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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: New KK owner in Ottawa, Canada I've decided to continue to produce the standing 19.5" but only ship/stock one or two at a time and of course they will still be available as a custom order.. The High Capacity 19.5" Table Top is at the mold makers right now. It has the same much larger lid like the 32" KK.
  2. Re: Tower of Steak I love that the standard cut is about 3" thick... Nothing is more depressing than when butchers cut up all their inventory 1" thick.. Happens all the time here in Indo.. ARGH!
  3. Re: Coming to the States, on Holiday with Family Argh and double Argh.. Murphy's law prevails. We always use Isla's Thai passport while traveling in Asia. We went to the airport last Friday at 6am only to discover that her US passport had expired. We rushed to the US embassy and was able to have an emergency passport issued on the spot. (1.5 hour service ~ needless to say I'm well known here We flew out on the Sunday morning flight.. could have been a LOT worse. Really frustrating but that's life.. We're in Laguna with family..
  4. It's June 14th and I'm flying to the States with my family, I will not be online as much as I'd like to be in the next weeks. Please bear with me if it takes a day or so to get a reply. I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible..
  5. Re: Square pizza stone for bread? Argh.. Square stone? Sounds like I need to make a new mould so I can make a stone like the 32" grills new stone that takes up all the upper grill.. But I do think the round 17" stone does completely fill the upper left to right.. So it would give about 2" more territory front to rear and in the (missing) corners
  6. Re: Bacon Taco? Actually never heard of Dukes.. Probably new or an east coast thing..
  7. Re: Bacon Taco? You ruined it with the damn miracle whip. Everyone knows you have to use Best Foods / Helmans!
  8. Re: New KK Site is up and running.. Have not named them yet but just loaded over 100 tile close-ups into that gallery..
  9. Re: Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details Last time I asked my German butcher for a shoulder he asked if I had ever tried neck.. I bought a few, low and slow-ed them to 190º then pulled them.. They actually had marbling and were nicer texture and more moist than most butts /shoulders I've cooked.. they were not as thick as a butt but plenty thick..
  10. Re: Doing my part I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate customers posting in relevant cooking and BBQ forums and leaving KK's URL in the post. It REALLY helps get me back up on Google's search pages which is how new people find me. One really needs to have some posting history before posting with URLs.. Once again thank you.. Would also like to send a big THANK YOU to Syzygies for all his KK posts on baking forums.. So if you belong to BQ ing forums please make KK related posts from time to time.. THANKS VERY BIG
  11. Re: **Big Bad 32" Komodo** It just gives you 5 pre-set settings along with the previous airflow. While the three holes is more attractive the half moon hole is better to visualise how open the airflow dial is. They are not an absolute temperature setting because how open the damper top is determines how much vacuum/suction is produce at the lower draft door. Temp is always a combination of both vents. n67445 n67446
  12. The new KK website gives delivery quotes for both grill and coco char deliveries.
  13. Re: New KK Site is up and running.. Done.. on the basket.. the items we have no costing for are getting them. My gal has a big woodworking project/costing that is time sensitive to finish first.
  14. I'd appreciate some comments made here.. Would someone please mention the 32" Thanks VERY BIG.. Custom Home
  15. Website Store took it's first orders today .. It's up and running, more items will be added daily but it also now gives quotes for UPS and the grill deliveries.. Charcoal quotes should be live in the next day or so..
  16. Re: Just learning about our new KK Advance temp control 202 Please keep in mind that temp is airflow. Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the allowed airflow. Temp stability is only achieved when the body has become completely heat soaked.. before that point you will get a false reading because the body is absorbing heat like a sponge. If you start with a very cold or frozen grill this will take much longer to achieve. The good news is that your temp/airflow settings are the same every time you cook. When you have a stable temp, take notes of the settings for future use. First time start slow with only a tennis ball volume of charcoal lit and the top cracked a quarter turn from where damper top first touches the gasket. Put on a chunk of wood directly over the burning charcoal this will let you actually see the air/smoke exiting out the top. Because the KK is so well sealed, over opening the damper top creates more vacuum by decreasing/releasing the back pressure of the raising heat. This additional vacuum of course increases air flow and raises your grill's temp... That being said if your lower draft door is just barely cracked it won't matter. Most first time users can't imagine it is so small.. I'll take shots of airflow setting s this weekend.
  17. Re: New KK Site is up and running.. We had everything in the store working but when we uploaded it to the KK server all prices and weights were corrupted. I'll get the store working properly soon.. Dennis
  18. A picture is worth much more than a thousand words.. ;) n68722
  19. This was actually started last December in February I dropped what we had done on Joomla to switch to the Wordpress platform. In March my developer had his hard drive crash and lost everything luckily I had done mockups of all the pages in Photoshop so it was not a start from zero situation. It's taken much too long because I kept changing my mind but when all was said and done, I needed to get the new 32" on the site. So I will be doing a lot of filling and adjusting over the next few months but I'm happy with the general structure of the site. The store gives or will give delivery quotes and accessories and spare parts now (soon;-) can be purchased online. Hope you like it!
  20. Re: KK question Keep the crate and palette.. the crate has a ramp built into the top. This of course can be used to take it off or put it back onto the palette. A hand truck / pallet jack can be used to move it if no altitude is involved and a rented hand forklift can be used if you need to lift it up or down.
  21. Re: Greetings from Stumptown! aka Portland, OR Congrats.. I love to hear adults as excited about getting a new toy as when they were as kids..
  22. Re: Greetings from Stumptown! aka Portland, OR Congrats.. I love to hear adults as excited about getting a new toy as when they were as kids..
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