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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. S&S has a video out there where they put a bike with one of their motors on a dyno machine. They tested it 3 ways. Straight pipes, Straight pipes w/ baffles, Full exhaust with 2 single mufflers. For mid range performance that is the order from worst to best. There is like a 10 hp difference between straight pipes and full exhaust. Add a cross over on full exhaust I think you gain another hp or two. This really only counts in the mid range rpms but that's where you want the most performance riding around the streets. Of course who cares, mine sounds kick ass when blasting around and at 113 ci and only about 600 lbs it has plenty of go juice. Also I can still keep it fairly quiet if I go easy on the throttle.
  2. 113 ci, 10:1 compression, straight pipes, no baffles. Very loud and proud. To be honest you loose a little mid range performance with straight pipes. Doesn't bother me any, it is way faster than I usually care to ride.
  3. Summer Breeze totally awesome. Not coming to the states is sort of a bummer. Me and Mrs skreef had a few kewl adventures we were going to take you on. I was even going to buy an Australian flag and hang it on the flag pole just for you - LOL
  4. I'll look around and see if I can find some good ones and move them into that section.
  5. If this really ended up in the Bermuda Triangle I will eventually resend it. The rubs and extras I threw in there I couldn't care less about but the ingredients to make 2 special salad dressings I really wanted you and Dee to try. Those were the hardest most expensive part of the box but that was really what the box was about. We'll see what happens and I'll eventually reorder the ingredients from FL.
  6. I figured you would "like" dinner looking at you - LOL
  7. We have to give it a little more time. I think the official stance is 30 days before you can make a claim. It's not looking good and I'm more bummed by the day.
  8. Take a selfie of your tongue. I want to see the purple crack Berry tongue like I had as a kid with grape cool-aide.
  9. I've been to the Preakness a few times in my younger days (when I lived in MD). Always setup camp infield with grill and all. One year not sure I even saw a horse but I did see the bottom of a bottle or two - LOL
  10. Nice looking sign. You're the only one with a teak sign.
  11. Yea I just had to post that picture.
  12. This is the fun part of cooking - making it up as you go. I had a basic idea for what I wanted but no real recipe. I spent about 30 minutes putting different ingredients on the counter until I liked what I saw, then I just started cooking and snapping pictures. Somewhere along the way I fired up the KK's. This turned out to be one of the better creations I've made in a long time. Since I was just throwing things together not measuring anything I don't have much of a story to tell so I'll just post the pictures. This will be one of my all time favorite money shot - LOL
  13. Welcome. As others have stated just call Dennis. I am a family of 3 (soon to be 2). I have a 19" and 16". I like the smaller format table top models but hey that's just me.
  14. Definitely go see @Aussie Ora's KK. Most of us bought a KK sight unseen. Pictures don't really do them justice.
  15. I will for sure but definitely not ready yet.
  16. I thought my pizza experimenting days were over but I still have some pizza type issues I want to work through so I started up this thread. This is how it's going to work - once a week - sometime on the weekend I'll do a pizza type cook and post the results in this thread. Some things will be major tests others will be small tweaks you may not even notice. Either way I'll try to post something every week so check back often. Will let this thread ride until I work out my issues or my family cries "Uncle", which ever comes first - LOL. To start this off I want to get marinara sauce and calzones perfected. I've done plenty of calzone cooks over the years but only a few I feel were totally successful. Seems like a relatively easy goal but I'm sort of a pizza snob so perfection (in my mind) doesn't come easy. Marinara sauce started last night by roasting a shallot and garlic. This morning I made a jar of homemade marinara sauce. For the dough I did a 3 day preferment. This morning I started working on the dough. This evening I finished off the dough and built some calzones. Served with a side of baked feta/marinara dipping sauce. I know this looks good, it tasted good and there was some reasonably successful parts but I really consider this on a whole as a Fail..... The marinara sauce was decent but not ready for prime time yet. The highlight of the dinner was the baked feta cheese dish. Warm homemade marinara sauce in a small baking dish, sprinkled generously with feta cheese. Pop that in the broiler for a minute or two. Delicious. Got that from a local Italian restaurant pizza place. The 3 day preferment worked so next week I'll go for a 6-7 day preferment. Started next weeks preferment right after dinner this evening. Will talk more about this in a future post. It just wasn't the right dough to use. I'll try and research that out this week and will try another calzone cook next weekend. Hope you enjoyed my adventure - check back next week.
  17. This forum is awesome. Will only get better with more members.
  18. I checked out the canisters but they wanted a fair amount of coin for a set so I went the bag route.
  19. Me too but with all the pizza cooks going on in the Guru I figured I needed to work on a few things. Will post the start of my weekly pizza thread over here later today.
  20. Now that's sort of funny. Nothing babe about a 23. The baby is the 16. The 19 is the teenager. We'll give the 23 young adult status. 32 full grown adult. The 42 is more like mid life crisis - LOL
  21. Great looking pizzas. A few days ago I bought 3 different bags of flour from KA (should arrive early next week.) Each bag is 3 lbs. KA pizza blend, KA 00, KA high gluten. I love the taste of the pizza blend, the 00 makes it silky smooth but low protein and that's where the KA high protein flour comes in to play. Going to try equal parts of all three next weekend and see what I get.
  22. ckreef

    Pork Loin

    Nice spread. I love pork loins - so very versatile.
  23. I usually use the rolls and have a lifetime supply stashed in my closet. (got the 11" pleated rolls for around $2 per roll. I bought a few boxes - LOL) Was being lazy so I bought the pint baggies. Perfect size.
  24. Really great cook. Looks delicious. I had salmon last night but it didn't look like that
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