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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Thanks. I have never used the upper grate like that before. That seems like a great way to get an even better (and quicker) sear on unfrozen steaks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. This seemed to work tonight. But only after I spun it and wrestled with it many times. How many times do you think you spin it?
  3. I'm a little confused. What is the difference between the lower grate and sear grate? This looks great! Thanks!
  4. Shuley


    Congrats on a first brisket cook! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Awesome job Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. What is the general temp and timing to this method? I will definitely have to try that
  7. So I got to wondering about freezing and thawing steaks. I was wondering what freezing would do to the final texture of steak. Ckreef remarked something about how he doubted a person would be able to tell the difference even if they were side by side. So I decided I needed to know. This would have great application for me as I only like to grocery shop once a week but usually cook fish first out of my groceries- or if I found a good sale I could stock up if I found the texture to still be good enough. So I picked up two similar rib eyes. I seasoned both heavily and vacuum sealed them both i wanted to make sure they were a similar as possible in their preparationone went in the freezer one went in the meat drawer in the fridge. I waited more than 36 hours, and the frozen meat was definitely rock hard. Then I moved it to the meat drawer to slowly defrost (I had one bag labeled so that's what the weird black mark was)then a could days later I pulled them out and they were ready for a reverse sear flipped every ten minutes or so since that is what Kenji recommends and every one of his recipes I have tried is AMAZING . Now it is time to sear! Action shot! this is where the difference started to emerge. as you can see, the steak closer to the camera started to kind of break into pieces. This is the one that was frozen. resting for ten minutes. And slicingabove not frozen. Below previously frozen and side by sidevirtually indistinguishable. My husband though the lighting made them appear more done than they were so here is from the dining room mid dinner In terms of texture and/or flavor, neither of us could maker a preference, meaning I will definitely be freezing steaks on sale. The only disadvantage is that the steaks don't keep their shape quite as well which doesn't really matter. This happened again when I later bought two more steaks which were sealed and frozen before cooking. Overall, a fun and useful experiment
  8. Shuley


    .... man I thought I was going to take a break from red meat for a while....... now I want brisket! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Yes- just real simple. Melted butter, minced garlic, squeeze of about a quarter lemon and some old bay seasoning
  10. I am going to see if the twisting in the opposite direction helps any. If not, I may have to resort to some grinding which could be terrible as I am not in any way mechanically inclined.
  11. I will give this a try my next rotisserie cook. I'd rather not try to make any modifications. Thanks!
  12. No it is definitely flexing. I had to loosen it up when I first got it though.
  13. I forgot to show dinnerit was super good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. First for the delicious part. I had chicken thighs marinating in franks red hot. Then threw them in the basket. Then I was thrilled that the basket had enough clearance that I could have the lower grate in place for a grilled avocado I gotta work on my timing for grilling avocados on the lower grate- but I'll figure it out. Now here comes the problem I put the thighs on the lower grate and then put some more red hot on so it would be on a little thicker. But I couldn't get the dang spit out of my grill. This has happened on multiple occasions, where I am struggling to get the basket out. It seems that the rod (which I have made as small a possible). Has enough clearance to fit in the grill, but once in and heated the metal must expand by a tiny amount (about a mm or 2). Which makes it very difficult to get out. In previous instances, it took me a few minutes, this time it took 15 minutes. I was pushing and pulling and if a roast had been on, it would have been impossible to remove and would have ruined dinner. However, I could open this basket and remove the chicken thighs as needed. Has anyone cut the rod down/ground it down?
  15. I'm assuming you do this with solid butter to aid in the sealing process? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I am getting better at flipping larger pieces of fish in one piece! And tri tip last night...... plus a guy from work asked me to smoke a piece of corned beef for him. And I'm a pretty nice lady so I did. I almost forgot a picture of any slices, but then remembered after dinner. This was what was left
  17. So glad to see you cooking. I really want some hot links now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I really want to find a tomahawk steak. I think it would be so much fun to cook. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Shuley

    Tri Tip

    I love tri tip- particularly for entertaining. Affordable, great flavor, tender when sliced right, not an all day affair, and a variety of donenesses- there are always kids or someone that wants medium or medium well meat. Awesome! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I've been doing a variety of cooks (as usual). Trying to get better at posting. I always seem to see something on here that gets me in the mood for something so hopefully I can do the same for someone else. First, "Chicago style pizza" from ATK which I now know is not authentic because if the cornmeal. It's still a tasty pie.... Current favorite veg Best salmon to date Steak and spaghetti night. I learned the valuable lesson to never go below 1.5 inches in thickness. They were cooked the the right IT but I couldn't develop the crust in time to maintain that IT. I have 2+inch steaks that I am going to do an experiment on later this week I gave ckreef's cracker crust a whirl and I was surprised how much I liked it and how filling it was. It's not an imitation crust because it comes together so quickly, it's something all on its own. I'll definitely be doing it again. Family loved it I smoked two corned beef points on Saturday. Turned out pretty well but you definitely can't taste the smoke as well as regular brisket. I just realized that last plate looks a little sad. It was tasty and we had some delicious bakery bread with it as well.
  21. Love seeing these pictures. Reminds me of that blissful day almost a year ago when I got mine Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I also one of those people. Fantastic results!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Duuuude. I need to do kamado paella. That looks so good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I bet sausages would really benefit from rotisserie action! Awesome! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Oh man I loved reading all three of these Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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