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Everything posted by bosco

  1. 8 years for a 32 lol sure!!! You have the bug I give it until next summer!!! Congrats buddy couldn't be happier for you
  2. He has posted on The guru site a few times. He posted somewhere that he was out of town for work and hasn't had much time to BBQ. I do remember hearing that he set up a new business so maybe consuming his time
  3. Awesome!!! I have a waiting list starting for my delivery day! So many great people offered to come give me a hand
  4. Buddy that is great news!!! Congrats I can't wait to see them together
  5. I went over the ships events last night to better understand what had happened. It went to port in Singapore on Monday onto Tuesday then spent a day anchored outside of port. I couldn't figure out what it was doing, then late last night it went back in to a second port next to Singapore. So it must have been waiting for the second port to open for loading. Anyways, almost 12 hours ago my boat went off the grid as it entered the South China Sea.
  6. This baby has left Malaysia and is on its way back to Hong Kong!! 3 days until it hits its destination Hopefully a quick boat transfer and then on its way to Vancouver!!
  7. get all three lol!!! I am starting with a 23 and 32, and will pick up the 16 in a few months
  8. I will be watching this post develop!!!
  9. bosco

    Tiramisu Cake

    that looks great !! nice job
  10. yeah exactly... My OCD has caused this lol!!! I wanted them to be identical so custom was the only way to go. Seeing them in transit is really cool. It is a back story when I talk about my grills. People at work keep asking me where my grills are today LOL. Not knowing is the hardest part. Seeing the progress each day is what makes the wait manageable. If I was just ordering one or didn't care too much about them being exact... I would totally just order online and ship from the warehouse in California
  11. Well it safely reached the port of Singapore last night and doing its thing. If it follows the same course as the other ship it should leave late this afternoon for Hong Kong. Then should reach the port of Hong Kong in 5 days !! From there I should get the updated info on the mother ship to cross the pacific. I have the October and November NP1 route boat scedule already and should have an exact eta once I get my next packing slip. Snail mail baby!!!!
  12. LOL thanks guys!!! those butterflies are starting to get excited in my stomach again....
  13. My new boat has left port 3 hours ago on its way to Singapore.... I hope that I made it on this boat, time will tell. Should be on its way to hong kong this time tomorrow. Send me some good luck vibes people!!!
  14. LOL. You know it is funny that patience is not my strong suit... I am a right now kind of guy. My wife said to me the other day that she was so impressed with how good I am taking the wait for these grills. My response was that I am dying inside lol!!! I know that they are going to be awesome so it really doesn't bother me, but it really is just like Dennis says.... It is like going back to childhood waiting for Christmas! If that little tugger can get it here sooner...... ill chip in for gas!!
  15. Ok Benton... we are officially enemies my friend... at least until my grills arrive!! On an upside the substitute boat has just arrived at Port Klang and is due back at Hong Kong by October 30th. I pray fingers crossed that I make this shipment, or else this adult male child will break into an emotional episode!! The new boat is called X PRESS KARAKORAM and this feeder ship better not have any issues!!!!
  16. That's looks awesome. I want a jar..... Pleassssse lol
  17. Awesome looking ribs buddy
  18. just saw this post...... LOL who were you kidding!!!
  19. I have left the shop vac in the box. Once I get my hands on the KKs I will have a better understanding of depth etc. If I can achieve the same results with a pan and brush then so be it! If not, I got one heck of a deal on a great vacuum!!!
  20. I ordered that book tony. Seems to be one many recommended!! Thanks everyone
  21. Just got word that my KKs were not able to get on Mosel Trader, looks like a 10 day delay starts..... now
  22. very nice looking cook !! I love hot soup in the fall/winter
  23. you sir are the pizza king
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