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Bruce Pearson

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Everything posted by Bruce Pearson

  1. Tekobo I let you know what I think about them. I’m sure there will be some I don’t care for but you never know I may like them all. I can’t handle spicy hot to much.
  2. I am looking forward to getting the rubs and tasting them all to see wich ones I like best.
  3. Looks tasty. smoked rice who would have thought
  4. Some nice melted chocolate would be nice also. Those Berry’s look good
  5. That last picture looks delicious. Can I have a slice?
  6. Nice setting, I really like your color looks just like mine. Can’t wait to see it in place and first cook
  7. Looking forward to see this project move forward. I’m excited to see the finished product and first cook
  8. Wayne I have been buying rubs from my local hardware store for the past two years. So after reading about all the people who buy from Dizzy pig I thought I’d give it a try. I hope I like what they make LOL
  9. I really don’t know what I bought it’s called the works. soon as I get it I’ll let you know. I figure I’ll try all of them and decide what ones I like the best for future orders. Kinda crazy I know, but I couldn’t make up my mind which ones to get that seemed like a good choice.
  10. Mr.Nomad welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new KK! You are going to love it. Looking forward to delivery pics and first cook pics
  11. I don’t blame you. Now you have me looking at these pots lol. I have a clay or ceramic pot that belonged to my dad I’ve never used it,maybe I should get it out and try it. I’ll wait to see what you your first is and maybe try that. It’s got to be at least 60 years old i guess I’ve hung on to all this time as a rememberance of my dad, he was the cook in our family.
  12. I just went to the do web site and ordered the works. Hope I didn’t make a mistake!
  13. After reading Aussies post about Dizzy Pig rubs I joined the site any suggestions on what I should try first. I guess dizzy dust but what else?
  14. Ok Tekobo is see the pot fits but is there anything in it? Lol that’s some pretty fancy cookware
  15. Wow those burgers look very delicious! Nice cook Aussie
  16. Yeah! what Mac said. I know the fat makes the meat taste better isn’t it supposed to marbled in with the meat?
  17. Ok Charles! Not only a master chef now a master mechanic, to cool. What a beautiful looking WFO. Now I want one lol. Have fun setting it up and I ( and I think I speak for all of us) we will be looking forward future cooks and pictures. Ok off to the web to check out that place in AZ.
  18. Tekobo that’s pretty cool! I learn something new every day on in this forum.
  19. Hope you feel better soon Drew. Those ribs are looking yummy
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