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Posts posted by jonj

  1. I use the ThermoWorks Signals/Billows/Battery pack combination when I use a controller and fan. I routinely use the Signals alone for temperature monitoring. I also use the ThermoWorks probes and temperature monitors for all indoor cooking, frying, sous vide, etc. as well so I just have one probe eco-system to deal with. The ThermoWorks probes are pretty tough. I've been using their stuff for well over a decade and my original probes still work.

    The Signals monitor/alarm is (I think) my 3rd or 4th ThermoWorks outdoor electronics temperature monitoring system, not because of failure but due to product improvements. I think with Signals they now have an electronic system which works well for the various low/slow and medium temperature types of outdoor cooking I do and has sufficient bells and whistles to meet my needs. 

    I have no affiliation with ThermoWorks; I just like their stuff. Finally, heed the comments about needing the damper for the Billows fan, if you decide to go that way. It is an essential piece for using the Billows with a KK.

  2. In a weird and negative twist on "eating local", the chickens in @David Chang's video are from the farm of Frank Reese (Good Shepard Poultry Ranch, Lindsborg, Kansas), which is about a 3 hour drive from me. However, to obtain one of his chickens for dinner, I would have to order it from New York, NY. 

    Here is a Facebook link to a Kansas Public Broadcasting show about his farm:  https://fb.watch/irFFlO-XzD/  and a link to his Good Shepard Conservancy:  https://goodshepherdconservancy.org/about/  (the section on Meet The Birds showcases the scope of his project).

    [Since this is mostly about one farmer in a rural area outside one small town in the middle of Kansas in the middle of the United States, it may be of little interest to others. However, David kind of started it with his chicken video and now that I'm down in this rabbit (chicken?) hole, I thought I should invite the rest of you in with me.]

    • Haha 2
  3. I've done several about half that size.  Rub of choice, then in refrigerator overnight. Next day it let rest on counter for 1 -2 hours to shed some of the chill while the KK heat sinks. Smoke at about 200-215°F grate temperature until roast center is 110°F (for rare) or 112°F (for medium rare). Pull and open the vents to get the KK up to about 500°F, then sear just above the charcoal for 1 - 1 1/2 minutes per side. Foil and towel then place in cooler to rest while center temperature reaches desired serving temperature. An 8 pound roast takes about 4 hours to reach 110-112° internal temperature, so 10 hours for your 14 pounder may be too long. But, like a brisket, it will hold in a cooler for several hours.


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  4. 3 hours ago, John T said:

    those done in our KK tend to cook the bottom faster than the top, and in the WFO the top faster than the bottom.

    I have an Alfa 4 Pizze, which I have had for a few months, and think the floor temperature is at least as important as the dome for pizza. One can always hold the pizza on the turning peel up toward the dome to finish the top if it lags the bottom. I use this to check the floor temp:


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  5. Experimented with fire-based equipment for dinner last night. Regular pork chops (I usually buy mutant monster pork chops but wanted to try normal ones for a change) on the KK16, whilst also cooking brussels sprouts in the Alfa wood oven. In retrospect, I ended up starting the sprouts about 15 minutes too soon in the Alfa and the fire was still too hot, but a good learning experience. 




    I will also go back to monster chops in the future. The thin ones don't have much of a margin between not ready and overdone. Certainly not one of my better cooks but it was fun juggling two fires. Next time I will instead use the KK23 (which is located next to the Alfa) instead of the KK16 (in a screened porch some distance away).

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