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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. ckreef

    Pulled Beef

    Great looking pulled beef. I love pulled beef. Mrs skreef and my son not so much. Oh well I still torture them with pulled beef every once in a while.
  2. ckreef

    Lifting Straps

    Yes there is still tension on the spring when the dome is in the open position. I have posted 2 different threads. One is how to adjust your spring tension the other one is step by step with pictures for removing the dome. Check them out as the procedure is the same for all KK's.
  3. That is the pin sticking out of her knuckle. Something to grip with the pliers when they go to pull it out.
  4. Follow up doctor visit yesterday. Got a good look at the stitches. Squeamish people look away - LOL . . . . . .
  5. Nice cart. Should be a really good functioning addition.
  6. Yes you run two 2x4's between the loops and have strong people on each end of both 2x4's.
  7. Chops look good. Funny on th Kraft mac-n-cheese.
  8. Looks tasty. How was the Bayouish? I haven't tried that flavor yet.
  9. ckreef


    Great looking Dizzy chicken.
  10. Yup you totally get it. When a cook really works out to my expectations and I'm tooting my own horn you can bet your paycheck it was a really killer meal. Mostly the rest are good but that one or two meals a month that blow my own socks off is what keeps me moving forward.
  11. I understand what you are saying. I've fully explored the prices for White Oak Farms meat. I don't mind the road trip to pick up the meat but the price dictates it will be special weekend meals. I'll use the cheap crap for quick weeknight meals.
  12. @Smoking_Big_Al I see no point in your post above. If the man would rather use a different grill/kamado so be it. From what I've seen he's never had a bad thing to say about KK's. Bobby told him publicly to keep his KK and he would still send him a 2017 KJBJ at no cost. I've watched almost all his videos (which I love his style) including the KK, sumit and other videos. He has stated before he is sponsored by no one. Seems we should take the man's word until he states differently and calling the situation BS is just in bad taste. KK's aren't for everyone.
  13. ckreef

    sKirt tacOs

    Nice looking taco cook.
  14. @billg71 yes I was talking about White Oak Farms. They interviewed him on NPR the other day for a good 20 minutes or more. He gave the entire history of the farm starting with his grandfather. He does seem commitmented to humainly raising and butchering his livestock. After talking with Mrs skreef were going to make a trip down there one Saturday after Thanksgiving.
  15. I think this has come up before. It is a Boston butt with some amount of shoulder meat attached. Snake River Farms sells then and that's the way they describe it. A more popular cut in European markets where here in America they butcher the 2 separate cuts.
  16. Definitely not throw outs just not my best work.
  17. I've done baked Spaghetti and similar dishes. Temperature range is about 350* - 1,000*. For most everything except thin crust I like using the KK. For thin crust the Blackstone beats the KK hands down. It's just faster and easier. Set temperature for properly browning the bottom. Once the bottom is 80% done crank the heat up to finish off the top (usually less than 30 seconds to finish the top). This is all really easy since you can watch the pizza the entire time. I can usually get 3 pizzas cooked and on the table in 10 minutes.
  18. They were good just a bunch of technical flaws from start to finish. About the only thing that went right was the stretching. I just expect more out of myself especially when it comes to pizza.
  19. If you lived on the east coast I'd come over and build it for you - you would just have to feed me and maybe give me a cameo appearance in one of your videos - LOL
  20. Mismanaged the Blackstone temperature and also mismanaged my picture lighting. Still tasted good and looks good. With that said lesson learned about the Blackstone (but I knew this already) and will upgrade my food lighting one of these days.
  21. Great rendition of chicken cordon Bleu. No hating on chicken breasts allowed - LOL - tofu, I'm a card carrying member of the Tofu Haters Club.
  22. Finally found a large pasture raised farm in GA. They have free range chickens, cows, pigs, lamb and goat. They are also the only farm in the US that has both a cow and pig butchering facility on premises. (very strick regulations for butchering pigs and butchering other animals at the same location). They sell every organ and every cut from all their animals. Although they are a 3 hour ride from the house they are less than 90 minutes from where I'm working these days. Figure I'll cut out in my work truck at about 3:00 pm and swing by there one day. Will go by there one day after Thanksgiving vacation and before Christmas.
  23. Sorry to see you selling it but I understand you have a few (LOL) grills left. Always love your videos - can't wait to see more regardless of what you're cooking on.
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