stood off to the side. About 30 seconds later a guy from the back came and brought me a package of basil. I turned to the checkout lady: Thank you. You're welcome. Sorry the basil wasn't out on the shelf. Publix - the best in customer service.
  6. Mighty fine looking chops.
  7. It was really a steam bath with Old Bay sprinkled throughout.
  8. My son and his 3 smartie friends are going to GA college together. They are signed up to dorm together and all. Maybe the 4 of them can keep each other on the straight and narrow path - LOL
  9. Looks like they worked good. Breakfast looks delicious.
  10. Yea he snuck in there. Everyone else calls him ginger. His official name (as far as I'm concerned) is squirrel butt because he's a little squirrely. A good candidate for rotisserie cat - LOL
  11. Today my son graduated with honors from high school (4 years 90+ average). Very proud of that considering he missed so many days they would never give him a school certificate to get his driver's license - LOL - Anyway he wanted crab legs for dinner. It was off and on showers today so I threw up an easy up and steamed 5 lbs of crab legs outside.
  12. They're cats. Since you haven't posted a rotisserie cat cook yet I'd say you're not torturing them. They'll eventually get use to it. I'm tempted to try kitten kabobs soon but if I did Mrs skreef would probably follow with a reef rib cook - LOL - it'd be like that movie Fried Green Tomatoes except at the Bistro instead of the Whistle Stop Cafe.
  13. Terra Blue Baby - just sayin. Actually Dennis posted shiny maroon tiles as a possibility. That would be the absolute sexiest.
  14. No worries mate - already started collecting for your next package. I have a few of the veggie marinades sitting on the @Aussie Ora shelf.
  15. Check this out. These limited edition veggie marinades I've only found at Walmart. They make a bunch of different flavors. All of them I've tried had a really strong flavor. I did a test carrot cook last week using this spice blend. I did the full recipe but only half a packet. OMG - it'll fire you up. Way hotter than my son could be handle. And it needed a good squirt of fresh squeezed lime juice. All these limited edition veggie marinades have potential but the basic mixing directions will need some tweaking. Used their Basil Balsamic veggie marinade on grilled asparagus (full recipe, half packet). Was the best grilled Asparagus to date.
  16. A magic eraser will work by itself but the 505 makes it work better. Also do it after the cook when the collar is still warm. That combination works good for the entire KK.
  17. Mr Clean Magic Eraser with a touch of Zep Fast 505.
  18. Anton - @Aussie Ora lives in Australia. PM him. He could answer any questions about a KK coming through Australian customs.
  19. Yea I know. I just forgot it until after the first bite. I immediately realized it was missing. I finished eating it with purple crack.
  20. TY MacKenzie - pictures weren't the best. I think I'm all pictured out after last nights cook.
  21. This is my entry in the May challenge over on the Guru. Sriracha lime chicken and onions served on a bed of lime risotto with a side of grilled lime carrots. I normally cook by the seat of my pants but....... This was a multi part cook using 3 kamados and an outdoor burner. I figured I better scribble some notes so I don't forget anything. First we needed to properly lubricate the chef with a Blackcurrant Lime Vodkatini or 3. After being properly lubricated the above notes proved very helpful - LOL Sriracha lime chicken and onions. Lime risotto. Grilled lime carrots. Drum roll please ... ... ... ... I love these challenge cooks to really push me. Fairly simple recipes. The hardest part was firing up and managing 3 kamados while cooking the risotto on the outdoor burner. All round good cook. Probably the best carrots I've ever cooked. Set a new standard for carrots at the Bistro.
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