Previously SVed pork tenderloin for dinner today along with some caramelized carrots and SVed potatoes.
Picked the carrots fresh from the garden, washed, cut them up and put them in a frying pan with some oil. Turned the heat up to brown the outside once that was done added some water and the lid so the carrots could steam until done. They were very tasty but did loose some of the colour. Next time I'll brown them even more. The potatoes were SVed in a glucose solution for 32 mins. drained and put through the ricer, very nice. I dropped the pork into the 194F that the potatoes were in for the last 5 mins. of the cook.
Mow it's time for a nice cup of coffee made with my new Espro Press, which gives me a very nice clean cup of coffee, French Press style. I like the coffee even better than what I make in the Aeropress and it is easier too. It has a double filter system making for a clean cuppa. Put the coffee in the double walled mug, add the water, wait 4 min. and it is a very easy press down and pour into a waiting mug. Simple to clean, can you tell I'm impressed. They make several different sizes and I bought the smallest, 8 oz.