Thanks, Wilbur, I put the pork belly on shortly after lighting the lump and ran the grill around 150-180F for a couple of hours and then let it slowly rise to 240F at the end of the cook.
Finally did something that I've been wanting to do for some time now and that is to make a chicken pot pie.
Ready for the pie crust.
A miracle, it went on in one piece.
Ready for 45 mins. on the KK which is running at 450F.
Steaming hot and off the grill.
Dinner is served.
Tony, lucky you being the receiver of some Chicken Chalet marinade and dipping sauce because that dinner looks very tasty. It sounds wonderful and looks the same:)
I have snow blower for the deck and I'm out there before the storm is over. I'm meticulous about cleaning snow off the deck. Mostly because if you let it pile up you may not be able to get it of it things melt a little and then freeze. Here I am out getting snow off last winter. Here is a shot from the security camera. Let me introduce, "Little Barbie" my electric Toro snow blower. It went through everything winter thru at us last year.