Apparently I did not take many pictures for this cook. I did this cook a couple of weeks ago. I have gotten kind of bad at posting but I am still cooking all the time. Anyway I had a hankering for brisket. I saw this "bludawgs" method of cooking somewhere on the kamado guru forum and it promised juicy results in a much faster period of time. I looked into it, and saw it was not developed for kamado cooking so it probably wouldn't give me the results I was looking for. I decided to take some of the technique and just see how it went. No injections and I just used salt and pepper for my rub(I think this will be my go to). Set the vents for 230. Used pecan wood in my smoke pot. Fat cap down for 2 hoursflipped and fat cap up for about 2 and a half hours. Then wrapped and returned for just under 3 hrs I think. I couldn't believe it was at 203 and probing tender that fast. I really didn't think it would work. Rested for about an hour and a half pictures don't do it justice. It was supremely juicy and tender. This method actually works very well. I thought someone might be interested to try it out.