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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Great looking meal and meatloaf. Those pea plants are rockin.
  2. Fine looking seafood platter. Great cook. Money shot makes me want a plate.
  3. I've been making jam and canning fruit for years now. Just a batch or three each summer. I'll try and do a batch of Grilled Peach Reef Jam in another week or two.
  4. We have a winner. Taste is awesome. The set was a little loose (the way I like it). Maybe just a Itty-bitty bit grainy but definitely great on toast. (I could just be to critical with myself.) Sure glad it came out because I was a little worried since pitting 3 lbs of cherries using the hard plastic straw method takes some work.
  5. Really great looking prime rib. Can't get that looking that good at even the best restaurants.
  6. I agree - where's the eggs? But I must add - where's the grits? - Needs eggs and grits to be a proper breakfast caserole...... Just sayin......
  7. That looks really good. I'm all about non traditional pork butts. Please tell us more about the prep.
  8. I took a sneak preview of the taste. It was awesome, we'll have to see about the texture. Even if it's a bit grainy I'll still be able to use it for cooking. I too thought it was an interesting back story. I imagine cherries are like apples. Only 1 in 80,000 apple seeds will produce an edible apple tree. Mother nature just shinned on this farmer and gave him a rogue cherry tree that was edible and awesome.
  9. I'm not 100% sure about this batch. When I pulled the jars out of the processing bath they looked a little grainy. After sitting for a while they look good. I'll know tomorrow night. I've been making jams for years now and I've only had one grainy batch in the past. Fingers crossed on this one cause cherries are a bigger pain in the rear than peaches. Anyway I did Google search causes for grainy jam. I think I'll alter my technique a little next time to assure this never happens again.
  10. Orondo Ruby Cherries? - that's a new one to me so I did a little research. In 2001 a Rainer Cherry farmer from Orondo Washington noticed a strange cherry tree in the middle of his Rainer orchard. He figured it was a natural hybrid cross pollination of Bing and Rainer Cherries. It produced fruit earlier in the year, was bigger, slightly sweeter, redder, and more firm then his Rainer Cherries. He sent samples off to a fruit tree laboratory and discovered that it was not a hybrid rather a whole new species that mother nature had given him. In 2008 he was awarded a patent for his new cherries and the process of grafting, growing and harvesting Orondo Cherries began. His patent doesn't expire until 2028 so for now it's a very limited crop with availability only for a couple of weeks at the beginning of July, if your lucky enough to find them. I managed to get hold of a few boxes so I decided to make a batch of Reef Jam. I almost forgot to heat up my seal lids so I had to scramble in the middle of the cook process. During all that I forgot to take a picture of the jam cooking. Going to make some cherry pork chops for dinner tomorrow night.
  11. That's some serious rain. Glad you finally braved it and got the cook done. Can't let some silly rain ruin a good meal. Although I say that sitting next to my KK's on my covered porch.
  12. Really tasty looking cook. Glad you enjoyed it. I got the idea from a local Italian/pizza restaurant. Will have to make it again soon. Another idea I've done recently is individual ramekins filled with Spaghetti and topped like a pizza then baked to perfection. Got that idea from Fazolli's (sic) fast food Italian place. They are really good too.
  13. I really don't want to talk about my stupidity. Since then I've been buying bagged ice. Eventually I'll get tired of buying bagged ice and fix it or buy another ice maker unit for it. Pissed me off so bad not even willing to deal with it yet. This wasn't that long ago.
  14. No pasta involved. Meat, veggies, sauce and cheese although a bit of pasta in there would work. I totally agree about jar sauce. I've finally got my act together with tomato sauce and that was one of my last cooks using jar sauce.
  15. I understand the pissed off refrigerator situation. I got a brand new $6k refrigerator for $3k. Love the refrigerator but within 3 months I screwed up the ice maker. Totally my fault and I don't really want to talk about it. Arggghh.
  16. ckreef

    Grilled Salsa

    Great salsa cook.
  17. Throw it all together. I like that method. Looks good.
  18. Never done hassleback chicken breasts before. Will definitely have to try out that idea, they look delicious.
  19. Not sure what to say about this thread. Drama? That's what you get when you have a few hundred new members registering and posting every spring. If this forum had that much new member traffic every spring there would be drama here too. For the amount of new members and the percent of them having never used a kamado before I feel the drama is at a minimum. As for KJ, the forum is over 50% Akorns. KJ has the second highest representation with the rest of the members owning probably every other Kamado ever made. I don't own a KJ, never have, never will, yet I'm still a moderator over there. Because of that status I won't comment on the rest of this discussion.
  20. Halves look good to me.
  21. I imagine any of them will scratch if you use the wrong cleaner. Other than that you have no worries. Get the one you like best. Zep 505 and Mr Clean Magic Eraser are your best friends for a quick cleanup.
  22. You have way more self restraint than I had. The Neapolitan Herb is on the savory side. You definitely need to open that up.
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