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Jon B.

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Everything posted by Jon B.

  1. Charles....I have never worked with it............however I watched my Aunt's contractor install composite decking over her existing wood framework. They did use a special two part threaded screw made especially for the composite deck. If I remember correctly.....it kept the decking, screw hole flat & flush.........no slivers sticking up around the screw. That is the extent of my knowledge. Look forward to reading what others say.
  2. Great looking ribs!!! Was listening to the radio this morning and DJ was saying how the majority of people dislike daylight savings time and how we should get rid if it.............I yelled every cuss word I could think of at the radio...........................I love the extra daylight and could imagine not having it in the summer time!!!!!!!
  3. Very nice rig @ckreef Really Like the twin lounge chairs in the bump out. Pulling it with the pickup truck will be great for hauling more cool camping/grilling stuff'firewood/Solo fire pit, etc. Sweet!!! I'm assuming you still have the Primo Jr with the carrier.........perfect for camping along with the Camp Chef!!!! Our boat has a built in generator in it but I never use it. We have a Yamaha 2000w portable inverter/generator that we use all the time instead (had a Honda before that but it went swimming). Very portable, quiet and crazy fuel efficient. Handles 95% of our power needs. Portable is also great for power tool usage in remote areas. Being an inverter generator.....will handle all your electronics perfectly (also assuming there is a big TV across from the lounge chairs). The one addition we made to all our campers/boats was to add additional 12v battery capacity. Mainly for the propane furnace at night when we didn't want to run the generator but it was great for all the other stuff also. Enjoy!!!!!!
  4. A few of us on the KK site started our kamado cooking on Primo Grills and were active on the Primo forum. One of the most prolific posters was Steve Graves, under his handle Ask-A-Butcher. He was a great resource and shared his meat & BBQ knowledge freely. Steve had recently been in and out of the hospital fighting mrsa infections and lost his battle last week. He was a great guy and will be missed. STEVE GRAVES Ask-A-Butcher
  5. Love A Capella music. Another good version of the song..................................
  6. I have a big old skunk that visits time to time when I'm cooking at the marina. He always manages to show up just about the time the food is ready to come off the KK. A few cooks have been overdone when Pepe Le Pew shows up!!! I'll gladly trade you old Pepe for the pig 😁!!!!!
  7. Look forward to seeing it!!! (my kids are going to hate me when they see all the "accessories" they will need to get rid of - revenge for all the sleepless nights - Ha!!!!)
  8. Guess I better put some more Care Packages together soon............................
  9. @Bruce Pearson You haven't tasted my cooking yet....so don't be so hard on yourself!!!! We might have to share that "trophy"
  10. I would buy one................got to have every accessory/toy known to mankind..............so I can win when I die!!!!!!
  11. @ckreef Was in Michigan last weekend and was able to take a few pictures of the fire grate on the bigger Yukon fire pit. The outer circumference/edge of the fire grate is 12" below the upper rim of the fire pit. The center of the fire grate is 7 1/2" below the upper rim of the fire pit. The fire grate has a 4 1/2" bow from edge to center. The directions for all the fire pits say to keep the fire wood below the rim of the pit for proper secondary burning (the cool feature of this fire pit). With dome shape, the bigger pieces of wood stick above the rim and disrupt the secondary burn. It really limits the amount of wood that you can stack into the fire pit.........taking away a lot of the benefits of the larger unit. In my opinion..................for the price difference.................is not worth buying the larger Yukon fire pit. Hope this helps!!
  12. @Basher I would put it in the same quality level at the Blackstone (have both brands).
  13. You think your giddy now............wait until you see the cooker in person!!!! Answer is....YES!!!!
  14. Have a Nexgrill, stand model from Home Depot. Decent cooker.
  15. @tony b Your Mollier Diagram gave me a headache!!!!!!!!
  16. @Basher That article was interesting....thanks for posting. I always wondered why spritzing meat/ribs with liquid would make a huge difference. Might just be some science to it.
  17. @Tucker Tried Tucker's steam method last night. Cooked 10 eggs for the test. They were not super fresh........"best if used by" date of Jan 31st. Found my veggie steamer, added water to the bottom of the steamer, brought the pan to full boil (was also cooking in the new pressure cooker @MacKenzie made me buy 😁) 10 eggs in and covered. I cooked/steamed these for 12 minutes. Into the ice water for 5 minutes. They turned out very nice. Very easy to peel, soft yoke, firm but tender whites. Only one egg gave me some trouble coming out of the shell. With a taller pan, could very easily cook 18 eggs at one time. Might have to retire the electric egg cookers!! Thanks for posting Tucker!!!!! PS - I cleaned the stove after looking at these pictures
  18. Going to try your method (just need to find my veggie steamer) to see how it works with fresh eggs compared to my egg cookers........... that are basically steamers also. Fresh eggs in my electric egg cookers are a disaster to peel. Looking forward to trying it!!!
  19. Solo Stove sent me a survey, so I took the opportunity to ask about the fire grate in the bigger Yukon fire pit. Appreciate their honest answer but it doesn't appear they are planning to make any changes to the fire grate. I would not have purchased it...............................if I knew about the different shape of the fire grate in the Yukon compared to the Bonfire. When I get back to Michigan in a few weeks, I'll take a picture. Jon Besemer Jan 17, 1:32 PM CST My question is…..have you changed the fire grate in the Yukon also? The grate in my Yukon has a major “bow” in it and that is my only complaint with that product. The “bow” takes up way too much firewood space. I have advised friends and forum members not to purchase the Yukon until the fire grate is changed to eliminate the space robbing “bow”. I own two of your products and want to be accurate and fair to your Yukon product line with my advice. If no changes have been made, are there any future plans to make a change?? Thanks. Jon Besemer Sarah (Solo Stove) Jan 17, 1:37 PM CST Hi Jon - Thank you for contacting Solo Stove. The Yukon bottom grate has not been redesigned since it was released. Because of the extreme heat the Yukon emits, the base pan gets so hot that, when flat, it caves in and distorts the airflow, eliminating the near smokeless effect. We domed out the pan to strengthen it but then added the ribs to give the wood something to grab onto so it was still possible to organize the logs in the center. At this time, our team does not have plans to redesign, but I'll definitely forward this feedback over to them for their consideration. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Sarah N
  20. I could never afford that model egg cooker. Too fancy! 😎
  21. Thanks! I take it from above......no lid on the sauce pan???? I have a steamer basket and will try this 😀
  22. I love hard boiled eggs. Eat them all the time. A couple years ago, on one of the on-line cooking sites, I saw an electric counter top egg cooker that looked interesting. Checked it out and found great reviews, so I bought it. It is a Chef's Choice, 7 egg electric egg cooker. Have been using it for 2 years and it works great. Pour in some water, put in 7 eggs, set the degree of doneness, turn on the switch and 25 minutes later the alarm sounds and they are ready. Simple, no timing issues, consistent results…….life is good!!!!! This past Christmas a well intention'ed family member gave me a brand spanking new……………….Dash Deluxe 12 egg cooker. I was excited to have the ability to cook more eggs at one time but this cooker is challenging my logic of how things work in the universe. Maybe one or more of our esteemed KK members can help me understand. This new cooker only has an on-off switch. It has an alarm that sounds when the eggs are done. The adjustments for doneness and the total number of eggs you cook is dependent how much water you place into the cooker. This is where my understanding issues begin.............. - If you cook 6 hard boiled eggs, you put in 5 oz. of water and it takes 18 minutes before the alarm sounds - If you cook 12 hard boiled eggs, you put in 3.5 oz. of water and it takes 20 minutes before the alarm sounds. In my lame brain logic………..with a single temperature setting on this unit……you should need more water for more eggs. And why does less water take more time before the buzzer sounds???? Is it the density of the additional eggs that causes the cooker to take more time to cook them????? Wouldn’t less water boil out/steam out sooner and then cause the cooker to just bake the eggs (like an oven)??? Is it possible this new cooker is monitoring the internal temps in order to do the timing? With the single temp setting on this cooker the water appears to boil/steams out at the same rate. The upper rack of eggs are so far away from the heating plate and I can’t imagine the unit can sense them. Plus the lid is thin plastic and would not transmit temperature to the base unit. The base unit has to get hotter if the water is gone??????? In addition to the above questions….with this unit the instructions say to poke a hole in the bottom end of the egg (fat end) and place it upright in the cooker (comes with a pin to puncture the eggs). Why poke a hole in the egg before cooking and why the fat end????????? The other cooker doesn’t require that and the eggs turn out fine….with either the fat end or skinny up. The hole in the cooked eggs doesn’t seem make any difference in the peeling process after you cool the eggs in ice water compared to the eggs from the other cooker. So many questions!!!!!!! Maybe I should get a life and not ponder the whys & wherefore's of electric egg cookers but inquiring (sick) minds need to know!!!!! Thoughts….comments!!!!!
  23. @Takela Know what you mean........WELCOME!!!
  24. e it is in the BBQ garden. Also looking at the box it appears they now include the small lower stand. That allows air under the unit so you don't burn/scorch whatever it's sitting on. That is a nice improvement from the totally flat grate that is in our unit. 👍
  25. One time I put a couple too many pork butts in the KK............so that the dome thermometer was stuck in the meat when I closed the lid. Just set the top & bottom vent where I always put them for low & slow. and the temp was within 10* of where I wanted it (checked after I took the meat out). @chuck...with your experience with other cookers.......this is a no brainer!!!!!
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