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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Consider it a trophy Tony for going the extra mile. Have to say that the added prep on Dennis's part saves him alot of phone time and his customers,.. peace of mind.
  2. I recall Dennis saying that at the factory the KK's are brought to 1000 degrees if I'm not mistaken. For what duration I'm not sure...so if this is a partial treatment and the remainder is your responsibility is anyone's guess. All I know is my burn-in was pretty easy, no poking tiles and limited solvent. The smell was there for quite some time and white residue was prevalent..I believe it could all be attributed to the denim blue color and square tiles I chose...yah that was it..superior color and square tiles. And for those living on large islands it could take longer Tekebo..you know, it's all based on science
  3. Yah, what Bruce said ! I'm speechless, that belongs in a magazine...you and Mac must have the same camera. It ain't fair
  4. Great looking cooks one and all. Nice Mac and cheese, could almost taste it. A handsome steak if I say so, myself. And yes Basher..Time is an ingredient, letting it sit a while as you say, mellows the flavor. Ask Toney, the same could be said in making a good brew.
  5. Summertime ribs, I remember when, those look good. Tell me ( a fire ban ? ) does it mean you can't even strike a match? You don't have to cook in the garage, do you ? I watched last years news and recall the devastation to property and human life, much like California. Let's hope it's a little easier this time around.
  6. Hector has all the toys. Now is he a distributor of BBQ items or are all the toys in his arsenal solely for his entertainment? I've watched his other vid's with the Stump's, Primo and pellet cooker reviews and always wondered if he had a BBQ store in AU. Anyhow a few years back this was my introduction on the 23 along with Larry's videos and they were helpful in making my purchase. I know he likes competitions and uses the Stump's or Primo in them because they're easier to transport with weight being an issue. But to leave it sitting in the garage for year before unwrapping shows a heck of alot of restraint and patience. Yes, a thorough compilation of the 32
  7. Definitely there have been a few posted Merrill with descriptions into grain fed vs grass fed and where geographically they are raised. Honestly for me the meat is right down the street. The local butcher caters to all my needs and since they specialize the prices are comparable to the larger markets. It's nice to find the diamond in the rough and even better to help the local economy as you have found. Mail order meat? I like to see what I'm buying first oh well, Guess we paint ourselves into corner... good habit bad habit, who knows. Think I'll play with these cards.
  8. I like it, you know I like it, yah. Tomorrows Sunday and the girls want Salmon on the grill for the game and I'll make it the same way as I've done for eons. Tuff job you know. That sure looks purdy
  9. That should go over well Toney, they look good and simply delish. I do believe after it's all gone and the masses are at your door you should have thought to park your butt close to an exit. Enjoy Meaning to say they'll only wish for more
  10. Tyrus

    Tri Tip 2

    Looking good Aussie. Haven't seen that particular Grill Mate marinade in the stores here although, I'm familiar with em. Nice job on that tri-steak
  11. Fall in Georgia, winter in New England. Unequal comparisons and then again we'll be jealous in the spring. Like the large handle pan Ckreef, I believe it's steel if I'm not mistaken. Do you prefer that over cast? Snap, crackle pop over the fire..nice sound it makes, and oh yes, something good over rice or veggies. Sounds like a good day and that's GOOD.
  12. I can see you 4 now, sitting on your recliners with your Daisy BB's locked and loaded.
  13. I guess I'm just a thrifty guy Ckreef...not to be mistaken with cheap, please. I keep the vents low and do mostly long slow delicious cooks requiring just a touch of heat. A style developed by admiring cooks as yours but, with a discerning eye to fuel conservation. Truly, just an estimate, but obviously approaching your desire for fuel would only make me come out of retirement and "get a job". And that my friend would be a reverse in course for my approach too life. I will try, as hard as it may be, it may take a while but, for now as most minor leaguers we keep working and waiting for our chance to be called up. I wonder, your appetite for fuel...are there any trees left in the yard?
  14. I recently bought a couple of 34LB bags of Frontier hardwood lump at BJ's a kinda Costco store here in New England. They had a Recommended review on The Naked Whiz with 51% at 5 and 39% at 4, pretty good. Less than $20 a bag and the quality of the bag itself was superior. I use upwards of around 300# per year to cook so I'm generally looking for a good domestic, this guy and Royal oak won't break the bank and your food won't suffer terribly. Mind you, it's not CocoChar but if you use a lot you have to be willing to experiment
  15. Mac, I remember it well also, the bank official I was dealing with looked at me as if I was walking into a trap when I requested to send that amount of money by wire transfer over seas. Boom Boom Red Flag All's well that ends well.
  16. Those floor boards were a hazard, tell the wife you were lucky to expose them and had saved the family from a disaster waiting to happen. It's a great hobby and pastime that all enjoy the benefits of. Don't forget to keep it covered in that British weather you have or maybe you can use those old floor boards and incorporate them into this.
  17. Tyrus

    Tri Tip

    Hope the memories remain good and you recover untarnished. My condolences, also
  18. Haven't seen these before so I thought I'd give em a go. I remember when Lays came out with BBQ chips and vinegar chips as novelties...the evolution revolution continues... and happy to say it brings us these. Grind them up and you got a nice cheesy BBQ Rub for ribs, who knows.
  19. I'm pretty sure a number of us use this one hand torch, the TS8000 with the Map/Pro canister (yellow). It has a quartz one click replaceable igniter and adjustable blue flame. Quite powerful and does the trick for a one hand convenience. Screw on bottle and whole kit $55. Doesn't have that kind of horsepower but hey 30-40 seconds and your done
  20. No the skin is left on as a wrap, basically it holds it all together. I find it the skin chewy when finished however it protects the meat somewhat during cooking. NOW the reskinned term comes into light when applied to thighs, too much effort...I'll stick to the easier prep
  21. I'm not quite sure I understand, "reskinned" Basher. All I can add to this is that removing the meat off the bone requires somewhat of a technique and study or better said, practice. Having a good knife doesn't accelerate your abilities it gives you a starting point. I managed to persevere because I believe the turkeys were double the size I had watched on video and were somewhat clumsy but I managed to eventually tie and stuff them in a fashion so, it worked. A 10-12 lb turkey would have been more co:operative for this effort.
  22. Happy Thanksgiving. Two 18-20lb Turkeys stuffed and tied with Sausage, sage, bread crumb and other goodies. Those two were finished in the Primo xl and the two stuffed Pork Loins were cooked in the KK. If you haven't deboned a turkey I'll tell that it takes alot longer than the person doing it on You tube. One Turkey roll was 25 inches long so the 23 was just shy of real estate. It fit well at an angle and twisted but I changed it over to the other cooker because I needed two anyhow. So here's a few pics from the end. Very easy to carve up and serve
  23. Looks like someone removed the scales if I'm not mistaken. Every weekend at game time the girls ask for salmon and obviously I oblige. Smoked salmon especially in Ireland at breakfeast is my favorite so this looks so fantastic..imagine that a salmon xmas tree, who woulda knew. Great job.
  24. Beautiful piece of salmon. What!, no purple crack. Looking forward to seeing the finished product
  25. Tis the season and it looks tempting too bite into. If you didn't know, to crunch the skin you could pause the motor for a time to brown it up, just sayin. Roto is very hypnotic, unsure if it's turn of the style or the hum of the motor, it just turns out soooooooo good.
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