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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Thanks.. Back up.. Thanks.. Back up..
  2. the Komodo Bikini girls..
  3. Problems.. I have no problems on FF, Safari and Netscape for Mac.. I'll try to track down the problem.. Thanks for the heads up..
  4. I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I AM IN THE CHARCOAL BUSINESS... I'm working with two graphic designers on the packaging right now. A minimum of four different types charcoals will be exported. As always, I have some new ideas for both charcoal and it's packaging that are original and innovative. My charcoal will be the same quality you have come to expect from Komodo. If I can't do something better and have a plan how to be the best, I don't want to even start. Ok, cat's out of the hat!
  5. DennisLinkletter


    No, No, No that's too much work... No, No, No that's too much work... I've posted this before big boy.. Paper towels, they magically give you grip to easily pull off the slippery membrane. Try it, you will laugh it's soo easy. Tip from my lil' sister, a world class cook.
  6. They will be available to ship with your cooker.. Of course the motor can be used..
  7. it is removable.. First of all, it is removable.. The photos above show the rear port empty and with the plain no gas door (read plug) You can light the gas by sliding the burner almost out and lighting it or making a long scrunched up newspaper sword putting it in on top of the burner lit and then turning on the gas slowly..
  8. My Doctor is remiss in sending these items I went with the Terra blue, so it will have some brown in it...that way it will at least compliment its step-brother from Mexico! Your doctor sent you the images the morning of the 8th.. To your MSN account..
  9. New Site It's not where I wanted it to be when I put it up but I don't want the information in it not to be there when the hordes of ceramic surfers from TNW and the Times come to take a peek. Yes this is the site I've been trying to finish for months, just not enough hours in a day and I never found anybody I liked to do it in a country I could afford.. Lead Doggy found the Joomla template and Majestic Mikey helped with the Header and real HTML stuff.. Calling out a big thanks to you two. I'm looking for a better gallery and it has a store with checkout and all, pretty much finished, just need to enter in the current stock. All in all, it's got the look and feel that is contemporary and jives with my design sensibilities.. And I'm pathetically Right brained!
  10. Here it is in black in white.. a review of a Komodo on TNW. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/productreviews ... ado/kk.htm You'll be pleased to see that this trusted independent source has tested a Komodo and a Big Green egg side by side. He found the Komodo to hold between 62-67% more heat than the Big Green Egg. I can't imagine how this would not result in the food cooked in it not being significantly more moist. I still recommend the BGE as a great, no frills, basic cooker. As Komodos are in a different price point it's also not the most fair comparison.. You don't race Vespas against Ducatti's But with a Komodo you do get what you pay for, the best ceramic type cooker on the market!
  11. Your over the top Bad Boy Gen II Ultimate is pretty much fin The wife says they put up blue, probably our black lights and nets at night of course.. They are not cheap in comparison to other snack foods. They are usually sold, from a pushcart. They are re-deep fried when you order.. then liberally doused with spices.. Only the meat inside is eaten, the body is discarded. The females taste good, the males much stronger and a lil' bit astringent. I can't eat the males.. Thankfully 95% are females.. Your over the top Bad Boy Gen II Ultimate is pretty much finished!
  12. When the wife came home from Thailand she brought some Dang Mah.. I'm actually guilty of eating them from time to time.. They are a bit over 2.5" long. The meat is very crab like but grey. Using apple twigs gave them the purrfect mild smokiness..
  13. Nice Cutlery!! Damn, love that knife.. Obviously Komodo Quality!
  14. BBQ Guru The Guru port is designed to hold snugly the Guru inducer tube There is both a short and long version. My customers have used both. I'd go with the short one as it keeps the fan close to the body. Have fun.. Making me hungry for BBQ, I have not had any for almost 2 weeks as I was in the land of Thai.
  15. Freshwater spring at the bottom of the Gulf First question is how can you tell where the freshwater spring is? Well known coordinates? Are the fish oean carp, a darwin morph? if there is such thing More efficient that your iron rig? Have you actually ever used the word efficient to describe it? I filled my bowl once and after 30 hours it was still burning and at 210º Now that really surprised me...
  16. We are up on a new server now.. I was getting free hosting from one of the forum members.. but now I'm on my own box.. Maybe it will help.. maybe the new long over due open source Joomla based website will be more browser friendly too..
  17. Easier to check for a smoke leak.. As you can't see air leaking into the cooker, the best way to check for sn improper adjustment is to do some smoking.. Have you noticed any leaks while smoking? Depending on where your leak is, I can find some small tweak to stop it. Throw a big handful of wood chips on and we'll go from there.. Dennis
  18. Blocked/sensored in Thailand.. Whatever Majestic posted is blocked/sensored in Thailand.. This is what appeared http://w3.mict.go.th/ci/blocked.html Go figure..
  19. Puurfect answer from the Monkey.. Right on the money answer.. Could not have said it better myself..
  20. Basic thermodynamics and physics dictate that all matter expands when heated.. Ain't no getting around that. Although the dense inner layer is rated for continuous exposure to 2,200ºf it will expand starting at about 800-1,000ºf. As it expands it creates small hairline fractures. These fractures close when the cooker cools and are only in one of two layers but never the less cause concern with customers who have seen their one layer ceramic cookers crumble from this. My solution to this inevitable expansion is to build into my Komodo a small expansion joint. When heated to high temperatures the body expands and the small joints move and then move back. No harm, no foul.. Another Komodo first..
  21. New molds, metalwork, and boasting a long list of best of the best features.. This is my GEN II Ultimate OTB This is the Komodo that sets the bar for quality, luxury and innovation This is the interlocking 45º airtight lid.. Counter sunk damper top gasket This is the rear gas port. Note how the seam is almost invisible.. New Stainless rear hinge cover..
  22. Am I supposed to leave all that.. Hey guys, didn't this start with a great post from Marco being in Que Heaven... Ah how topics wander... "Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, but pigs..... pigs treat us as equals" Winston Churchill
  23. Re: What size is it supposed to be? Good Question.. My QC gals could only eyeball them as we don't have a female connector. That's why I said, I need to go to ACE Hardware.. (any excuse will do..I love hardware stores;) and get a hose from their Webber display.. This is a long Holiday weekend, one of 12 "paid holidays" per year here. so I can't go check right away.. I'll get to the bottom of the mystery thread sizes and post the information. Maybe someone over there Stateside can find a source for a proper fitting and I won't have to machine them.. Just another bump in the road to building a better KK... Thanks for your help as always
  24. They were machined.. Those brass L fittings were made up by a machine shop here.. I've sold enough that I know that the first batch must have been ok. But I don't have a hose and they might have Fçµk?d it up... I'll run over to ACE hardware and buy a US bottle and hose. I'm sorry to have run you all over town..
  25. Thanks for the Kudos.. The side table SS folding assembly is finished and being produced for sale. The actual removable teak and high density polyethylene table inserts are not finalized. They need to be installed before I can give you the circumference. Soon very soon.. Thanks for the Kudos..
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