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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Clean and shiny, like the color. A good feast.
  2. Steve Raichlen used that grill for a whole beef shoulder clod, I believe the maker was Kalamazoo. Anyhow that does look like it will keep you busy and certainly up your game. Tear it up and get some nice gloves for protection
  3. Looks like you got enough smoke on it. How was it? Gotta be careful with fish...cook quick and only require light smoke for taste. Thats a cook I do every Sunday for the girls just prior to kick off, wings for me. Seems you and that KK have struck up a good friendship
  4. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    Oh, sorry. Read it too fast. Yah I do and possibly you would do it first before me since the new grill of yours is perfect for it. However, I may have to travel or call around and find a farmer for the piece of meat which is a "whole shoulder clod". This piece is approx 40lbs and was cooked by Steve Raichlen on an Argentinian grill. I haven't found the meat, although I have inquired and alas, I don't have the grill. But I do have a 30in x 30in refractory lined fire pit that I could rig a level of grates to and finish that cook. So that may be next. I guess a bucket list is something you think of as dreams yet achieved, maybe something beyond reach but you know you can get there with ambition and motivation. Just looking to improve Tekebo, stay on course and once in a while stumble off the path and venture into the wild.
  5. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    Glad you saw that. Or maybe, "you want to know if I'm moral enough to join the army, burn women, kids, house's and villages after bein' a litterbug." But yah, it sorta fit.
  6. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    10lbs wings, lg tray Jack Daniel Beans, 2 Racks of ribs with Memphis dust and sauced, 2 trays of Mac and cheese, Broccoli slaw and salad, Potato salad, Pineapple and Fruit Salad, APPS....Olives and mozzerrella, Charcuterie board, Taco dip, 5lbs schrimp and at least 10 desserts were to many to list. Endless beer and wine and thats what I remember off hand
  7. Like you Ckreef I have a number of cookers {toys} in the backyard and find them fun to use. The house oven makes great potatoa tots and Ore Ida fries. I've never looked at plotting my use but maybe I should take a look at how many times I fill my 40 gallon bin with lump. I do believe you'll interestingly will find you spend many hours at those cookers as indeed you should.
  8. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    Yes. It was! You should know because you enjoy entertaining and always set a nice plate. Started at 2 a.m. with coffee and on the offset at 3 a. m. at 250-75. Slowed the process down to 225 when the temp was rising to fast in the shoulder to come off in planned time for guests. Off around noon. As hosts I feel effort is overlooked by us because we endeavor to do all we can to make it a pleasurable time for our guests. Did I mention that it was injected, inspected and never neglected and tasted so good however the future methinks keeping the cook to around 20 lbs. Check mark on the bucket list
  9. Hang in there Ckreef your ship is almost due although your son is somewhat new.
  10. A nice lite snack, yum.
  11. That looks delish Tekebo and so healthy, hope it's accompanied by a good New England beer.
  12. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    Glad you were on on my wing, although it was a comfortable but long ride.
  13. OH, your not gonna like me,my son in law just dropped off 3 lbs of scallops fresh off the dragger. See what happens when they grow up, the store comes to you.
  14. Looks like everyone is enjoying the new KK, especially....precious.
  15. I'll take the banana bread...........what's in the brownies...Wojo.
  16. Tyrus

    55 lb pig

    Always wanted to cook a pig this size but, trouble is getting enough people around to eat it is the problem. The stars were aligned and that was accomplished today when 45 people came with appetites . I did manage two pics of the pig in it's case on the offset most other times my hands were busy and greasy. Looking back I can only say, don't be intimidated by size, in the end it was just a long cook and wasn't difficult. On a KK 32 or 42 cooking a pig is like an autonomous car, the road is clear, on the offset the challenge is constant. But do go for it, it's rewarding. Shout out to Eddie Mac..thanks
  17. In the area I'm in I see that piece of machinery as something called a Lull. An expensive piece and should do the trick, take it slow and good luck.
  18. Teleporter??? Didn't they have those on Star Trek or was that the transporter. Whatever, have a good bottle of port ready when it lands
  19. Looks great, and the side cast skillet grill is a plus. If you don't mind, I notice you use the side hanger for your grates. Although the design concept is to do just so I caution that over time in haste you may slip and hit the side tiles and that would be game changer. I'm not saying don't continue but with that weight and hanging effort so close to the tiles eventually,.... well I would make that mistake. Just sayin
  20. Tyrus

    Pizza night!

    Like the steel plate, gives it a custom look and keeps the deck nice and clean
  21. Winner, winner, ain't that a great chicken dinner. Nice cook, BOOyah.
  22. Good attitude. By the way I have a book titled 50 Shades of Chicken and coincidentally the author is KJ Fowler. Who'd a guessed, huh
  23. Simply torture how you post those pictures of sweet Italian creation, what would be worse I guess,.. is a video of you eating it. Nice
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