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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Fruita Wood Chunks My niece is coming over this next week.. I'm not sure if I want to load her up but she is bringing me the new Sony Alpha NEX-7 camera.. it has a 24 Megapixel sensor (yes, you read that right;-) blazing performance and true 1080/60p video recording. I will be using it to make Komodo Kamado videos... Sony Alpha NEX-7 Review
  2. It was at about 250º for 14 hours.. I completely forgot about two of my weekly chicken that I roast for standby refrigerator meat mostly used in salads for us and sandwiches for the kids.. It was at about 250º for 14 hours.. It was very stringy like pulled pork, a bit dry but absolutely edible.. My son actually asked me to make it again. Was plenty moist for nachos.. Go Figure?
  3. DennisLinkletter

    Tri tip

    Re: Tri tip If you search Tri Tip you will find 129 matches.. Here is one from yours truly Tri Tip Post I think a reverse sear works best for a tri tip.. The meat already has great flavor, you can go simple with salt, pepper, pinch of garlic and dried parsley..
  4. Re: Feet Dimensions KK23 Oops sorry forgot to post these.. n67212 n67211
  5. Re: outdoor kitchen The 32" is 40% larger than the 23" OTB.. Even if everything weighed 40% more (which it won't) it would only be 823lbs.. It's going to be manageable in two pieces..
  6. Re: outdoor kitchen Yes I will send you an Email..
  7. Re: Roti Question When I was a young kid, I always thought it was DUCK tape.. We all used it as a temp patch for our surf boards.. Yea Duck tape was great! Was soo surprised to learn it was actually duct tape..
  8. Re: Roti Question I''d try WD-40 it's probably gunk causing the tension. Is there any repair that WD-40, duct tape or J&B Weld won't fix?
  9. Re: Rib Rack: KK's rib rack vs. other racks We have made them just a bit shorter these days so you can still put the upper grill over the rack.. The rack works great when you run a sheet of foil from the front to rear of the lower grill and put the drip pan on it.. This perfectly shields all the ribs if the rack is used front to rear.. ;)
  10. Re: Roti Question We somehow had two different suppliers making parts for the same cradles and even supplier A's arms going on suppliers D's cradle.. this of course is a recipe for disaster.. This resulted in some less than KK quality arm brackets produced. We redesigned and beefed up the components. For the longest time we could not purchase square SS rod.. we now bring it in ourselves from Singapore.. I'll get photos of all the new roti components.. We also now have a small part agreement with out Carson warehouse so these do not need to send them from Indo. Even a small nut had a $7.50 in out handling charge before.. This will greatly improve out turnaround time for spares. I'll get shots of the new KK quality components.. these will be sent out free of charge to all who want them.. in fact I've never charged anybody for any parts even parts lost by the customer..
  11. Re: KK's website gone after Google's latest Algorithm Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah!! Boy was that a feeling of gloom.. and a feeling of absolute helplessness... But we're back!
  12. Google's new algorithm was put into effect this weekend taking down hundreds of thousands of sites including my Komodo Kamado website. Even if you search directly Komodo Kamado.. you can't find KK on Google. Only KomodoKamado.com will bring up the site. This shows that it's still indexed. As you can Imagine this is the nightmare of all nightmares coming into my busiest season. SEO- Search Engine Optimization is broken down into two categories, White Hat and Black Hat. White if it if it conforms to the search engines' guidelines, Black Hat if it improve rankings in ways that are disapproved of by the search engines, or involve manipulation. I would say KK's SEO is light grey.. I should not have been smacked this violently.. Word on the SEO forums is that things will balance out in a few days or weeks ARGH.. The good news if there is any is that KK is all over the web on other sites so potential customers can find my URl on all these other sites.. That being said, this is still going to be a costly situation..
  13. We're all ok. Earthquake was 3.5 hours by plane away. Thank you all for your emails and calls.
  14. Re: Easter - What's Cookin? Butts, Beans and Bread.jpg[/attachment:1fgd2wu6] Looks Great.. I did a trial run and cooked one of those wagyu boneless short ribs.. Smoked it indirect at 225º to 140-145º then seared it at 500º on the lower until it was 150-155º I used only salt, black pepper and some Lawry's Seasoned Salt.. Awesome flavor and texture.. borderline too oily.. really rich in flavor sorta the foie gras of beef..
  15. Re: Paella on the KK (NakedWhiz version) Yes, I agree.. and I would pull the pan completely forward so as much of the hot air was passing the rear of the cooker/pan not up front of the grill in your face.. you could even make a simple tin foin heat shield up front to keep things cooler while you are working..
  16. Re: Big Smokey Burgers Looks great.. I was addicted to ABTs for a while there.. Champagne grapes inside are an unexpected squirt of sweetness too..
  17. Re: Paella on the KK (NakedWhiz version) Here is a paella a customer did as their first cook,, Looks great to me.. ;)
  18. Re: Cover essential? I'm pretty sure that I'll be including a cover with all KK's sold in the near future.. Really makes sense in areas where it freezes.. Too many nooks and crannies for water to fill and then expand when it freezes.. after all this same action takes down granite mountains..
  19. Re: Cover essential? I recommend covering the grills.. All of the materials are fine out in the elements. The 304 stainless won't rust if kept clean an uncontaminated. But UV will eventually fade everything. When you see the build quality you will probably want to cover it just like you would not park a quality car or motorcycle outdoors. This will get it looking factory fresh much longer. It's pretty much just dropping the cover over the grill.. Nothing to adjust or futze with. Johnnyboy is here on the forum and his contact information is in the KK loaded introductory Email I send you in the accessory area.
  20. I'm still a huge fan of a cheapo hair drier. I'm still a huge fan of a cheapo hair drier.. Especially if you are futzing with a low volume of burning charcoal like when doing beef jerky.. great way to stimulate a slow cook or to quickly crank it up.. Try it once and you will be hardwiring the area where your KK is.. I did not have power in the backyard so I tapped into my wall light then ran a thick extension cord thru PVC to a tree next to my grill.. NOTE: This is not a recommendation for a less than code installation in the US.. Just my third world solution
  21. Re: Sai's Bday - Ribeye Roast Bone-In and Boneless Beef Ribs Heylo Cookie.. Please send the recipe.. Thank you. I did some googling and saw he has a roti technique for this simple salt and pepper cook.. I just ordered the book.. With these well marbled boneless short rib slabs.. Do you think I can get away with 150-155º or do I need to take them up to 190º ? I've never cooked these.. or even seen them for sale here.. In photos online it looks like people cut them in strips to cook them.. any feedback on this? Thanks in advance..
  22. Re: Grill design mod from forum feedback Can I assume that you are shutting down your KK's airflow completely and cooking on the heat soaked walls and the heat from the no longer burning charcoal? I've heard of turkeys being done like this and I think it might be good for bread..
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