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Everything posted by tinyfish

  1. Those look killer. Don't enter those to early or you'll scare away to many people.
  2. Another happy expecting customer... congratulations.
  3. For sure that will be a delicious meal.
  4. The gasser makes for excellent roll top storage.
  5. MacKenzie I would trade you for an enchilada.
  6. How is it that I never had an enchilada those look delicious.
  7. My local grocery store had prime rib on sale this week so guess whats for dinner. Started the steaks indirect with some sugar maple for smoke just getting ready to sear. Grill marks could have been a little better. The family just wanted to eat so they were pressuring me to hurry up. Cooked some fries in the air fryer...delicious and the plated shot.
  8. That is one fine looking KK. I agree with you there are no bad colours in the KK line up. My new favorite at the moment is speckled glass green.
  9. Good looking food. I have some rib eyes on right now.
  10. It all looks good one cook better than the next.
  11. I tk8nk if was the adult beverages that start all this...
  12. The first time I made it with wine I had no red wine so I used white wine. Red wine would be excellent just like making a beef stew with red wine. Wine gives the pulled beef more flavor then beer does in my opinion.
  13. I went quick and was under the 3 second rule. I normally make extra pizza's but nit tonight.
  14. Had a few people over for pizza night so the picture are so so. I cooked nine thin crust pizza's tonight. The fire box with a nice fire going A pizza ready to go Into the oven. Temp was about 800f Some finished shots The fire bricks were at a perfect temp. I always make my pizza last, I call it the clean up pizza since I usually just top it with what ever is left. Tonight the pizza was loaded just right. I cooked the pizza to perfection. I was walking through my sliding door into the house then my pizza takes a flip off the pizza peel and lands upside down on the floor. In shock I was deciding if I was going to give this one to the pizza gods as a sacrifice...heck no I scoped it up and slapped the topping back on...lol
  15. Everything comes back in style.
  16. MacKenzie that looks wonderful and its making my mouth water for pizza so I think it will be pizza tomorrow.
  17. I would go with MacKenzie those two grills sit on top of the charcoal basket for cooking on.
  18. Do you have all these pieces?
  19. I rock it old school. Now I wonder where I got the pan from....maybe my mom gave me hers. We don't cook alot of turkeys.
  20. What a delicious looking dinner.
  21. Its some type of metal roasting pan probably for a turkey with a lid.
  22. Great entry Bosco. Its going to be hard to pick a winner.
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