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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. Gen 2.2 prices until Dec 1st I have actually been building them this month.. I've already started taking orders just not publicly released the model. We need to build about 10 to be able to price them properly.. Yes all the accessories are upgraded and new ones like a half main grill and huge heat deflector that completely closes off the center of the grill. I'll drop you a note..
  2. Re: KK~ How to install your roti motor video Heylo Jim, Merry happy to you and yours.. Argh and double argh.. Yes trying to match shafts with at least three different motors has been the cause of more frustration than you could ever imagine. I believe I have found a different solution than yours to send the motors to Indonesia to be matched up first.. I've sent all the shafts to Joe at one grill and he'll match them up before they go out. He said that the motor manufacturer is unable to always source the same sockets so they use what they can get. With traditional rotisseries it does not affect how they work.. It of course messes up our KK's system. Sawing thru 304 stainless is a biatch.. for this I apologise..
  3. Re: Heresy? My 2 cents... If you would like to maintain more moisture in your Q, I recommend you brining, putting the meat in cold and cooling at a lower temp 225-250º until the meat hits about 145º and then cranking it up to 350º to speed up the time on the plateau (reduce evaporation) and get you to your target of 190º then immediately wrap in foil, wrap in a towel and throw it in a cooler for a few hours..
  4. Re: Heresy? May I ask what the reasoning to put it in the pot was? For maximum transfer of the vapor from your charcoal and smoking wood to meat you want as much surface area as possible and to be as cold as possible.. Throwing it in a pot reduces this valuable condensation from happening.. That being said I want one of those posts for stew!
  5. Re: Standing Rib Roast This can absolutely be done in a KK.. but your numbers will not be the same.. That being said I would never put a standing rib roast into anything without a probe.. but I'm a fly by wire guy.
  6. Re: New here Thanks for the Kudos.. I never tire of hearing customer's excitement when they receive their grills.. As far as the taller part, trust me it sure beats bending over to reach your grill..
  7. Re: Indirect with the Drip Pan The difference will be the pan heats up and your drippings will burn and create smoke.. which might not be the flavor profile you wanted to add.. That being said there is a post on the forum somewhere about wanting the burning fat from chicken flavor added.. I use only the drip pan when doing a reverse sear..
  8. Re: New here Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the given airflow. I'm guessing you did not change your settings, so my hypothesis is that your airflow was reduced because of ash build up caused from not shaking out the ash before your cook or your charcoal had lots of smalls that clogged with ash created during the overnight cook.. My cooks are usually +- 5ºf from where I last saw them.
  9. Re: New from Sedona Ahh Craig, Please don't take this personally.. I would rather have the watch analogy be Komodo Kamado the Patek Philippe of grills.. but then again nothing wrong with a Rolex except they can't keep time.. Welcome to the forum Jim, nice speaking with you the other day. I'm looking forward to you getting and cooking on your grill. Jim was one of only a handful of customers I actually video chatted with on Skype.. It's great to have a face on the other end of voices..
  10. Re: Anyone up for a "share" in North Dallas? I'll sweeten the deal and reduce the charcoal for the next two weeks to $1.00 lb or $20 a box on palette orders.. Standard list price is $1.40 lb or $28 a box!
  11. Re: Can't put it out! There are only four places that can supply enough air to keep the charcoal burning... The two lower doors, the Guru port and the damper top. The Guru plug and damper top are obvious if not closed. To check your doors, make sure there are no small pieces of charcoal keeping the door from sealing against the frame. You want to press on each corner to ensure there is no movement.. Once the airflow is cut off the coals stop burning pretty quickly but the grill stays hot for a long time.. How long of course depends on hot it was and how cold the ambient temp is..
  12. Can't find the 19.5" Lil' Isla sizes 16.5" Table top • Main_________178 sq" (1,150 cm2) • Lower________156 sq" (1,008 cm2) • for a total____334 sq" (2,158 cm2) 23" Ultimate • Upper Sear___274 sq" (1,768 cm2) • Main_________375 sq" (2,420 cm2) • Lower________329 sq" (2,122 cm2) • for a total____978 sq" (6,308 cm2) 32" Bad Boy • Upper Sear___418 sq" (2,698 cm2) • Main_________576 sq" (3,716 cm2) • Half Main_____288 sq" (1,858 cm2) • Lower________544 sq" (3,514 cm2) • for a total__1,826 sq" (11,786 cm2) .
  13. Re: Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. Gen 2.2 prices until Dec 1st The 19.5" grill does not sell well enough to build them for ready stock inventory.. I pay for the floor under them by the month. I've decided to make the 19.5" into a table top grill like the traditional glazed pot Kamados... The stand alone/full size model will still be available as a special order. It's the perfect size to be nestled into a counter.. As always no idea of the pricing..
  14. Re: Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details Sometimes you can just taste the meat off the page.. I think from the parsley that this was a tri tip but the chunk of fat makes me think otherwise.. Not sure but I know it was tasty.. not a bad smoke ring either.. :?
  15. Re: Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. Gen 2.2 prices until Dec 1st We're going to need to build the first 10 or so to know the cost. Here are the actual sizes of the grills... 23" • Upper Sear 274 sq" (1,768 cm2) • Main 375 sq" (2,420 cm2) • Lower 329 sq" (2,122 cm2) • for a total 978 sq" (6,308 cm2) 32" • Upper Sear 418 sq" (2,698 cm2) • Main 576 sq" (3,716 cm2) • Lower 544 sq" (3,514 cm2) • for a total 1,538 sq" (9,928cm2)
  16. Just wanted to wish all of you a Happy Turkey day.. I'm truly thankful for all of your participation and this forum which has become such a great resource for both Kamado users but also those doing their due diligence on the road to purchasing one. We have a new site, new grills and new table line coming soon that I'm really excited about. So once again thank you for all.. BTW I'm giving a grace period with the grills in ready stock, offering them at the 2009 prices until Dec 1. If you have a friend or family who is oN the fence and considering a KK now's the time.. Please let them know..
  17. Re: Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. Gen 2.2 prices until Dec 1st This is a 23" in the Gen 2.6 build/package/upgrade. The grill's build number is like computer software.. when there are upgrades the number grows. That was the plan was to announce the price increase with the 32" grill but I just can't afford to wait for it. .. Since 2009 there has of course been inflation, the US $ has weakened considerably and as I came up with new designs and components they were shipped with/added to the existing package. We all know how time flies, suddenly it's Nov and doing the numbers was disappointing to say the least, especially considering how many grills we've sold this year. I should have immediately done an adjustment when the US dollar first fell. But that's water under the bridge now.. and so I'm doing what I needed to do last year now. I'm probably more price sensitive than I need to be but I'm really doing my best to delivery the product at a price point that makes it an amazing value for what you actually get. The 32" is in production now but we only have one set of molds for it and it takes a bit more than two days to cast one.
  18. Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. 2009 Gen 2.2 prices will be honored until Dec 1st I'm sorry to announce that the long overdue price increase is here. I've been selling the Gen 2.4 at 2009 Gen 2.2 prices and have kept adding new items but not increasing the prices.. Great for my customers, bad for business. I'm more than confidant the KK is still an amazing value.. While more work for us, factory direct sales for luxury high end products is the way of the future.. Anybody with a friend or family member who is on the fence, now's the time to grab a KK at the old price until Dec 1st. Please spread the word for me.. Gen 2.2/2.4 pricing Standard Tiles $3,640 Pebble Tiles 3,800 Bronze Metallic 3,860 Gen 2.6 pricing Standard Tiles $4,268 Pebble Tiles 4,450 Bronze Metallic 4,500 Because the first post will ask.. The most notable additions to the package were the 3/8" SS lower grill half moon inserts, machined stainless and teak spring loaded Guru plug, solid SS heat/ash shield, the side accessory plates now have female threaded sleeves with SS aircraft allen bolts rather than the bolts with SS acorn nuts, a new OTB shaped heat deflector and much improved galvanising and plating on the rear spring..
  19. 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Olive and Gold Pebble KK-KY-5033 $4,450 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Levis Blue KK-KY-5043 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Levis Blue KK-KY-5053 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Matte Blue Ocean KK-KY-5083 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Cobalt Blue KK-KY-5113 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Dark Autumn Nebula and Bronze Metallic Tweed KK-KY-5123 $4,375 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Autumn Nebula and Bronze Metallic Tweed KK-KY-5143 $4,375 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Matte Black and Glass Black Tweed KK-KY-5153 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Matte Black KK-KY-5163 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Speckled Glass Black KK-KY-5173 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Terra Blue KK-KY-5203 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Verra Terra - Terra Blue KK-KY-5293 $4,268 23" GEN 2.6 Ultimate OTB - ETA Mid December Dark Autumn Nebula KK-KY-5233 $4,268
  20. Re: How did you find Komodo Kamado I am hoping some of the new customers might revisit this and vote..
  21. Re: She's in the truck! Great, pleased the set up went well, please pull the tape off the lower latch plate before you heat the grill. Tape's glue can be difficult to remove once baked on..
  22. Re: The Kraken in Manhattan Beach, CA The hangers are something new only this year.. We have the hangers, you can have holes drilled into your bracket and have them too.. I always try to make my new items available for the earlier grills..
  23. Re: The Kraken in Manhattan Beach, CA If you don't purchase the side tables you use the side hanger that comes with the grill.. If you get the side tables you can't use the side hanger that comes with the grill..but the side tables have hangers. Either way you have hangers..
  24. Re: The Kraken in Manhattan Beach, CA Great shot.. just a note. On the sides of the table's bracket that stays on the grill, there are little holes. The grill hanger snaps into those holes.
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