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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    That is a fantastic idea that makes perfect sense.
  2. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    I have no more left but I don't bake sweets often enough to justify buying it. Nor do I like to have tons of charcoal sitting around. My backyard space is extremely limited.
  3. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    I may try something like that....I was going to do my son's bday cake but decided that was too risky. Used my over for the first time in months lol.
  4. I have tried the smoke pot a few times now and have liked the flavor result but two of the times I have had my fire go out. Does anyone do anything differently with airflow when using a smoke pot?
  5. Shuley


    The crust on that steak looks fantastic.
  6. Looks tasty. Pork and peach must be a fabulous combination.
  7. Curious about Chuck roll now.
  8. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    Do you find the Kamado suitable for sweet baking?
  9. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    I love a hint of smoke on Italian food.
  10. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    I am hesitant to do sweets on my kk yet. I will try it one day.
  11. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    I love the hint of smoke it imparts also.
  12. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    Thank you! I love baked ziti. My family pretty much cleared out the pan which is good....but I was expecting leftovers lol.
  13. So it's been a few nights but with soccer practice and a soccer cake, back to school night, and my 3 year old`s birthday this week I have not had time to post.roasting hatch chilis after all these wonderful posts I have seen about them and then saw them on sale at sprouts.on a toasted butter bun with mayo romaine and cheddar cheese. Those hatch chili's were easy to peel and very tasty.after the Fed in med challenge I had some left over Greek yogurt and feta so I turned that into a spread with garlic lemon juice and salt. I also topped with sliced kalamata olives. These were really good and I was just trying to be a little creative with left overs. I'll probably be doing cake, chicken thighs and corn on the cob for my son's family birthday dinner tonight. A little worried about smoke flavor on the chocolate cake. I may fill the basket with the new “premium” lump that was on clearance at target. Hopefully that will eliminate the flavor.
  14. Shuley

    Baked ziti

    Yet another use for koko Kamado when it is blazing hot outside....is it just me or is it actually easier to bake in a komodo than the oven?
  15. Wow. That looks like a heck of a meal.
  16. I have been thinking about doing gyros for several months, and lucky for me this challenge finally pushed me to do it! This made for an awesome dinner and I can tell you I will never crave a gyro from a restaurant again. Anyway I started with the gyro meat ingredients. I looked at a few recipes to get an idea of my seasonings but really just did what I felt like. Processed the onions then wrung them out with a towel. I could not believe the amount of liquid that they released. Then added the other ingredients. Processed then formed into a log and put in the fridge for several hours. Then I worked on the veggie marinade/Greek salad dressing. threw it all in the food processor.got out all my veggies (minus the hearts of romaine)chopped, skewered and poured the marinade on them. They went on the fridge and I rotated them every hour or so.then I got my ingredients for the Tzatziki sauce. I forgot to take an after picture. Then I finally got to the pita bread. I ended up mixing up recipies and so I didn't have everything in hand I needed and that changed the hydration, but I just did it by sight and it turned out super well! I realized I never took a picture of how much it rose....but it was a lot and really developed a lot of flavor too. A while later I lit koko Kamado and then prepped my salad. cut in half with salt and olive oil rubbed in. Then I got my meat on. put my dough into disks for a second rise. after just under an hour I put the lettuce and veggie skewers on. This was a tricky picture because I had the upper rack with stone heating for the pitas.took the meat off and let it rest.off came the lettuce.skewers stayed in for a bit as the grill got hotter. Took them off about 10 minutes later.cooked the pitas....these were soooooo much better than store bought. also they were very hard to transfer without stretching and making crazy shapes!while the last pitas were on, I started slicing the meat. You can see a smoke ring on this even after only an hour.then it was time to assemble. With Tzatziki, chili garlic sauce and some grilled veggies alongside a delicious grilled Greek salad.like I said....this was AMAZING. If you like lamb I highly recommend trying these at home!
  17. I love trying new recipies and then taking a trick or two towards developing my own version. Sounds like you do too!
  18. That looks like an awesome breakfast. What a nice way to spend a morning
  19. Thank you! I'm glad that at the beginning of the year I have still been able to find time to use my kamado
  20. Thanks They were all pretty good. Miss my summer time of cooking all day lol.
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