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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. What do you mean bryan?
  2. I cooked the frozen ones and while they were a little more crispy, they are far from what I want. The good news is that I did like the interior and they did taste very good. The oil was hotter this time 370. It may have worked better if I'd stuck with 355-360F as the temp before putting the potatoes in the oil. Can't say I'm suffering having to eat these fries.
  3. I find the one Dennis suggests, the OneGrill Roti, to be very good, but that is no surprise is it.
  4. I may have to make ghee.
  5. Thanks, Syzgies. I just finished a batch and cut the potatoes 3/8th by 3/8th sous vide for 15 mins at 194F. At this point they were just cooked. Cooled them to room temp. then deep fried in Avocado oil, starting temp. 360F, for 5mins. The potatoes were sprayed with oil before SVing. They do bubble up and the bubbles have died down some for this pix- After 5 mins. in the oil they look great. Here they are on the paper towel and lightly salted. Back to the drawing board, they didn't stay crisp, tasted fine but soft. I have a few more already SVed potatoes to test tomorrow;)
  6. That's a great idea. We all know how helpful that can be.
  7. Beautiful, PJ, gotta love those teeth and hair too. That is a definite winner.
  8. vkl, lots of very tasty goodies on your 32 inch grill.
  9. Gorgeous cook, absolutely delicious, I just wish I could actually taste it in real like.
  10. Guess I should have trick or treated at your house:)
  11. That's what I'm thinking and I sure hope it works as I find the double frying a pain. Some even say fry, freeze and then fry again. I hope to try another batch tomorrow. Stay tuned or try it.
  12. kjs, thanks for the vote of confidence:) I just finished putting it in the fridge with the cure. Next Thurs I'll do the soak out.
  13. I had the idea to deep fry some SV potatoes. Had some fingerling ones that I cut more into wedges than anything else. SVed them, vacuumed sealed and froze them. Next it was into the deep fryer. I think when I froze and then deep fried them the cell walls exploded. But oh my did they taste good. These were yellow potatoes. They had a nice tender crispy crust with SV cooked insides. Next experiment I'll get serious and cut proper fries, SV until just cooked, cool and then fry. If that doesn't do what I want I'll do the same thing but freeze them before deep frying.
  14. Poochie, maybe you should wait to see what Dennis is working on.
  15. That's a riot, tinyfish. PJ, that a neat setup.
  16. Great late shot, PJ. Available light is getting scarce this time of the year and I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better. Sounds like your husband enjoyed them.
  17. Here I was just sitting in the sunroom, relaxing and enjoying a nice espresso when all of a sudden out of the blue I was hit by this request- " I'm interested in your setup. I have read on a couple of other posts that people have been unsuccessful keeping an Amazn rig lit in a Kamado." Who could resist, not me. I setup for smoking cheese and here it is- That stainless steel grid was used on anther grill but when I got the KK I had it cut down to fit. Probably the upper grate could have been used upside down. My thinking was to get the Amaz-n-Smoker near the incoming air. The bottom vents were open to give me max. intake the dome hat was open half a turn, not quite sure on that. It smoked very well for an hour and then started to die down so I relit the pellets and chips, both ends. Repeated this after 2 hours and 3 hours. It's not a big deal to lift the grate with the cheese on it and relight. GoFrogs, contrary to how it may sound, I am happy to be able to help if I can.
  18. Thanks everyone. I'll have enough to keep me going for awhile. Next on the list is breakfast bacon;)
  19. Poochie, you are so right it's a studio shot:) I'm like ckreef, I live in the boonies and might get one trick or treater, or none, or 6 I new know:)
  20. No, it has improved some so it's fine. I might get to sit in my sheltered corner of the ODK because it is going to be sunny.
  21. That meatloaf sounds very interesting, I hope you get a chance to post pixs of it.
  22. Tomorrow day time will be 44F and night will be 34F.
  23. Thanks, PJ, you are pretty awesome yourself, I just saw those ribs you have cooking.
  24. PJ, that's a great rib shot. I guess I won't see the finish until tomorrow morning or maybe in the middle of the night I get a peek.
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