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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. kjs, thanks for the vote of confidence:) I just finished putting it in the fridge with the cure. Next Thurs I'll do the soak out.
  2. I had the idea to deep fry some SV potatoes. Had some fingerling ones that I cut more into wedges than anything else. SVed them, vacuumed sealed and froze them. Next it was into the deep fryer. I think when I froze and then deep fried them the cell walls exploded. But oh my did they taste good. These were yellow potatoes. They had a nice tender crispy crust with SV cooked insides. Next experiment I'll get serious and cut proper fries, SV until just cooked, cool and then fry. If that doesn't do what I want I'll do the same thing but freeze them before deep frying.
  3. Poochie, maybe you should wait to see what Dennis is working on.
  4. That's a riot, tinyfish. PJ, that a neat setup.
  5. Great late shot, PJ. Available light is getting scarce this time of the year and I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better. Sounds like your husband enjoyed them.
  6. Here I was just sitting in the sunroom, relaxing and enjoying a nice espresso when all of a sudden out of the blue I was hit by this request- " I'm interested in your setup. I have read on a couple of other posts that people have been unsuccessful keeping an Amazn rig lit in a Kamado." Who could resist, not me. I setup for smoking cheese and here it is- That stainless steel grid was used on anther grill but when I got the KK I had it cut down to fit. Probably the upper grate could have been used upside down. My thinking was to get the Amaz-n-Smoker near the incoming air. The bottom vents were open to give me max. intake the dome hat was open half a turn, not quite sure on that. It smoked very well for an hour and then started to die down so I relit the pellets and chips, both ends. Repeated this after 2 hours and 3 hours. It's not a big deal to lift the grate with the cheese on it and relight. GoFrogs, contrary to how it may sound, I am happy to be able to help if I can.
  7. Thanks everyone. I'll have enough to keep me going for awhile. Next on the list is breakfast bacon;)
  8. Poochie, you are so right it's a studio shot:) I'm like ckreef, I live in the boonies and might get one trick or treater, or none, or 6 I new know:)
  9. No, it has improved some so it's fine. I might get to sit in my sheltered corner of the ODK because it is going to be sunny.
  10. That meatloaf sounds very interesting, I hope you get a chance to post pixs of it.
  11. Tomorrow day time will be 44F and night will be 34F.
  12. Thanks, PJ, you are pretty awesome yourself, I just saw those ribs you have cooking.
  13. PJ, that's a great rib shot. I guess I won't see the finish until tomorrow morning or maybe in the middle of the night I get a peek.
  14. PJ, better dress warm;) You still have time, Trick or Treat is tomorrow night here.
  15. Gouda, Monterey Jack, Welsh Cheddar, Balderson's Cheddar, Jalapeño Gouda, and Gouda- Smoked with Apple and Cherry for 4.5 hours. It's dark early these days and about to get a whole lot darker after this weekend. My outdoor kitchen has some of the shutters and shades up for the winter. There are a few more to do as it gets colder. I used the Amaz-n-Smoker and put at thermometer in to make sure things didn't get too hot and melt the cheese. Cheeses are smoked. They will be vacuumed sealed and allowed to mellow for several weeks.
  16. That is a scary wild bunch if I ever saw one, eek.
  17. That is one gorgeous set of KKs, stunning, beautiful, awesome ..........
  18. You are dressed to the hilt and I'll take those treats.
  19. Thanks, everyone. It was in the cure for 48 hours and no maple syrup or sugar but I did add fenugreek;)
  20. End of Canadian Bacon story- a tasty CB and cheese sandwich.
  21. It's home: ) :thumbup:and it's a sunny day.
  22. I put the loin on shortly after lighting the lump and kept the temp low for an hour or so, about 150F, then very slowly let the temp crepe up to a max of 250F. The IT was at that point 146F and 150F so I took the loins off. I believe the total cook time was 5 hours or slightly less. The meat is nice and moist. It is all sliced now and vacuumed sealed. Sandwich time...
  23. That is fantastic, ck & sk. I will be watching for the pixs.
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