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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Sometime I'm a day late and a dollar short, Well ain't that purdy too.
  2. Tyrus

    Up early for the cook

    Miracles never cease.
  3. Tyrus

    Up early for the cook

    The next time sure, be waiting by the beach with warm towels.
  4. 6:30 a.m. the 14lb choice brisket was on the Lang. Cooking with oak and maple and throwing in a couple charcoal briquettes every other feed. Not quite ready yet but, the bark has set well, 3 hrs in I added a rack of Cajun ribs. I also found a Bourbon down the packy that was offering some bourbon soaked brix free when buy a bottle special for smoking. Why not. I'll wrap later in paper and finish. This is how looks around 4 hrs in. Your all invited
  5. It's a shame you only end up with half as much as you started with. I like the look.
  6. General Lee territory there, N. Virginia. One question after seeing the picture Pequod,,,"Where you going to put the still". Good luck
  7. Tyrus

    Funky Old Cow

    That beef looked super, dark like cherry on the outside and pink as it should be on the slice. Nice knife too. Good idea with the Konro and the guests have a task to enjoy. The fish...could it have been a sweet pickled herring? Like the high tech probe, sticking out on the high end. Try as you might next time that'll be hard to beat
  8. Twins, double the pleasure. That would look good on any table, great color
  9. Tyrus

    Funky Old Cow

    Well !! Are you still cleaning up? Hiding from the neighbors. Praytell how was the Beef?
  10. Well at least we know where all the coffee char is, in your garage. Trying to corner the market are we?
  11. Looks good Aussie but the taste is what sparks my interest. Your breaking undiscovered ground, you know, new territory with the lime.
  12. Very nice, eye appealing. Hows the clean-up
  13. In all your glory meaning..........naked. Don't worry about it, it's the way you came in and it's the way you'll leave. Long as you have high fences, thats what counts.
  14. Did somebody open the vents? If you were cooking ribs, temps are around 225-75, so while your out somebody is playing with your controls or it just burned out on it's own accord. I'd consider it a win win unless your back or neck is killing you from sleeping in a yard chair. You already did the burn-in, so your tight. Remember, drinking beer is like running a marathon.............pace yourself.
  15. I was at the airport waiting by the ramp, you know minding my own business smoking some of my sausage lady stuff and all of a sudden these 3 big Nova Scotian's start down the ramp with an eye ball on me. Presence, determination,and training entered my mind first, so I began to run. As a decoy of course, and realizing most Nova Scotian's having a weakness for smoked fish I tossed a few pieces into a ladies room as I passed, the women inside took no prisoners, as most women do today. Sorry I couldn't be there. Rain check
  16. Mac and I had plans, oh well, a picture is worth a thousand miles. And Vietnamese being my favorite, spare me...don't say you brought home extras. Oh, the humanity of it all ! AHH,, Raincheck I presume
  17. I just did. She said, A woodchuck would chuck all the wood it could if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Smart girl but, my girl is Alexa.
  18. They were real good Bruce, much better than the market. Funny story Bruce while I got you here. This morning I let the dogs out and they bee lined right for the garden and shed area and began sniffing intently. I inspected the garden and found my cucumbers that were climbing up the fence devoured. I suspected a woodchuck done me in and I had the trap to do him in. The trap was set with celery, one of Ckreef's cherries and a slice of red pepper and then left the house for about three hours on errands. Came back and there he was sitting pretty in the trap if my name ain't Jerimiah Johnson and all the food was gone. So I decided we needed to take a ride down some lonely dark country road...............nah I didn't kill him, just moved him into a new neighborhood. The next time this happens and I trap his big brother I was thinking,, Mac lives in the boonies, it could make a good cook, maybe she'll share one of her woodchuck recipes. You know up thare in Nova Scotia they don't waste a thing
  19. Way to go, I presume that handle on the left is the height adjustment, chicken sounds great.....what time?
  20. Thanks Bruce, they looked a little naked
  21. Those searing grates are looking way to clean, they look much better when they're all dressed up.
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