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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. I'd like to know who did it and find out where they sourced the tiles! The tile size/source that Dennis currently uses has been tried and tested for fit (I imagine his staff have a way of reliably turning out good looking KKs based on a known pattern for each KK) and for weight (to ensure springs etc work as they have been designed). I spent about a month last year trying to hunt down a company with tiles of the size that Dennis specified. When I finally found one company with the right size here in the UK, it turned out that they imported them from the exact same tile factory that Dennis uses in Indonesia. I smiled and gave up at that point. That said, I would be interested in knowing if anyone else has indeed managed to find the right size tiles/had a custom build from @DennisLinkletter
  2. Ahhh. I see what you are saying @Poochie. You are right, if you quote someone and respond to their post, your response can end up miles away from their original post if other people have posted in the meantime. You say that they will then have to read through all the intervening posts before they get to your response. They won't. If they have notifications set, they will get a notification that someone has commented on one of their posts and, if they click on the notification they'll get taken straight to the comment that has been made.
  3. Fish on the 16TT tonight. Forgot to take pictures of the carrots on the grill but here they are plated with the fish and a spinach and borlotti salad. Made use of the hot KK to cook the sides for tomorrow's dinner. Slow roasted, assorted vegetables from the allotment. Can't wait for dinner tomorrow!
  4. That sounds like an interesting and potentially very simple solution @GT4426. Can you post photos to show how it goes together?
  5. I'll hold you to that!!
  6. @Troble I can just taste that tuna, slippery sliding down and then licking the soy sauce of my lips. Must get me some!
  7. The pizzas look great and it is lovely to be introduced to your new toy @jeffshoaf. I have found that, even though I proof my bread dough in a temperature controlled proofer, it does behave differently in the summer to in the winter. I have reduced hydration by 10% and shortened the proving times to overcome that. I don't remember where in the US you live but would be interested in knowing if the handling of your dough changes with the seasons. I too buy my flour in bulk and had beginner's luck with the first batch and then lost two loads of 00 flour to weevils. I now store my 00 and plain bread flour in the freezer and the cold flour acts as a nice counter balance to the warmth of my fresh milled whole grain when I mix the two. Now there's a toy for you - do you have a flour mill already or is that on your Christmas list?
  8. That looks great @jonj. I agree, it is a very tasty recipe. Thank you to @Troble, again. 👏🏾💕
  9. For holding a cowboy's ponytail in place?
  10. 😱 I know that no KK feeling. Not a good place to be. Hurrah! Look forward to seeing it in situ when you are all sorted. I am still enjoying my 3 KK combo.
  11. Hi there @Mcjudsten. I saw your recent cook in your 16 (yummy looking by the way) and remembered this post. What does your set up look like and how are you enjoying the combo of a 42 and 16?
  12. Nice cooks Mac! Here had a nice evening, rediscovering the fun of cooking on my Brawny Bambino aka 16TT. Started with homegrown sweetcorn, cooked in their husks. It was super delicious. No seasoning or butter. Just naked out of the husk. Then I blackened some peppers for a pepper pesto that I'll be making tomorrow. The human scale of the 16 is great, I just turned the peppers with my fingers. And now for a sight that Mac will hate. My dry ager is full of fish. Salt cod from Spain and, at the bottom, tonight's dinner. Rainbow trout fillets left in for half a day to dry the skin out. I oiled the grates and sprayed the fish with oil before cooking. Very pleased with the results. The fish was basted with a soy sauce and mirin mixture and the finished product reminded me of a less intense version of the grilled eel that the Japanese serve. Yum.
  13. tekobo

    This Little Pig...

    Woo hoo! You catch me coming off Dennis' website and telling myself that I really do not need a 42. Happy for you. Sorry, no pictures of pigs in a 42 but looking forward to seeing yours!
  14. tekobo


    Aha. Very exciting to see some actual Dennis cocochar, thanks @johnnymnemonic. This is the stuff that I use: https://proqsmokers.co.uk/products/proq-coconut-shell-briquettes. It is excellent, no crumbling after the cook, slow burning and very efficient. That reminds me - I'm running low. Will put in an order in case they get a shortage. No KK person likes to be without their favourite fuel.
  15. Ha. I had to go back and watch to the vid to see what I said. Thank you @Syzygies for watching to the end and providing the timing range so I could find it quickly. Shame. I didn't do my bit for gender equality. I normally say "Bob's your uncle and Matilda's your Tante. Next time.🤗
  16. I think it was the benefit of waiting for the fire to die down. He would have needed a grate about a floor up to get away from those flames! @jeffshoaf, @Basher thank you for the tips. I do use kiln dried wood but it will of course absorb moisture from the air. I like the idea of wood fire and found that my Solo stove is very good at keeping the smoke down so I have used that instead. Will try again on my Argie grill. The thought of wood smoke on my burgers. Hmmm.
  17. That's some fire you got going there @jeffshoaf! What was it like for smoke? I only tried wood once in my Argie grill - too much smoke for my urban setting.
  18. tekobo


    Thanks for posting Johnny. I would be interested in photos. I have never had the chance to use Dennis' coco char but I do use coconut briquettes here in the UK and they work well for me. Curious to see if the Blazing Coco stuff is different. I would also be interested in seeing the link you found to videos of Dennis' cocochar. We are unlikely to get it in the UK anytime soon but we can dream.
  19. Thanks Mac. When it comes to grilling at a party I have learned to delegate the actual grilling to friends so that I don’t get too stressed, trying to juggle too much at a critical time. When I returned to see what they had done I was so excited by the results and tasting to test that I completely forgot about photos. I wish I could show you how nice the blackened edges of the veal shish were. Next time.
  20. I think you are right about needing to make a cut. Worth a check with @DennisLinkletter to make sure we have not led you astray!
  21. Thank you. The timing for the pears will depend on how ripe they are I’m guessing. I am also guessing how long mine took me to cook as we were well into the meal by then and drink may have impaired my memory. I didn’t peel them, just halved and cored. I left them sitting in a warm sugar syrup with spices for a few hours. I didn’t want them to cook, just infuse the flavour. The cast iron griddle was in the KK for at least half an hour before I applied a little clarified butter and then cooked the pears face down for about 5 minutes and then on their backs for about 10minutes. I think this is a fairly forgiving dessert and the main thing is to achieve the colour you want without the pears falling apart. I also think I was cooking at about 200C.
  22. Here are photos of the two types of shaft that I have. In each case there is one uncut shaft alongside the one that we cut down so that it would fit a particular motor. As you can see, a fair bit had to come off.
  23. I get why you are not convinced. How long is the shaft? I will go and check the length of my uncut one here. In any case, you seem to have managed to cook a great porchetta. How did you manage it? You didn't stand there turning it by hand did you???
  24. We had our August banquet yesterday. It was a Turkish theme and we started with veal shish kebabs, followed by slow cooked lamb shoulder and spiced rice and we finished with grilled pears and pistachio ice cream topped with roasted pistachio pieces. It was a great afternoon/evening and I clean forgot to take pictures of the meat on the KK. Here are some random photos, taken when I did remember. This was early in the day when I was grilling onions for an onion salad to go with the veal shish kebabs. My OCD friend threaded the onion layers on in opposite directions to maximise surface area exposed to the fire. Messy shot of the onion salad, roasted hot green pepper relish and yogurt, after all the meat had been eaten. The shredded shoulder of lamb was accompanied by this rice dish, a parsley salad and garlicky yogurt this time. This picture of the roasted pears and the pistachios being toasted illustrates perfectly why I need a 42. The fact that my 23 was warm and could easily have done the toasting job is beside the point... And a gratuitous second photo of the roasted pears. They were that good. A meatless Turkish banquet? No, but lack of photos of the meat attests to the fact that we were just too busy getting into it. The recipes came from Oklava other than the perfumed spiced lamb which came from Persiana and the rice which came from Moro.
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