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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. I watched your video all the way to the end. I was fascinated by the comings and goings of your dog in the background. Very well behaved, not to be begging for some of that good looking pork!
  2. I agree. I keep mine, with all its probes, because I think there will be a cook sometime in the future that demands the security and ease of a controller. In practice I would do better to put it up for sale to someone who would actually use it!
  3. Great news Alex. I just read your post out to The Husband. He remarked on the difference between planning for a 23" and ending up with a 19" AND a 32". Good job KKC! Have you chosen the same colour as your 19" or are you taking a non-matching route with the 32"?
  4. Yay! What fun. I am separated from my grills at the moment but will join the fray on my return. In the meantime I am enjoying raw seafood Italian style and marvelling at how hot their peperoncino sauces are. It shows what a mash up food culture is - the Japanese do not have the copyright on sushi and we Africans do not have a monopoly on heat and spice. Looking forward to the first food posts here!
  5. Enjoying watching the canal flow by here. I will give your proposal due consideration sir. I am minded to propose one amendment and one addition to this initial wager. May we consider best season record in each conference i.e. who is the no 1 seed in each? Also, there may be some merit (and fun) in betting on which bottom placed team will make the most improvement this year. I am open to suggestions as to how to measure this but my plan was that we could only choose between the eight teams that came at the bottom of their division last year. What say you?
  6. Looking through the various categories, there is not an obvious place to put an African recipe section. Keen also that African recipes are cooked by all, not just those who are African given it was @tony b and @Pequod who contributed most to the advancement of the Nigerian suya thread. Up to @DennisLinkletter to decide if there is a sensible place to showcase African inspired cooks. In the meantime we could agree to tag such recipes with the word "African" so that they are easily found by others who are interested. Does that sound OK or do others have a better idea?
  7. Congratulations on the win @tony b. Awesome result, as Steve said, at the competition and dinner!
  8. Of bowties and things. Just waking up in Padova @Tyrus. Verdict on last night's pizzas (we went to two recommended places and shared a pizza in each) was that they are not as good as we make them (to our taste obviously) on the KK at home. The seafood fritto misto snack that we had for lunch was fab though. Won't subject you to swimming across the Atlantic when you lose our bet this year. Will work out a lighter wager that you can afford to send without harming your first born child. No African cooks on my mind at the moment but I think your cast iron pot will do well for a nice slow cooked black eyed bean dish. I normally resort to my pressure cooker these days but there must be some fun ways to use the KK to add smoke and taste in a similar way to open fires back home. Will experiment. Just need to wait for @Braai-Q to set up our thread. In the meantime, you enjoy that bow-tie Martini.
  9. Still resisting joining the air fryer cult. Deep fried in fat still works for me with chips. Not so bad because I am being pretty healthy with my donabe cooks. Really loving the hot pots. They help me get vegetables into my diet in a subtle and really tasty way.
  10. Lobster/shrimp roll. Fantastic invention Tony. No need to choose between your favourites. I am surprised how good those "chips" look, coming from an air fryer. The only reason I can resist is the fact that I prefer fries - which are what we call chips round here. All good.
  11. Looking great @Tyrus. I would ask you to put this into a sports bet in the hope of acquiring it and getting it to the UK - in a heartbeat. What are you using the cast iron pot for?
  12. You had me with the wings without throwing in the mac n cheese Mac. Breakfast here is going to be larger than it should be as a result of your "intervention"!
  13. Deal. To Africa and beyond!
  14. Cool. It would be really good to see some posts of your food. I remember @ckreef saying he was looking forward to some "strange" food when I explained that I am African. It is my honour to pass on the compliment - get some strange onto this site!
  15. Now that is interesting. I've never heard of sosaties. I just took a look in my only South African cookbook, "Cape Town Food", and there is no reference there. The online recipes for sosaties talk about meat with cinnamon spicing and apricot on the kebab stick. Definitely an interesting twist on a kebab. On the list to try this summer, for sure.
  16. You're the second southern African who has welcomed me to the African family today. I am super happy because I decided to try to contact the South African butcher by email and it turns out he is doing stuff for friends and family and I am part of his African friends and family group so I may yet get access to his marinades and/or flatties. Just figuring out if he will do mail order. Hurrah! Oh yes, and I am a card carrying African too. From Lagos, Nigeria.
  17. Mac, outcome was good. Made it to Cardiff safely and bought my cheese today. Chose some interesting Welsh cheeses but can't comment on taste yet because I picked nicely packed rinded soft cheeses for ease of portability. Fingers crossed, they will taste as good as predicted. Alex, if you have a recommendation for a South African butcher I would be keen to know. There used to be a truly awesome South African butcher in Leeds market but he has ceased trading. He did boerewors and loads of different sausages. Our favourite was pork and cheese - weird but wonderfully delicious. I was once called to baggage security at Leeds airport because they were suspicious of my suitcase. It was packed solid with eight of his chakalaka and piri piri marinated flatties. Apparently a suitcase full of eight raw chickens had a similar chemical signature to some form of explosive. Or maybe they just felt like pulling my case. Anyway, v keen for any recommendations of where to buy good South African prepared meat. Shame about your experience at Menu Gordon Jones. I like surprises. Just hope the food lives up to expectations when we go.
  18. Not so sure. Sausage skin is a special thing to be celebrated. Gonna try to bring some fresh links back to cook up on the KK. Cheese what we have taken to Italy to date is our favourite, Lancashire Bomb. Buy two it from Shorrocks. Eat one when it arrives and store the second for a month or two or three. Delish. Planning to take Isle of Wight Blue this time and whatever I pick out at the Cardiff market tomorrow. Will be accompanied on shopping trip by cheese mad Indian friend who can't remember the names of the cheeses she likes but will know when she sees them. Fingers crossed, the Italians will be happy. One of our Italian friends shares the cheese with his friends in the bar so we can't fail him. Bath. Booked in to Menu Gordon Jones in July. Have you tried it? No passing on motorways. Not in any fit state to be driving here. Train all the way. Just have to stay awake and get off at Cardiff Central. Going all the way to Swansea would not be a good outcome.
  19. Off to Italy soon. We don't usually buy sausage but will take the book to inform any buying decisions. Promise to report back on results. Agree re: life being too short for bad food. En route back to Cardiff. We like to wind up the Italians by taking them presents of cheese that we like. Off to the market in Cardiff tomorrow lunchtime to find some good stuff to take on our journeys. Welsh cheese to confound the Italians. Loving it.
  20. Hey @Braai-Q. So, I have followed up on a couple of your recommendations. Your warranty on the sausage book is safe. I bought it for £0.01 plus postage off Amazon and I like it very much. I also realise that I already have a book by Mary Contini called "Dear Francesca" and it is my go to for her pesto recipe and method. I was in London today and called ahead to see if Hix Soho had the rhubarb tart on the menu. The lady on bookings was very kind and undertook to check with the kitchen. Unfortunately this was not the week for rhubarb tart. So...I went to the Rochelle Canteen at the ICA for dinner. My friend and I really enjoyed it. The icing on the cake was seeing Fergus Henderson arrive for a quick drink before service started in earnest. He is a hero of mine. Awesome. Thanks.
  21. So happy to hear that your employer is on board. A little more worried that we might have a disconnect when it comes to the exact nature of the goat. In my paradigm the goat is dead and prepared for your inaugural 42 cook. Your note above seems to imply the goat might have feelings and actually be alive on arrival. I could go with that. You just have to fulfil your part of the deal!
  22. It looks beautiful and so very functional. Congratulations @Steve M! It was worth all the hard work. Raising a glass (screwdriver tonight) to you and yours.
  23. Welcome to the 21 club @Alohapiggy. Metallic bronze is a great colour. I look forward to seeing your new KK in all its beauty.
  24. tekobo

    KK Soufflé

    Yes, Lodge. I love Lodge cast iron gear. I used it because I did want some bottom heat but not too much. I hadn't thought of using it for a pizza though. Good thinking Batman, worth a try to see how it works.
  25. tekobo

    Celeriac Lasagna

    This version just might fatten him up. I am looking forward to the coming season and hoping that Wentz isn't eating lasagna.
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