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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Kamado Posts.. I'd like your support in keeping any and all even remotely negative Kamado posts off the forum. Anybody with any google skills will find them elsewhere. If it's not positive, it's not where I'd like to keep my and this group's focus. It tends to read like I and Komodo need to bad mouth Kamado to sell cookers. This of course is just not the case. After a lil' while I'm going to delete this topic and repost this on it's own. Thanks in advance for your help
  2. Good question.. I'll e back in Indonesia later this week.. I have a few #7's out back in the dump.. I'll have the guys pull one out and check for you. Maybe I'll start making up some accessories for K7 owners that can't get them via regular channels.
  3. Have no fear.. Guru Fred has agreed to make some up for us out of his high temp plug material..
  4. I'm thinking audio file in the car.. I really like Bourdain's narrative style on his show which I'm sure is how he writes.. As he has great voice I'm thinking audio file in the car.. I'd much rather hear this one than read it.. I just checked and it's available as an mp3.. Audiobook Download Information Edition: Unabridged (Random House Audio) Length: 8 hours, 19 minutes File Size: 229 MB (123 files) Published: October 2005 A great sample Listen http://www.emusic.com/samples/m3u/book/10001826/0.m3u
  5. A big are package has been sent A big are package has been sent to my brother Mike in Laguna who will be taking over for Tony who has been more than a hero for Kamado this last couple of years.. I'll contact everyone on this post who wants something and get Jonny the measurements.. I also have a set of side tables ready for pictures..
  6. Re: Blue Mix There is a very large ceramic producer who was the supplier for Kamado when they were here and apparently when they returned to the States and then Mexico. So it's probably the same factory. The mixes they produce change a little from year to year.. and yes it's a textured matte finish.
  7. Re: More newby questions... It's sealed, that's just a lil supply for the future.
  8. Our newly galvanized CNC cut grill jig will help stop carbon steel contamination of our stainless Quality welding on a 3/8" grill As stainless needle bearings are not available our resident McGyver DJ came up with a great solution. A brass sleeve is pressed into a stainless tube and voila.. SS roller Thanks DJ (again!) Machined roti drive shaft tips hold the springs in place The longest project known to mankind moves ahead..
  9. That's a custom cooker.. That's a custom cooker.. The green has a little variation and is really beautiful. There's another tan custom back in the sling..
  10. GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB335 New Terra Cotta Mix w/ matching grout GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB336 033 Green w/ dark charcoal grout GEN II Ultimate OTB SOLD photo left for refrence New Blue Mix with dark grout GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB341 New Terra Cotta Mix w/ matching grout GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB342 Dark Terra Blue with dark grout GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB343 Dark Terra Blue with dark grout GEN II Ultimate OTB KKG2OTB344 033 Green w/ dark charcoal grout
  11. Apple twigs I have my factory manager bring me finger sized apple twigs. Very smooth profile. Threw out the mesquite I had once I tried the apple.
  12. Argh... Nice play room Cozy.. All my private tools and machines including hand planes given to me by my great grandfather were burned and then subsequently stolen when my factory burned down. Really miss them and having my own shop to futz in. Good call installing the central dust collection system. People often don't realize how important it is.. After spending the last 18 years working with teak which has dust that is irritating I can now notice after a few hours if our filters are clogged up. After a few days of that, I get the dry cough/hack. No fun..
  13. Serious Meat Porn That's just not right. Actually painful to see but not smell and taste Serious Meat Porn
  14. Here are new variations of previously offered tiles. Two Gen II of each going out this week. The earlier Blue Mix had a third color almost black. The earlier Terra Cotta Mix had a third lighter color. We also did a matching grout this time..
  15. Already in production.. We had the springs but were going to solder them on.. Made the call will tap and screw them in place. Great idea on the washer DJ.. Thanks Very Big!
  16. Pizza stone.. We had problems with the mold and not getting the finish we want. I've just had part of it replaced with polished metal.. I'm told it will work.. I'd recommend cooking pizza on your upper grills.. You'd see firsthand the how even the heat from the dome is.
  17. How thick was the steak? How thick was the steak? I've never tried roasting one.. always high temps 60-90 seconds per side then rest 10 minutes and back in at 325º for about 10-15 minutes.
  18. Time for clarification.. RJ of Kamado repeatedly has me a plagiarist, i.e. one who takes someone else's work or ideas and passes them off as one's own. Let's clear this up for once and all. Yes, the Komodo's design was definitely inspired by Kamado BUT EVERY component has been improved and redesigned. Starting from the shaft on the damper top, to the cookers shape, to the lack of external straps, to the hinge, to the self opening spring in leu of the prop tubes, to the bodies two layer design and refractory materials, to the CNC cut frame and low airflow control feature in the lower draft door, to the curved side handles on my grills, and having 3/8" grills to having the lower grill and upper not needing a separate bracket as legs to the two piece firebox which sits on a ledge, to the charcoal basket with heat deflector/sear grill supports, to the new leg design with beefy steel frame inside, to the SS foot protectors, to the high quality high density rubber castors.. What does that leave? Tiles only the tiles.. So RJ, I say it now.. Thank you for your Kamado and the inspiration it gave me. The Komodo I build today would not be here if you had not taken the first step and built yours.. Now take a look at the 2008 Kamado and see how many features are “inspired” by Komodo.
  19. States lacking quality... huh? I'm not understanding something here... I saw all kinds of amazing beef while in the Sates. Pricey yes but beautiful and in abundance. Every upscale market and butcher had displays full of dream meat. And a selection of cuts to die for. IMHO that is..
  20. Oooh a slicer.. Being stranded in a third world country leaves one with out many options when buying something like this. Low income families just don't buy slicers so the only ones available are the big ol' stainless ones for supermarkets and cost $500 and up.. I want sliced meat but not that badly.. My staff has been been calling the used equipment shops for about three months now.. I'll get one some day..
  21. I use the one I have same as the Fetz.. It was originally used so that small amounts of charcoal could be easily lit and used. We shipped what was built and have not made any since last year. I use the one I have same as the Fetz..
  22. Funny how the world turns.. He's babbling about the legs on my early fireboxes are copies of his. Yes that lame part of the design was inspired by his firebox. But it was still very much a new design as it was in two pieces. It was the only firebox not plagued by stress from uneven expansion and contraction. .. A brilliant idea if I do say so myself.. As you all know the legs were dropped Sept 06.. and now it's sitting on it's own shelf also.. I'm sure he'll claim that was his idea also.. http://komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=729 Funny how the world turns.. He walked out leaving over $70,000 in debt in Indonesia.. I walked in hired Topo and his workers and from the ground up built the present day Komodo Kamado. I fired Topo as he's as crooked as RJ last January.. Now RJ has returned to Indonesia, hired Topo and is milking him for my building secrets and as announced his 2008 Kamado will have my Komodo's acme threaded damper top feature..(he should have copied that years ago) He talks about improving his tiling and even shows a shot of his new improved stronger base which is exactly like mine. If you take a look at his Komodo inspired sear grill that sits on this new firebox you will see both my curved slanted in side handles and front door handle.. Exact copies! I know first hand from a mold making shop that Topo has made a new two layer mold and has purchased HW materials. They probably won't use the correct mixtures as it's much more expensive that Kamado's portland.. The two layer design has a patent pending status but that does not seem to bother them.. But at least he's trying to improve his POSK's and that's a suprising step in the right direction. He's clever enough to go to where he could get some good information.. my ex employees! There now we're even.. Go figure. I'm sure he's been chased out of Mexico and he and Topo will cheat each other again. As you know, I have rules against trashing RJ on this forum but sometimes enough is enough.. I of course will continue to tinker with Komodo and it will stay leaps and bounds ahead of the others in both design and materials used. Sorry to say his won't stay up long.. Someone better archive this post to http://www.KamadoFraudForum.org But I do feel a bit better venting.. Enough said.. Let's go back to cooking!
  23. Saw these well marbled beef ribs and just had to give them a try.. Took them to 192º and them wrapped them and let them sit in the cooler till morning.. I should have trimmed off more of the top fat.. some of it was a little gristly and inedible.. Great flavor.. My Sai has been making great beef and cheese quesadillas with them.. I've been making great sammies
  24. Maybe I gotta do more pushing at the factory.. I'll go burn another two.. This one was actually lit and had burned for a lil' while before I decided to go and weigh it. Maybe I gotta do more pushing at the factory..
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